Sickness can come to all people, including important people, as you can read in II Kings 5:1
Now Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded, because through him the Lord had given victory to Aram. He was a valiant soldier, but he had leprosy.
However, a young girl in his household has the answer to his problem: Naaman should visit the prophet in Samaria, as you can read in II Kings 5:2-3
Now bands of Aram had gone out and had taken captive a young girl from Israel and she served Naaman’s wife. She said to her mistress, “If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy.”
No doubt, Naaman will already have been to every doctor in the land but to no avail. All the medicine he has received up till this moment will only have made him worse rather than better. Very likely, that is why he decides to listen to this young girl’s advice. I doubt that he would have listened to her at any other time. In fact, he may not even have known of her existence in his household. But times are not normal for he is a very sick man and he knows it. Now Naaman has a very close relationship with his king so he goes to him and explains to him what the young girl in his household has suggested he should do. The king is only too pleased to do whatever he can to prepare the way for Naaman to be received with favour in Israel but he goes about it in the way that kings do by writing a letter to the king of Israel. After all, kings communicate with kings and not with ordinary people such as prophets, as you can read in II Kings 5:4-5
Naaman went to his master and told him what the girl from Israel had said. “By all means, go,” the king of Aram replied. “I will send a letter to the king of Israel.” So Naaman left, taking with him ten talents of silver, ten thousand shekels of gold and ten sets of clothing.
And so Naaman sets off on his journey to meet with the king of Israel. However, God has not prepared the king of Israel to be His instrument of healing for Naaman. He has chosen the prophet to be that instrument, just as the young girl has said. Consequently, the king becomes very confused when he reads the letter of the king of Aram for God has not told him about his plans for Naaman, as you can read in II Kings 5:6-7
The letter that he took to the king of Israel read, “With this letter I am sending my servant Naaman to you that you may cure him of his leprosy.” As soon as the king of Israel read the letter, he tore his robes and said, “Am I God? Can I kill and bring back to life? Why does this fellow send someone to me to be cured of his leprosy? See how he is trying to pick a quarrel with me!”
Thankfully, someone does know what God intends to do for this important soldier of Aram and his name is Elisha, the prophet. As soon as he hears about the distress of the king, he sends a message to him telling the king to have Naaman come to him instead. Very relieved, the king sends Naaman on his way to the true man of God, Elisha. Let him deal with this very sick person. Perhaps he can do something for him, as you can read in II Kings 5:8
When Elisha the man of God heard that the king of Israel had torn his robes, he sent him this message, “Why have you torn your robes? Make the man come to me and he will know that there is a prophet in Israel.”
As instructed by the king, Naaman travels down to Elisha’s home expecting a special welcome from the prophet. No doubt, the prophet will meet him the moment he arrives and will perform his special brand of magic to bring about his healing. However, that does not happen. In fact, when Naaman arrives at the door of Elisha’s home. Elisha does not even come out but sends his servant with a message, as you can read in II Kings 5:9
So Naaman went with his horses and chariots and stopped at the door of Elisha’s house. Elisha sent a messenger to say to him, “Go wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed.”
The message states that Naaman is to wash himself in the river Jordan and to do it not just once or twice but to do it seven times! These words hurt the pride of Naaman so much that he flies into a rage and declares that he may as well go home and wash in one of the rivers in his own country for they are so much better than the river Jordan, as you can read in II Kings 5:11-12
But Naaman went away angry and said, “I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord His God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy. Are not Abana and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than any of the waters in Israel? Couldn’t I wash in them and be cleansed?” So he turned and went off in a rage.
He is about to leave when his servants begin to speak to him. Their care for him is very obvious from the way they address him as “my father.” They are able to calm him down and go to the river Jordan after all, as you can read in II Kings 5:13
Naaman’s servants went to him and said, “My father, if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much more, then, when he tells you, “Wash and be cleansed?”
When he gets to the river he begins to dip himself into the water. It is true, he has been told he has to do it seven times. However, he hopes that he will be healed after the first dip already. But that does not happen for, when he comes up out of the water after the first time, he is still as leprous as ever. So he dips into the water for the second time. But still there is no change. He dips into the water for the third time. Still nothing has happened to his skin condition. He is about to give up but his servants encourage him to go on for, after all, he is supposed to dip into the water seven times. For their sake, he dips into the water for the fourth time. Again, no change. The fifth time, still no change. Even the sixth time, as expected, there is no change to his skin condition. He really would like to give up but, it is true, he only needs to take one more dip and so he goes under the water one more time. And when he comes up out of the water this time, everything is different, for this time his skin is as smooth and beautiful as that of a young boy, as you can read in II Kings 5:14
So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy.
The miracle has happened. He has been healed just as the man of God told him would happen. Naaman rides back to Elisha’s home. This time his heart is no longer full of pride but full of gratitude to the prophet and to the God of Israel who has healed him. And he determines that from now on he will serve the God of Israel, as you can read in II Kings 5:15-19a
Then Naaman and all his attendants went back to the man of God. He stood before him and said, “Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel. Please accept now a gift from your servant.” The prophet answered, “As surely as the Lord lives, whom I serve, I will not accept a thing.” And even though Naaman urged him, he refused. “If you will not,” said Naaman, “please let me, your servant, be given as much earth as a pair of mules can carry, for your servant will never again make burnt offerings and sacrifices to any other god but the Lord. But may the Lord forgive your servant for this one thing: When my master enters the Temple of Rimmon to bow down and he is leaning on my arm and I bow there also – when I bow down in the Temple of Rimmon, may the Lord forgive your servant for this.” “Go in peace,” Elisha said.
It seems this story is primarily about two people: Naaman, the soldier and Elisha, the prophet of God. However, they are not the reason why I have chosen for us to look at this story. I chose this story because of “a young girl in Israel”. You see, if not for this young girl, Naaman would not have known about the prophet of God and he would not have received his healing. Therefore, this young girl has a very important role to play in this story. Let’s read again what has been written about her in II Kings 5:2-3
Now bands from Aram had gone out and had taken captive a young girl from Israel and she served Naaman’s wife. She said to her mistress, “If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy.”
Now these are only a few lines but there is a story behind these few lines that is worth investigating. First of all, you can learn from these few lines that there is a young girl who once lived in a village or a town in Israel where she will have lived at home with her family. Every day she will have gone about her usual business of helping in the home. Then one day a group of enemy soldiers arrives in the village or town where she lives. No doubt, she will have hidden because she will have known that these men will have been up to do no good. But to no avail for she is snatched from her home and taken far away to a strange country, where the people speak a different language, have strange customs and most of all serve a false god. And, instead of being a beloved daughter of her parents, she has become a servant of the wife of a man named Naaman.
Every day she will have cried as soon as she has gone to bed because she so desperately misses her mother and her father and her brothers and sisters. She will have worried about them for she does not know what has happened to them. She has often prayed to her God to bring her back home but He has not done so. However, she knows that He is taking care of her even in this strange land for He has given her kind people to serve. One day her master becomes ill with leprosy and his condition gets worse and worse. So eventually she dares to speak to her mistress about the prophet of God in her own nation who surely can bring healing to her master. She is very happy when her master does go to her country. And so she waits until his return. And then one day she hears voices outside the house, including the voice of her master and his voice sounds full of life and strength. So she knows God has healed her master. Right there and then in the middle of the room where she is cleaning she kneels down and thanks God for the miracle that only He could have performed….
Having shown this story from the young girl’s viewpoint I would now like for us to look at it from a heavenly viewpoint for God has His eyes on this young girl, as you can read in II Chronicles 16:9a
For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him….
She may be a nobody in the eyes of the world but God delights in choosing the weak, as you can read in I Corinthians 1:26-29
Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things – and the things that are not – to nullify the things that are so that no-one may boast before Him.
And He has chosen the plans for her life, as you can read in Ephesians 2:10
For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
So God chose the place where she was to live, when she was to live there, and the family she was to be part of. He even allowed her to be abducted. But the abduction took place by a specific people selected by Him, who took her back to a nation selected by Him, where she came to live in a home selected by Him. He allowed the master of the household to become ill and used this young girl as His tool to bring healing and restoration to this man. In fact, God used this young girl to bring salvation to this household, for you have learned that this man after his healing decided to worship the God of Israel instead of the god of his own country. No doubt, he will have introduced the God of Israel to his whole household. Paul explains these principles in Romans 8:28
For we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Therefore, if God can use a young girl from Israel, whose name who do not even know, but whose name was known by God, then you can believe that God can and wants to use you too. You may not be known by the world but you will be known by God by name. And that is what really matters. So, know that God is the One who has chosen for you the place where you were to be born, when you were to be born there and chose the family you were to be born into. And He has a plan and a purpose for you because He knows you and loves you. So allow God to use you just as He chose to use this young girl. Moreover, following God’s plan and purpose for your life will bring you a satisfaction beyond what you may have ever known.
Question 1: Can sickness come to all people?
Answer: Sickness can come to all people, including important people.
Question 2a: According to II Kings 5:1 who is the commander of the army of the king of Aram?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:1 Naaman is the commander of the army of the king of Aram.
Question 2b: According to II Kings 5:1 why does the king of Aram highly regard Naaman?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:1 the king of Aram highly regards Naaman because through him the Lord has given victory to Aram.
Question 2c: According to II Kings 5:1 what does Naaman suffer from?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:1 Naaman has leprosy.
Question 3: Who in Naaman’s household has the answer to his problem?
Answer: A young girl in Naaman’s household has the answer to his problem.
Question 4: Who should Naaman visit?
Answer: Naaman should visit the prophet in Samaria.
Question 5a: According to II Kings 5:2-3 who has gone out of Aram?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:2-3 bands of soldiers have gone out of Aram.
Question 5b: According to II Kings 5:2-3 who have these bands of Aram taken captive?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:2-3 these bands of Aram have taken captive a young girl from Israel.
Question 5c: According to II Kings 5:2-3 who does the young girl from Israel serve?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:2-3 the young girl from Israel serves Naaman’s wife.
Question 5d: According to II Kings 5:2-3 what does the young girl from Israel say to her mistress?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:2-3 the young girl from Israel says to her mistress that she wishes for her master Naaman to go and see the prophet who is in Samaria.
Question 5e: According to II Kings 5:2-3 why does the young girl from Israel wish for Naaman to see the prophet who is in Samaria?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:2-3 the young girl from Israel wishes for Naaman to see the prophet who is in Samaria because he will cure Naaman of his leprosy.
Question 6: Will Naaman have been to every doctor in Aram?
Answer: Naaman will have been to every doctor in Aram but to no avail.
Question 7: Has any medicine that Naaman has taken made him better?
Answer: All medicine that Naaman has taken up till this moment may have made him worse rather than better.
Question 8: Why does Naaman decide to listen to the young girl’s advice?
Answer: Naaman may have decided to listen to the young girl’s advice because times are not normal.
Question 9: Why are times not normal for Naaman?
Answer: Times are not normal for Naaman because he knows that he is a very sick man and no medicine has made him better.
Question 10: Who does Naaman go to see?
Answer: Naaman goes to see the king of Aram.
Question 11: What does Naaman tell the king of Aram?
Answer: Naaman tells the king of Aram what the young girl in his household has suggested he do.
Question 12: In what way does the king of Aram prepare the way for Naaman to be received with favour in Israel?
Answer: The king of Aram goes about preparing to way for Naaman to be received with favour in Israel in the way that kings do by writing a letter to the king of Israel.
Question 13: Why does the king of Aram write a letter to the king of Israel?
Answer: The king of Aram writes a letter to the king of Israel because kings communicate with kings and not with ordinary people such as prophets.
Question 14a: According to II Kings 5:4-5 what does the king of Aram say to Naaman?
Answer: According to II Kings 5: 4-5 the king of Aram says to Naaman that he should go.
Question 14b: According to II Kings 5:4-5 what does the king of Aram say he will do?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:4-5 the king of Aram says that he will send a letter to the king of Israel.
Question 14c: According to II Kings 5:4-5 what does Naaman take with him?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:4-5 Naaman takes with him ten talents of silver, ten thousand shekels of gold and ten sets of clothing.
Question 15: who has God chosen to be His instrument of healing for Naaman?
Answer: God has chosen the prophet to be the instrument of healing for Naaman.
Question 16: How does the king of Israel feel about the letter from the king of Aram?
Answer: The king of Israel becomes very confused when he reads the letter from the king of Aram.
Question 17: Why does the king of Israel become confused when he reads the letter of the king of Aram?
Answer: The king of Israel becomes confused when he reads the letter of the king of Israel because God has not told him about His plans for Naaman.
Question 18a: According to II Kings 5:6-7 what has the king of Aram written in his letter?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:6-7 the king of Aram has written in his letter that he has sent his servant Naaman to the king of Israel so that the king of Israel may cure him of his leprosy.
Question 18b: According to II Kings 5:6-7 what does the king of Israel do in response to the letter from the king of Aram?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:6-7 the king of Israel tears his robes in response to the letter from the king of Aram.
Question 18c: According to II Kings 5:6-7 what does the king of Israel say in response to the letter from the king of Aram?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:6-7 the king of Israel says that the king of Aram seems to think that he is God and can kill and bring back to life.
Question 18d: According to II Kings 5:6-7 what question does the king of Israel have?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:6-7 the king of Israel wonders why the king of Aram has sent him someone to be cured of leprosy.
Question 18e: According to II Kings 5:6-7 does the king of Israel wonder about the reason the king of Aram has sent Naaman to him?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:6-7 the king of Israel wonders if the king of Aram is trying to pick a quarrel with him.
Question 19: Does anyone know what God intends to do for Naaman?
Answer: Someone does know what God intends to do for Naaman.
Question 20: Who knows what God intends to do for Naaman?
Answer: Elisha, the prophet knows what God intends to do for Naaman.
Question 21: What does the prophet Elisha do?
Answer: The prophet Elisha sends a message to the king of Israel.
Question 22: What does the king of Israel do when he receives the prophet Elisha’s message?
Answer: The king of Israel sends Naaman on his way to the true man of God, Elisha as soon as he has received the message from the prophet Elisha.
Question 23a; According to II Kings 5:8 what has Elisha heard the king of Israel has done?
Answer: According to II kings 5:8 Elisha has heard that the king of Israel had torn his robes.
Question 23b: According to II Kings 5:8 what does Elisha do when he hears that the king has torn his robes?
Answer; According to II Kings 5:8 Elisha sends the king of Israel a message when he hears that the king has torn his robes.
Question 23c: According to II Kings 5:8 what does Elisha ask the king of Israel in his message?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:8 Elisha asks the king of Israel in his message why he has torn his robes.
Question 23d: According to II Kings 5:8 what does Elisha write to the king of Israel with regards Naaman?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:8 Elisha writes to the king of Israel to send Naaman to him.
Question 23e: According to II Kings 5:8 why does Elisha write to the king of Israel to send Naaman to him?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:8 Elisha writes to the king of Israel to send Naaman to him so that Naaman will know that there is a prophet in Israel.
Question 24: What does Naaman do?
Answer: Naaman travels down to Elisha’s home.
Question 25: What does Naaman expect will happen?
Answer: Naaman expects a special welcome from the prophet Elisha.
Question 26: What kind of welcome is Naaman expecting?
Answer: Naaman expects that the prophet Elisha will meet him the moment he arrives and perform his special brand of magic to bring about his healing.
Question 27: What happens when Naaman arrives at Elisha’s home?
Answer: Elisha sends his servant with a message when Naaman arrives at his home.
Question 28a: According to II Kings 5:9 how does Naaman travel to Elisha’s home?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:9 Naaman travels with horses and chariots to Elisha’s home.
Question 28b: According to II Kings 5:9 who does Elisha send to Naaman?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:9 Elisha sends a messenger to Naaman.
Question 28c: According to II Kings 5:9 what does the messenger say to Naaman?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:9 the messenger says to Naaman to wash himself seven times in the Jordan.
Question 28d: According to II Kings 5:9 what will happen after Naaman has washed himself seven times in the Jordan?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:9 Naaman’s flesh will be restored and he will be cleansed after he has washed himself seven times in the Jordan.
Question 29: Does the message state that Naaman has to wash himself in the river Jordan once or twice?
Answer: The message states that Naaman has to wash himself in the river Jordan not once or twice, but seven times.
Question 30: Is Naaman’s pride hurt by this command of the prophet Elisha?
Answer: Naaman’s pride is very much hurt.
Question 31: Why do you know that Naaman’s pride has been hurt?
Answer: You can know that Naaman’s pride has very much been hurt because he flies into a rage.
Question 32: How does Naaman reveal his rage?
Answer: Naaman reveals his rage when he declares that he may as well go home and wash in one of the rivers in his own country.
Question 33: Why does Naaman think he may as well go home and wash in one of the rivers in his own country?
Answer: Naaman thinks he may as well go home and wash in one of the rivers in his own country because they are so much better than the river Jordan.
Question 34a: According to II Kings 5:11-12 what does Naaman do after the messenger speaks to him?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:11-12 Naaman goes away angry after the messenger speaks to him.
Question 34b: According to II Kings 5:11-12 why is Naaman angry?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:11-12 Naaman is angry because Elisha has not come out of the house to see him.
Qestion 34c: According to II Kings 5:11-12 who does Naaman expect Elisha to have called on for his healing?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:11-12 Naaman expects Elisha to have called on the name of the Lord, his God for his healing.
Question 34d: According to II Kings 5:11-12 what does Naaman expect Elisha to have done besides calling on the name of the Lord, his God?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:11-12 Naaman expects Elisha as well to have waved his hand over the spot and so to cure him of his leprosy.
Question 34e: According to II Kings 5:11-12 which rivers of Damascus does Naaman believe are better?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:11-12 Naaman believes the river Abana and the river Pharpar of Damascus are better.
Question 34f: According to II Kings 5:11-12 what does Naaman believe about the rivers Abana and Pharpar of Damascus?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:11-12 Naaman believes he can wash and be cleansed in the rivers Abana and Pharpar of Damascus.
Question 35: Who begin to speak to Naaman?
Answer: Naaman’s servants begin to speak to him.
Question 36: Why do you know Naaman’s servants care about him?
Answer: You can know Naaman’s servants care about him because they address him as their father.
Question 37: How do you know that Naaman’s servants are able to calm him down?
Answer: You can know that Naaman’s servants are able to calm him down because Naaman goes down to the river Jordan.
Question 38a: According to II Kings 5:13 does Naaman act as a soldier towards his servants?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:13 Naaman does not act as a soldier but as a father towards his servants.
Question 38b: According to II Kings 5:13 what question do Naaman’s servants ask Naaman?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:13 Naaman’s servants ask him if the prophet had told him to do some great thing, would he not have done it.
Question 38c: According to II Kings 5:13 what other question do Naaman’s servants ask him?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:13 Naaman’s servants ask him why he is, therefore, not more willing to wash and be cleansed when the prophet tells him to do so.
Question 39: What does Naaman do when he gets to the river Jordan?
Answer: Naaman begins to dip himself into the water when he gets to the river Jordan.
Question 40: How many times has Naaman been told he has to dip into the water?
Answer: Naaman has been told he has to dip into the water seven times.
Question 41: Does anything happen after Naaman has dipped into the water for the first time?
Answer: When Naaman comes up out of the water after the first time, he is still as leprous as ever.
Question 42: Is there any change to Naaman’s skin condition after he has dipped into the water for the second and third time?
Answer: There is no change to Naaman’s skin condition after he has dipped into the water for the second and third time.
Question 43: Is there a change to Naaman’s skin condition after he has dipped into the water for the fourth, fifth and sixth time?
Answer: There is no change to Naaman’s skin condition after he has dipped into the water for the fourth, the fifth and the sixth time.
Question 44: Why does Naaman not give up now?
Answer: Naaman does not give up now because he needs to take only one more dip.
Questions 45: What happens after Naaman goes under the water for the seventh time?
Answer: Everything is different when Naaman goes under the water for the seventh time.
Question 46: Why is everything different when Naaman goes under the water for the seventh time?
Answer: Everything is different when Naaman goes under the water for the seventh time for when he comes up out of the water this time his skin is smooth and beautiful.
Question 47a: According to II Kings 5:14 does Naaman follow the instructions of the man of God?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:14 Naaman follows the instructions of the man of God by dipping himself in the river Jordan seven times.
Question 47b: According to II Kings 5:14 what happens to Naaman’s flesh after he has dipped himself seven times in the river Jordan?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:14 Naaman’s flesh is restored after he has dipped himself in the river Jordan.
Question 47c: According to II Kings 5:14 how does Naaman know his flesh is restored?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:14 Naaman knows his flesh is restored because it has become clean like that of a young boy.
Question 48: What has happened to Naaman?
Answer: A miracle has happened to Naaman.
Question 49: What miracle has happened to Naaman?
Answer: Naaman has been healed.
Question 50: Who has told Naaman he will be healed?
Answer: The man of God has told Naaman that he will be healed.
Question 51: To whose home does Naaman return?
Answer: Naaman returns to Elisha’s home.
Question 52: What is Naaman’s heart attitude?
Answer: Naaman’s heart is no longer full of pride but full of gratitude to the prophet and to the God of Israel.
Question 53: Which God will Naaman serve from now on?
Answer: Naaman will serve the God of Israel from now on.
Question 54a: According to II Kings 5:15-19a what does Naaman say to Elisha?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:15-19a Naaman says to Elisha that there is no God in all the world except in Israel.
Question 54b: According to II Kings 5:15-19a what does Naaman want Elisha to accept from him?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:15-19a Naamans wants Elisha to accept a gift from him.
Question 54c: According to II Kings 5:15-19a which God does Elisha serve?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:15-19a Elisha serves the Lord.
Question 54d: According to II Kings 5:15-19a how does Elisha respond to Naaman’s offer of a gift?
Answer; According to II Kings 5:15-19a Elisha will not accept any gift from Naaman.
Question 54e: According to II Kings 5:15-19a what does Naaman ask Elisha that he be given?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:15-19a Naaman asks Elisha that he be given as much earth as a pair of mules can carry.
Question 54f: According to II Kings 5:15-19a which God is Naaman going to bring offerings and sacrifices to?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:15-19a Naaman is going to bring offerings and sacrifices to the Lord only.
Question 54g: According to II Kings 5:15-19a what situation does Naaman ask Elisha forgiveness from the Lord for?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:15-19a Naaman asks Elisha for forgiveness from the Lord whenever he will be going with the king of Aram into the temple of Rimmon.
Question 54h: According to II Kings 5:15-19a why does Naaman need the Lord’s forgiveness when he enters the temple of Rimmon with the king of Aram?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:15-19a Naaman needs God’s forgiveness when he enters the temple of Rimmon with the king of Aram because the king will bow down and he will bow down too.
Question 54i: According to II Kings 5:15-19a how does Elisha respond to Naaman’s request to be forgiven by God when he enters the temple of Rimmon with the king of Aram and bows down?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:15-19a Elisha tells Naaman to go in peace.
Question 55: About whom does this story seem to be about primarily?
Answer: It seems this story is primarily about two people: Naaman and Elisha.
Question 56: Who else has an important role to play in this story?
Answer: A young girl in Israel has an important role to play in this story.
Question 57a: Going back to II Kings 5:2-3 what have you learned about this young girl from Israel?
Answer: From II Kings 5:2-3 you have learned that a young girl from Israel has been taken captive by bands of soldiers from Aram.
Question 57b: According to II Kings 5:2-3 who does this young girl from Israel serve in Aram?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:2-3 this young girl from Israel serves Naaman’s wife in Aram.
Question 57c: According to II Kings 5:2-3 who suggests that Naaman go and see the prophet who is in Samaria?
Answer: According to II Kings 5:2-3 this young girl from Israel suggests that Naaman go and see the prophet who is in Israel.
Question 58: What can you learn from these few lines in II Kings 5:2-3?
Answer: From these few lines in II Kings 5:2-3 you can learn that this young girl once lived in a town or a village in Israel where she will have lived with her family.
Question 59: What has happened to this young girl?
Answer: This young girl from Israel has been snatched from her home and taken far away to a strange country.
Question 60: Do the people in that strange country speak the same language that she speaks?
Answer: The people in that strange country speak a different language and have strange customs.
Questions 61: Do the people in that strange country serve the same God that this young girl serves?
Answer: The people in that strange country serve a false god.
Question 62: Who has this young girl begun to serve?
Answer: She has become the servant of the wife of a man named Naaman.
Question 63: Does this young girl know that God takes care of her even in this strange land?
Answer: This young girl knows that God takes care of her even in this strange land for He has given her kind people to serve.
Question 64: What happens to her master Naaman?
Answer: One day her master Naaman becomes ill with leprosy.
Question 65: What does this young girl eventually do?
Answer: This young girl eventually dares to speak with her mistress about the prophet of God in her own nation.
Question 66: Why does she speak about the prophet in her own nation to her mistress?
Answer: She speaks about the prophet in her own nation to her mistress because she believes that he can bring healing to her master Naaman.
Question 67: How does this young girl feel when her master Naaman goes to her nation?
Answer: This young girl is very happy when her master Naaman goes to her nation.
Question 68: What does this young girl hear one day?
Answer: One day this young girl hears voices outside the house, including the voice of her master Naaman.
Question 69: How does the voice of this young girl’s master sound?
Answer: The voice of this young girl’s master sounds full of life and strength.
Question 70: What does this young girl do when she hears the voice of her master Naaman?
Answer: This young girl kneels down and thanks God for the miracle that only He could have performed.
Question 71: Who has His eyes on this young girl?
Answer: God has His eyes on this young girl.
Question 72a: According to II Chronicles 16:9a Whose eyes range throughout the earth?
Answer: According to II Chronicles 16:9a the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth.
Question 72b: According to II Chronicles 16:9a why do the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth?
Answer: According to II Chronicles 16:9a the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.
Question 73: Is this young girl from Israel an important person in the eyes of the world?
Answer: This young girl from Israel is a no-body in the eyes of the world.
Question 74: Who does God delight in to choose?
Answer: God delights in choosing the weak.
Question 75a: According to I Corinthians 1:26-29 were those who were called considered wise?
Answer: According to I Corinthians 1:26-29 not many of those who were called were wise by human standards.
Question 75b: According to I Corinthians 1:26-29 were many who were called influential?
Answer: According to I Corinthians 1:26-29 not many who were called were influential.
Question 75c: According to I Corinthians 1:26-29 were many who were called of noble birth?
Answer: According to I Corinthians 1:26-29 not many who were called were of noble birth.
Question 75d: According to I Corinthians 1:26-29 what did God choose?
Answer: According to I Corinthians 1:262-9 God chose the weak things of the world.
Question 75e: According to I Corinthians 1:26-29 why did God choose the weak things of the world?
Answer: According to I Corinthians 1:26-29 God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.
Question 75f: According to I Corinthians 1:26-29 what else did God choose?
Answer: According to I Corinthians 1:262-9 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things – the things that are not.
Question 75g: According to I Corinthians 1:262-9 why did God choose the lowly things of this word and the despised things – the things that are not?
Answer: According to I Corinthians 1:26-29 God chose the lowly things and the despised things – the things that are not to nullify the things that are.
Question 75h: According to I Corinthians 1:26-29 why did God want to nullify the things that are?
Answer: According to I Corinthians 1:26-29 God wanted to nullify the things that are so that no-one may boast before Him.
Question 76: What has God chosen for you?
Answer: God has chosen the plans for your life.
Question 77a: According to Ephesians 2:10 as a believer what are you?
Answer: According to Ephesians 2:10 as a believer you are God’s workmanship.
Question 77b: According to Ephesians 2:10 as a believer what are you created to do?
Answer: According to Ephesians 2:10 as a believer you are created to do good works.
Question 77c: According to Ephesians 2:10 Who prepared the good works for you?
Answer: According to Ephesians 2:10 God prepared the good works in advance for you.
Question 78: Who chose the place where this young girl from Israel was to live?
Answer: God chose the place where this young girl from Israel was to live.
Question 79: Who chose the time when this young girl from Israel was to live there?
Answer: God chose the time when this young girl from Israel was to live there.
Question 80: Who chose the family this young girl from Israel was to be part of?
Answer: God chose the family this young girl from Israel was to be part of.
Question 81: Who allowed this young girl from Israel to be abducted?
Answer: God allowed this young girl from Israel to be abducted.
Question 82: Who selected the people by whom this young girl from Israel was abducted?
Answer: God selected the people by whom this young girl from Israel was abducted.
Question 83: Who selected the nation this young girl from Israel was to be taken?
Answer: God selected the nation this young girl from Israel was to be taken.
Question 84: Who selected the home this young girl from Israel was to live in?
Answer: God selected the home this young girl from Israel was to live in.
Question 85: Who allowed the master of the household, Naaman to become ill?
Answer: God allowed the master of the household, Naaman to become ill.
Question 86: Who was used by God as His tool to bring healing and restoration to Naaman?
Answer: God used this young girl from Israel as His tool to bring healing and restoration to Naaman.
Question 87: Who was used by God to bring salvation to Naaman’s household?
Answer: God used this young girl from Israel to bring salvation to Naaman’s household.
Question 88: How do you know that God used this young girl from Israel to bring salvation to Naaman’s household?
Answer: You will have learned that Naaman after his healing decided to worship the God of Israel instead of the god of his own country.
Question 89: Will Naaman have introduced the God of Israel to his whole household?
Answer: No doubt, Naaman will have introduced the God of Israel to his whole household.
Question 90a: According to Romans 8:28 Who works in all things?
Answer: According to Romans 8:28 God works in all things.
Question 90b: According to Romans 8:28 how does God work in all things?
Answer: According to Romans 8:28 God works for the good in all things.
Question 90c: According to Romans 8:28 for whom does God work for the good in all things?
Answer: According to Roman 8:28 God works for the good in all things for those who love Him.
Question 90d: According to Romans 8:28 who are those who love God?
Answer: According to Romans 8:28 those who love God have been called according to His purpose.
Question 91: Do you know the name of this young girl from Israel?
Answer: You do not know the name of this young girl from Israel.
Question 92: Did God know the name of this young girl from Israel?
Answer: God knew the name of this young girl from Israel.
Question 93: If God could use this young girl from Israel, can you believe that God can and wants to use you too?
Answer: If God can use a young girl from Israel then God can and wants to use you too.
Question 94: Are you known by the world?
Answer: You may not be known by the world.
Question 95: Are you known by God?
Answer: You are known by God.
Question 96: What matters most?
Answer: Being known by God matters most.
Question 97: What are you to know?
Answer: You are to know that God has chosen the place where you were to be born, when you were to be born there and chose the family you were to be born into.
Question 98: Why does God have a plan and a purpose for you?
Answer: God has a plan and a purpose for you because He knows you and loves you.
Question 99: What are you to allow God to do?
Answer: You are to allow God to use you.
Question 100: What will bring you a satisfaction beyond what you may have ever known?
Answer: Following God’s plan and purpose for your life will bring you a satisfaction beyond what you may have ever known.