Not Just Any Baby
I would like to introduce you to a Baby. You may wonder why I would want do so. The reason why I want to talk about this particular Baby is because I hope to show you that this Baby was not just an ordinary baby but was a very special Baby. It is true, of course that every parent will say that their baby is very special and not like any other baby. And I am sure every parent is right for no babies are alike. However, the Baby I want to talk about was really unlike any other baby ever born on this earth since His birth was actually foretold in the Bible long before it happened. You can read of Him, for instance, in Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given. And the government will be on his shoulders.
And in Isaiah 7:14, where you can read The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel.
The day finally came when what had been foretold happened. The young woman who was to give birth to this child was visited by an angel who told her
And the following, in Luke 1:30-31
But the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favour with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son you are to give him the name Jesus."
When this Baby was eventually born, His birth was announced by an angel, accompanied by a whole group of angels. I don't think that happened when any of your babies were born. You can read of this event in Luke 2:8-14 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to hem, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a Baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Suddenly a great company of heavenly hosts appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favour rests.”
Having heard this, I think you'll agree with me that Jesus was a special baby, am I right? Now, we all know that babies don't remain babies; they all grow up. That is what happened to the baby Jesus for he too became a boy and eventually became a man. But just as Jesus was a
special baby so He became a special man. While growing up He lived at home with his parents and He, very likely, helped his father in his carpenter’s business.
However, when He turned thirty, that all changed for He left home and began to travel throughout his nation, which was the nation of Israel. As he travelled, He began to teach the people about God. One day while He was teaching a great crowd of people, they became hungry and He fed all of them, as you can read in John 6:1-13. Some time after this, Jesus crossed to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee (that is, the Sea of Tiberias), and a great crowd of people followed Him because they saw the miraculous signs He had performed on the sick. Then Jesus went up on a mountainside and sat down with His disciples. The Jewish Passover Feast was near. When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming towards Him, He said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” He asked this only to test him, for He already had in mind what He was going to do. Philip answered Him, “Eight months’ wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite.” Another of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” Jesus said, “Make the people sit down.” There was plenty of grass in that place, and the men sat down, about five thousand of them. Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. When they had all had enough to eat, He said to His disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.
Feeding all these people was very kind of Him but the amazing thing is that He did not feed these people with food He had prepared before hand. That would have been impossible for there were at least 5000 people present. No, He only used the lunch of a little boy of five small loaves and two fish. And that little bit of food was multiplied as He asked God to bless it so that there was enough food for everyone.
That was not all that He did for when He walked from town to town and village to village He encountered people who were sick and He healed them. It did not matter to Him, what age anyone was, or what status or gender. He healed all of them because He was concerned for each one of them. I will give you a number of examples to show you how much Jesus cared about people.
1. Jesus healed a man who suffered with leprosy as you can read in Matthew 8:1-4
When He (Jesus) came down from the mountainside, a large crowd followed Him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before Him and said, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” He said, “Be clean.” Immediately, he was cured of his leprosy. Then Jesus said to him, “See that you don’t tell anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.”
2. He healed a woman who had suffered a physical problem for twelve years. She had tried to quietly touch Him so she could be healed. However, Jesus noticed that power had gone out from Him for she had been made well. You can read that story in Luke 8:43-48
And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no-one could heal her. She came up behind Him (Jesus) and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped. “Who touched Me?” Jesus asked. When they all denied it, Peter said, “Master, the people are crowding and pressing against You.” But Jesus said, “Someone touched Me, I know that power has gone out from Me.” Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at His feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched Him and how she had been instantly healed. He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”
3. He healed a woman who had been crippled for eighteen years, as you can read in Luke 13:10-17
On a Sabbath Day Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. When Jesus saw her, He called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” Then He put His hands on her, and immediately, she straightened up and praised God. Indignant because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath, the synagogue ruler said to the people, “There are six days for work. So come and be healed on those days, not on the Sabbath.” The Lord answered him, “You hypocrites! Doesn’t each of you on the Sabbath untie his ox or donkey from the stall and lead it out to give it water? Then should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen years, be set free on the Sabbath day from what bound her?” When He said this, all his opponents were humiliated, but the people were delighted with all the wonderful things He was doing.
You would expect everybody to have been delighted with the healing of this woman but some of the religious leaders were, in fact, very angry with Jesus because He had healed this woman on a Sabbath day.
4. He healed a little girl who was dying and, in fact, had died by the time He arrived at her home. Nevertheless He took her by the hand and told her to get up and she did, as you can read in Luke 8:41-42
Then a man named Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, came and fell at Jesus’ feet, pleading with Him to come to his house, because his only daughter, a girl of about twelve, was dying. As Jesus was on His way, the crowds almost crushed Him……….
And Luke 8:49-55
While Jesus was still speaking, someone came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue ruler. “Your daughter is dead,” he said, “Don’t bother the Teacher anymore.” Hearing this, Jesus said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed.” When He arrived at the house of Jairus, He did not let anyone go in with Him except Peter, John and James, and the child’s father and mother. Meanwhile all the people were wailing and mourning for her. “Stop wailing,” Jesus said, “She is not dead but asleep.” They laughed at Him, knowing that she was dead. But He took her by the hand and said, “My child, get up.” Her spirit returned, and at once she stood up. Then Jesus told them to give her something to eat. Her parents were astonished, but He ordered them not to tell anyone what had happened.
5. He healed a blind beggar who was sitting at the road side near Jericho, as you can read in Luke 18:35-43.
As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. When he heard the crowd going by, he asked what was happening. They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.” He called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. When he came near, Jesus asked him, “What do you want Me to do for you?” “Lord, I want to see,” he replied. Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God.
Interestingly, Jesus did not just presume that this blind beggar wanted to be healed but asked him what he would like Jesus to do for him. And Jesus healed him only after he had responded to His question.
Not only did Jesus heal people, He delivered people from evil spirits. Once again, I will give you a number of examples so you will know that Jesus cared so much about people that He was even willing to set them free from demonic oppression.
1. He delivered a man from many demons who controlled him to the point that he could not live with other people, as you can read in Luke 8:26-39
They sailed to the region of the Gerasenes, which is across the lake from Galilee. When Jesus stepped ashore, He was met by a demon-possessed man from the town. For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs. When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell at His feet, shouting at the top of his voice, “What do You want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg You, don’t torture me!” For Jesus had commanded the evil spirit to come out of the man. Many times it had seized him, and though he was chained hand and foot and kept under guard, he had broken his chains and had been driven by the demon into solitary places. Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “Legion,” he replied, because many demons had gone into him. And they begged Him repeatedly not to order them to go into the Abyss. A large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside. The demons begged Jesus to let them go into them, and He gave them permission. When the demons came out of the man, they went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned. When those tending the pigs saw what had happened, they ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus’ feet, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. Those who had seen it told the people how the demon-possessed man had been cured. Then all the people of the region of the Gerasenes asked Jesus to leave them, because they were overcome with fear. So He got into the boat and left. The man from whom the demons had gone out, begged to go with Him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, “Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” So the man went away and told all over the town how much Jesus had done for him.
This man, while under the control of demons, did not wear clothes and did not live in the town but in a tomb outside the town. As soon as he was set free from the demons, he got dressed and went back home to tell others what Jesus had done for him.
2. He delivered a boy from a demon that threw the boy into convulsions, as you can read in Luke 9:37-43
The next day, when they came down from the mountain, a large crowd met Him (Jesus). A man in the crowd called out, “Teacher, I beg You to look at my son, for he is my only child. A spirit seizes him and he suddenly screams; it throws him into convulsions so that he foams at the mouth. It scarcely ever leaves him and is destroying him. I begged Your disciples to drive it out, but they could not.” “O unbelieving and perverse generation,” Jesus replied, “How long shall I stay with you and put up with you? Bring your son here.” Even while the boy was coming, the demon threw him to the ground in a convulsion. But Jesus rebuked the evil spirit, healed the boy and gave him back to his father. And they were all amazed at the greatness of God.
3. He delivered a young girl from demonic oppression, as you can read in Matthew 15:21-28
Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman from the vicinity came to Him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession.” Jesus did not answer a word. So His disciples came to Him and urged Him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.” He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.” The woman came and knelt before Him, “Lord, help me!” she said. He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.” “Yes, Lord,” she said, “but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” Then Jesus answered, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
This little girl was not even Jewish but her mother believed that Jesus could and would set free even her daughter. And He did. It seems Jesus insulted this mother very much by comparing her to a dog because she was not Jewish. However, this mother understood that even dogs could and did eat the crumbs from under their masters’ table, meaning even she could receive a measure of His healing for her daughter. Jesus was very pleased with her answer and, consequently her daughter was healed.
Jesus did not only teach people about God, He did not only heal people, He did not only deliver people from demonic oppression; He even raised some people from the dead. Let me give you some examples to show the great compassion Jesus had for people.
1. One time Jesus met a widow whose only son had died. She was, in fact, on her way to bury him. Jesus walked up to her and told her not to cry. How could He say such a cruel thing? Did He not understand that there was now no one to take care of her? But perhaps she did stop crying because she may have sensed He would do something for her. And He did for He then went to the coffin and raised her son back to life, as you can read in Luke 7:11-17
Soon afterwards, Jesus went to a town called Nain, and His disciples and a large crowd went along with Him. As He approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out – the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the town was with her. When the Lord saw her, His heart went out to her and He said, “Don’t cry.” Then He went up and touched the coffin, and those carrying it stood still. He said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” The dead man set up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother. They were all filled with awe and praised God. “A great Prophet has appeared among us,” they said, “God has come to help His people.”
2. Jesus even raised someone from the dead who had been in the tomb for
four days already. His name was Lazarus and Jesus knew him and his sisters very well. These two sisters had expected Him to come to their home when their brother Lazarus had fallen ill but He had not done so. Consequently, their brother had died and they had had to bury him. When Jesus finally turned up at their village four days after the funeral of their brother, both sisters told Him that His visit was too late but Jesus knew He had come at the exact right time for He had come to do an even greater miracle; He had come to bring their brother Lazarus back to life and that is what He did, as you can read in John 11:1-44
Now a man named Lazarus was sick. He was from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. This Mary, whose brother Lazarus now lay sick, was the same person who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped His feet with her hair. So the sisters sent word to Jesus, “Lord, the one you love is sick.” When He heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s Glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. Yet when He heard that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was two more days. Then He said to His disciples, “Let us go back to Judea.” “But Rabbi,” they said, “a short while ago the Jews tried to stone You, and yet You are going back there?” Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours of daylight? A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world’s light. It is when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light.” After He had said this, He went on to tell them, “Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I am going there to wake him up.” His disciples replied, “Lord, if he sleeps, he will get better.” Jesus had been speaking of his death, but His disciples thought He meant natural sleep. So then He told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.” Then Thomas (called Didymus) said to the rest of the disciples, “Let us also go, that we may die with Him.” On His arrival, Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. Bethany was less than two miles from Jerusalem, and many Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother. When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet Him, but Mary stayed at home. “Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if You had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give You whatever You ask.” Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha answered, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” Jesus said to her, “I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” “Yes, Lord,” she told Him, “I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world.” And after she had said this, she went back and called her sister aside. “The Teacher is here,” she said, “and is asking for you.” When Mary heard this, she got up quickly and went to Him. Now Jesus had not yet entered the village, but was still at the place where Martha had met Him. When the Jews who had been with Mary in the house, comforting her, noticed how quickly she got up and went out, they followed her, supposing she was going to the tomb to mourn there. When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw Him, she fell at His feet and said, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.” Where have you laid him?” He asked. “Come and see, Lord,” they replied. Jesus wept. Then the Jews said, “See how He loved him.” But some of them said, “Could not He who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying?” Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the tomb. It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance. “Take away the stone,” He said. “But, Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odour, for he has been there four days.” Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the Glory of God?” So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. I knew that You always hear Me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that You sent Me.” When He had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”
So Jesus was not just an ordinary person, like you and I; He was a very special person, you'll agree. And He had been born for a very special reason. He had not just been born to teach people about God, even though that was very important. Neither had He just been born to heal and deliver people, even though these things were very important too. He had in fact been born to die for people. Not just for the people in His nation Israel but for all people everywhere and at all times. That is what He did for after having travelled through His nation for three years, He allowed himself to be put on a cross and that is when He died for all people, including you, as you can read in Luke 23:33 When they came to the place called the Skull, there they crucified Him (Jesus), along with the criminals – one on His right, the other on His left.
Why did He allow himself to be crucified? Because of His love for people, including you. For three years He had shown people His love for them by teaching them about God, by healing them, delivering them and even raising some of them from the dead. But He showed his greatest love for them and for you when He died on the cross. You see, Jesus knew that all people everywhere, including you, are separated from God because of sin for God is not only a God of love but God is a holy God too. And that no matter what good works you have done and might be doing to become acceptable to Him it is impossible for you to do enough good works to become as good as God. That is why Jesus came into the world as a Baby.
It is true that Jesus has always been in existence as part of the Godhead, as God the Son. And as God the Son, He, together with God the Father, created the Universe, including the first two human beings, as you can read in Genesis 1:27
So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
This first couple had a wonderful relationship with God until they disobeyed. Then everything changed for their sinful actions caused them to become separated from God. Their sinful actions affected not just them but everyone born after them, including you, as you can read in Romans 5:12
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned.
That is why God the Son left heaven and entered the world as a Baby so He could identify with human beings. And since He lived a perfect life as a human being, He could die on your behalf and take your sins upon Him so that you once again can have a close relationship with God just as the first couple had originally. You could say, Jesus became the Bridge for you to God. His death paid the price for your sins so you do not have to pay the price, which is separation from God not just now but even after you die.
Perhaps you do not have this close relationship with God and you may have never heard how you can have that close relationship with God as your heavenly Father. That is why I have shared about Jesus being the Bridge to the Father for no-one can come to the Father except through Jesus, as you can read in John 14:6
Jesus answered, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No-one comes to the Father except through Me.”
Even though you may know about God you may not know Him intimately. But God knows you and He desires for you to learn how you can become His child and how He can become your heavenly Father. So what are the steps you need to take to have that close relationship with God?
First of all, you need to recognise that you are a sinner and that nothing you do can bring you into a right relationship with God, including taking care of your family, other relatives or even your neighbours, good as these things are. These things cannot make you right with God.
Secondly, you need to realise that Jesus has, in fact, already paid the price for all your sins when He died on the cross 2000 years ago.
Thirdly, you need to recognise your need to confess your sins, including specific sins that you may be are aware of, and to ask God to forgive you of all your sins because Jesus has already paid the price for them on the cross in His role as your Saviour.
Fourthly, you need to realise your need for Jesus to help you live in a way that is
pleasing to God by asking Him to be the Lord of your life.
If you are not yet God’s child then God wants to invite you to become His child.
I would, therefore, like to lead you in a prayer so you can acknowledge that you are a sinner and that you accept God’s forgiveness based on Jesus’ death on the cross so you can become a child of God. He will then become your heavenly Father and you can know that you will be with God in heaven after you die. I would now like to invite you to pray the following prayer:
Dear God,
I know that I am a sinner and I cannot make myself right with You.
But I know too that You sent Your Son Jesus to earth to die for me on a cross 2000 years ago so I can be forgiven of all my sins.
I confess my sins and repent of them…. (if you are aware of anything specific you can just mention them to God) and I receive Your forgiveness of them.
By faith I accept that I have now become Your Child and You have now become my heavenly Father and I will be with You in heaven when I die.
I ask Jesus to be the Lord of my life and to help me live in a way that is pleasing to You with the help of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Having prayed this prayer you can now know that you have become a child of God and that is wonderful. You can now ask the Lord to guide you each day. If possible, spend time with other believers so you can learn from them how to live in a way that is pleasing to God. Over time you may be able to share with others what you have learned about God.
Question 1: Who do I want to introduce you to in this story?
Answer: In this story I want to introduce you to a Baby.
Question 2: Why do I want to talk about this particular Baby?
Answer: I want to talk about this particular Baby because I hope to show you that this Baby was not just an ordinary Baby but was a very special Baby
Question 3: Why was the Baby I want to talk about really unlike any other baby ever born on this earth?
Answer: The Baby I want to talk about was really unlike any other baby because His birth
was actually foretold in the Bible long before it happened.
Question 4: What does the prophet Isaiah say about this Baby in Isaiah 9:6?
Answer: The prophet Isaiah says about this Baby in Isaiah 9:6 that a Child is born to us,
that a Son is given to us and that the government will be upon His shoulders.
Question 5: What does the prophet Isaiah say about this Baby in Isaiah 7:14?
Answer: The prophet Isaiah says about this baby that the virgin will be with Child and
will give birth to a Son and will call Him Immanuel.
Question 6: What day did finally come?
Answer: The day finally came when what had been foretold happened.
Question 7: Who was visited by an angel?
Answer: The young woman who was to give birth to this Child was visited by an angel.
Question 8a: According to Luke 1:30-31, what did the angel say to the young woman?
Answer: According to Luke 1:30-31, the angel said to the young woman not to be afraid
for she had found favour with God.
Question 8b: According to Luke 1:30-31, what else did the angel say to the woman?
Answer: According to Luke 1:31-31, the angel said as well to the woman that she would
be with child and give birth to a son.
Question 8c: According to Luke 1:30-31, what name was the young woman to give to the child?
Answer: According to Luke 1:30-31, the young woman was to name the child Immanuel.
Question 9: Who announced the birth of this Baby?
Answer: An angel, accompanied by a whole group of angels, announced the birth of this Baby.
Question 10a: According to Luke 2:8-14, who were keeping watch over their flocks at night?
Answer: According to Luke 2:8-14, shepherds were keeping watch over their flocks at night.
Question 10b: According to Luke 2:8-14, who appeared to the shepherds?
Answer: According to Luke 2:8-14, an angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds.
Question 10c: According to Luke 2:8-14, what shone around the shepherds?
Answer: According to Luke 2:8-14, the glory of the Lord shone around the shepherds.
Question 10d: According to Luke 2:8-14, how did the shepherds feel when they noticed
that the glory of the Lord shone around them?
Answer: According to Luke 2:8-14, the shepherds were terrified when they noticed that
the glory of the Lord shone around them.
Question 10e: According to Luke 2:8-14, what did the angel say to the shepherds?
Answer: According to Luke 2:8-14, the angel said to the shepherds not to be afraid. He was bringing them good news of great joy for all the people.
Question 10f: According to Luke 2:8-14, who had been born in the town of David that day?
Answer: According to Luke 2:8-14, a Saviour had been born in the town of David that day.
Question 10g: According to Luke 2:8-14, who was the Saviour that was born in the town
of David that day?
Answer: According to Luke 2:8-14, the Saviour who was born in the town of David that
day was Christ the Lord.
Question 10h: According to Luke 2:8-14, what would be a sign to the shepherds?
Answer: According to Luke 2:8-14, the shepherds would find a Baby wrapped in cloths
and lying in a manger.
Question 10i: According to Luke 2:8-14, who appeared with the angel?
Answer: According to Luke 2:8-14, a great company of heavenly hosts suddenly
appeared with the angel.
Question 10j: According to Luke 2:8-14, what did the company of heavenly hosts do?
Answer: According to Luke 2:8-14, the heavenly hosts praised God.
Question 10k: According to Luke 2:8-14, what did the heavenly hosts say?
Answer: According to Luke 2:8-14, the heavenly hosts said, “Give glory to God in the
highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favour rests,”
Question 11: Did Baby Jesus grow up?
Answer: Baby Jesus eventually became a Man.
Question 12: While growing up, where did Jesus live?
Answer: While growing up Jesus lived at home with his parents.
Question 13: Who did Jesus help while growing up?
Answer: Jesus, very likely, helped His father in his carpenter’s business while growing up.
Question 14: What changed when Jesus turned thirty?
Answer: Jesus left home when he turned thirty.
Question 15: What did Jesus begin to do when He turned thirty?
Answer: Jesus began to travel through his nation, which was the nation of Israel, when
He turned thirty.
Question 16: What did Jesus do when He travelled?
Answer: Jesus began to teach the people about God when He travelled.
Question 17: What did Jesus one day do for a great crowd of people He was teaching?
Answer: One day Jesus fed a great crowd of people He was teaching.
Question 18a: According to John 6:1-13, where did Jesus go?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, Jesus crossed to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee
(that is the Sea of Tiberias).
Question 18b: According to John 6:1-13, who followed Jesus to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, a great crowd of people followed Jesus to the far
shore of the Sea of Galilee.
Question 18c: According to John 6:1-13, why did a great crowd of people follow Jesus to
the far shore of the Sea of Galilee?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, a great crowd of people followed Jesus to the far
shore of the Sea of Galilee because they had seen the miraculous signs He
had performed on the sick.
Question 18d: According to John 6:1-13, where did Jesus go?
Answer: According to John 6:1-3, Jesus went up on a mountainside.
Question 18e: According to John 6:1-13, with whom did Jesus sit down at the mountainside?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, Jesus sat down with His disciples at the mountainside,
Question 18f: According to John 6:1-13, what Feast was near?
Answer: According to John 61-13, the Jewish Passover Feast was near.
Question 18g: According to John 6:1-13, to whom did Jesus speak?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, Jesus spoke to Philip.
Question 18h: According to John 6:1-13, what did Jesus ask Philip?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, Jesus asked Philip where they could buy bread for
these people to eat.
Question 18i: According to John 6:1-13, why did Jesus ask Philip this question?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, Jesus asked Philip this question to test him.
Question 18j: According to John 6:1-13 did Jesus already have in mind what He was
going to do?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13 Jesus had already in mind what he was going to do.
Question 18k: According to John 6:1-13, how did Philip answer Jesus?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, Philip told Jesus that eight months’ wages would
not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite.
Question 18l: According to John 6:1-13, who spoke up next?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother spoke up.
Question 18m: According to John 6:1-13, what did Andrew say?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, Andrew told Jesus about a boy with five small
barley loaves and two small fish.
Question 18n: According to John 6:1-13, did Andrew think the meal of the boy would
be sufficient to feed the great crowd of people?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, Andrew did not think the meal of the boy would be
sufficient to feed a great crowd of people for he questioned how far five small
barley loaves and two small fish would go among so many.
Question 18o: According to John 6:1-13, how did Jesus respond?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, Jesus responded by telling His disciples to have the
people sit down.
Question 18p: According to John 6:1-13, how many men were present?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, about five thousand men were present.
Question 18q: According to John 6:1-13, what did Jesus do next?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, Jesus took the loaves and gave thanks to God for them.
Question 18r: According to John 6:1-13, after Jesus had prayed what did He do?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, Jesus distributed the bread among those who were
seated after He had prayed.
Question 18s: According to John 6:1-13, what did Jesus do with the fish?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, He distributed the fish among those who were seated
after He had prayed.
Question 18t: According to John 6:1-13, what did Jesus say to His disciples after everyone
had had enough to eat?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, Jesus said to His disciples to gather the pieces that
were left over after everyone had had enough to eat.
Question 18u: According to John 6:1-13, how many baskets were filled with the left over food?
Answer: According to John 6:1-13, twelve baskets were filled with the left over food.
Question 19: Was it kind of Jesus to feed all these people?
Answer: It was very kind of Jesus to feed all these people.
Question 20: Had Jesus had food prepared before hand to feed all these people?
Answer: Jesus had not food prepared before hand to feed all these people.
Question 21: Why would it have been impossible for Jesus to have had food prepared
before hand to feed all these people?
Answer: It would have been impossible for Jesus to have had food prepared before hand
to feed all these people because there were at least 5000 people present.
Question 22: What did Jesus use to feed all these people?
Answer: Jesus only used the lunch of a boy of five small loaves and two fish to feed all
these people.
Question 23: How was that little food multiplied?
Answer: That little food was multiplied as Jesus asked His Father to bless it so there
was enough food for everyone.
Question 24: Was that all that Jesus did?
Answer: No, it was not all that Jesus did for when He walked from town to town and
from village to village He encountered people who were sick and He healed them.
Question 25: Did it matter to Jesus what age anyone was or what status in life or gender?
Answer: No, it did not matter to Jesus what age anyone was or what status in life or gender. He healed all of them.
Question 26: Why did Jesus heal all of them?
Answer: Jesus healed all of them because He was concerned for all of them.
Question 27a: According to Matthew 8:1-4, who followed Jesus when He came down
from the mountainside?
Answer: According to Matthew 8:1-4, a large crowd followed Jesus when He came down
from the mountainside.
Question 27b: According to Matthew 8:1-4, who came and knelt before Jesus?
Answer: According to Matthew 8:1-4, a man with leprosy came and knelt down before Jesus.
Question 27c: According to Matthew 8:1-4, what did the man with leprosy say to Jesus?
Answer: According to Matthew, the man with leprosy said to Jesus that Jesus could make
him clean if He was willing.
Question 27d: According to Matthew 8:1-4, what did Jesus do?
Answer: According to Matthew 8:1-4, Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man
with leprosy.
Question 27e: According to Matthew 8:1-4, what did Jesus say to the man with leprosy?
Answer: According to Matthew 8:1-4, Jesus said to the man with leprosy that He was
willing to make him clean.
Question 27f: According to Matthew 8:1-4, what did Jesus then say to the man with leprosy?
Answer: According to Matthew 8:1-4, Jesus then said to the man with leprosy that he is clean.
Question 27g: According to Matthew 8:1-4, what happened to the man with leprosy after
Jesus had told him is clean?
Answer: According to Matthew 8:1-4, the man with the leprosy was cured off his leprosy
after Jesus had told him he is clean.
Question 27h: According to Matthew 8:1-4, what warning did Jesus give to the man with leprosy after he had been cured of his leprosy?
Answer: According to Matthew 8:1-4, Jesus warned the man who had been cured of his leprosy not to tell anyone.
Question 27i: According to Matthew 8:1-4, what instructions did Jesus give to the man
who had been cured of leprosy?
Answer: According to Matthew 8:1-4 Jesus instructed the man who had been cured
of leprosy to show himself to the priest and to offer the gift Moses had commanded.
Question 28: How long had the woman whom Jesus healed suffered a physical problem?
Answer: The woman whom Jesus healed had suffered a physical problem for twelve years.
Question 29: How had the woman tried to receive her healing?
Answer: The woman had tried to quietly touch Jesus so she could be healed.
Question 30: What had Jesus noticed when the woman had been made well?
Answer: Jesus had noticed that power had gone out from Him when she had been made well.
Question 31a: According to Luke 8:43-48, what had been the woman’s problem?
Answer: According to Luke 8:43-48, the woman had been subject to bleeding for twelve years.
Question 31b: According to Luke 8:43-48, had anyone been able to heal the woman?
Answer: According to Luke 8:43-48, no one had been able to heal the woman.
Question 31c: According to Luke 8:43-48, what did the woman touch?
Answer: According to Luke 8:43-48, the woman touched the edge of the cloak of Jesus.
Question 31d: According to Luke 8:43-48, what happened when the woman touched the
edge of the cloak of Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 8:43-48, the woman was healed when she touched the edge
of the cloak of Jesus. (1)
(1) “The edge of the cloak” of Jesus refers, in fact, to the tassel at the corner of Jesus’ prayer shawl that He would have worn. She would have specifically touched this particular tassel because she would have remembered from the Old Testament a Messianic Scripture from Malachi 4:2
For you who revere My Name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings…..
The “wings” were considered the corners of the prayer shawl. She believed that she could receive her healing by simply touching the tassel on the corner of His prayer shawl since Jesus had come as the Healer….She did therefore not just touch any part of His cloak but a very specific part of His prayer shawl having faith that she would be healed…. And she was…
Question 31e: According to Luke 8:43-48 what did Jesus ask after the woman had touched
His cloak?
Answer: According to Luke 8:43-48 Jesus asked who touched Him after the woman had touched His cloak,
Question 31f: According to Luke 8:43-48 did anyone come forward to say they had
touched Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 8:43-48 no one came forward to say they had touched Jesus.
Question 31g: According to Luke 8:43-48 what did Peter say to Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 8:443-48 Peter said to Jesus that the people were crowding
and pressing against Him.
Question 31h: According to Luke 8:43-48 how did Jesus respond to Peter?
Answer: According to Luke 8:43-48 Jesus responded to Peter by telling him that some
one had touched Him since power had gone out from Him.
Question 31i: According to Luke 8:43-48 who came then forward?
Answer: According to Luke 8:43-48 the woman who had been healed then came forward.
Question 31j: According to Luke 8:43-48 why did the woman who had been healed come forward?
Answer: According to Luke 8:43-48 the woman who had been healed came forward
because she saw that she could not go unnoticed.
Question 31k: According to Luke 8:43-48 how did the woman who had been healed then
come forward?
Answer: According to Luke 8:43-48 the woman who had been healed then came forward trembling and she fell at Jesus’ feet,
Question 31l: According to Luke 8:43-48 what did the woman tell Jesus in the presence
of all the people?
Answer: According to Luke 8:43-48 the woman told Jesus in the presence of all
the people why she had touched Him and how she had been instantly healed.
Question 31m: According to Luke 8:43-48 what did Jesus call the woman who had
been healed?
Answer: According to Luke 8:43-48 Jesus called the woman who had been healed “daughter.”
Question 31n: According to Luke 8:43-48 what did Jesus say to the woman who had
been healed?
Answer: According to Luke 8:43-48 Jesus said to the woman who had been healed that
her faith had healed her.
Question 31o: According to Luke 8:43-48 what else did Jesus say to the woman who had
been healed?
Answer: According to Luke 8:43-48 Jesus said to the woman who had been healed to
go in peace.
Question 32: How long had the woman been crippled whom Jesus had healed?
Answer: The woman whom Jesus had healed had been crippled for eighteen years.
Question 33a; According to Luke 13:10-17 where was Jesus on a Sabbath Day?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-17 Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues
on a Sabbath Day.
Question 33b: According to Luke 13:10-17 who was in the synagogue where Jesus was teaching on that Sabbath Day?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-17 a woman who had been crippled for eighteen years
was in the synagogue where Jesus was teaching on that Sabbath Day.
Question 33c: According to Luke 13:10-17 by whom had the woman who was in the synagogue where Jesus was teaching that Sabbath Day been crippled
for eighteen years?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-17 the woman who was in the Synagogue where
Jesus was teaching that Sabbath Day had been crippled by a spirit.
Questions 33d: According to Luke 13:101-7 what was the condition of the crippled
woman who was in the synagogue where Jesus was teaching that Sabbath Day?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-17 the crippled woman who was in the synagogue
where Jesus was teaching that Sabbath Day was bent over and could not
straighten up at all.
Question 33e: According to Luke 13:10-17 what did Jesus do when He saw the
crippled woman?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-17 Jesus called the crippled woman forward when
He saw her.
Question 33f: According to Luke 13:10-17 what did Jesus say to the crippled woman?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-17 Jesus told the crippled woman that she was set
free from her infirmity.
Question 33g: According to Luke 13:10-17 what did Jesus do next?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-17 Jesus put His hands on the crippled woman.
Question 33h: According to Luke 13:10-17 what happened to the crippled woman after
Jesus had put His hands on her?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-17 the crippled woman straightened up after Jesus
had put His hands on her.
Question 33i: According to Luke 13:10-17 what was the response of the crippled woman
after she had straightened up?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-17 the woman praised God after she had straightened up.
Question 33j: According to Luke 13:10-17 who was indignant after the healing of the
crippled woman by Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-17 the synagogue ruler was indignant after the healing
of the crippled woman by Jesus.
Question 33k: According to Luke 13:10-17 why was the synagogue ruler indignant after the healing of the crippled woman by Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-17 the synagogue ruler was indignant because Jesus
had healed the crippled woman on the Sabbath Day.
Question 33l: According to Luke 13:10-17 did the synagogue ruler think the crippled
woman should have come for healing at another day?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-17 the synagogue ruler thought the crippled woman
should have come for healing on one of the six days that work is allowed.
Question 33m: According to Luke 13:10-17 how did Jesus respond to the synagogue ruler?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-17 Jesus called people like the synagogue rulers “hypocrites.”
Question 33n: According to Luke 13:10-17 what did Jesus compare His healing of the
crippled woman on the Sabbath Day to?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-1 Jesus compared His healing of the crippled woman
on the Sabbath Day to the Jews untying their ox or donkey from the stall and
leading it out to give it water on the Sabbath Day.
Question 33o: According to Luke 13:10-17 who did Jesus say was this woman a daughter of?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-17 Jesus said that this woman was a daughter of Abraham.
Question 33p: According to Luke 13:10-17 who did Jesus say had kept this woman bound
for eighteen years?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-17 Jesus said that Satan had kept this woman bound
for eighteen years.
Question 33q: According to Luke 13:10-17 who were humiliated after Jesus had spoken?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-17 Jesus’ opponents were humiliated after He had spoken.
Question 33r: According to Luke 13:10-17 who were delighted with all the wonderful
things Jesus was doing?
Answer: According to Luke 13:10-17 the people were delighted with all the wonderful
things Jesus was doing.
Question 34: Was everyone delighted with the healing of the crippled woman?
Answer: No, some of the religious leaders were, in fact, very angry with Jesus
because He had healed this woman on a Sabbath Day.
Question 35: What did Jesus do when He arrived at the home of a little girl who had
already died?
Answer: Jesus took the little girl by the hand and told her to get up when He arrived at
her home.
Question 36a: According to Luke 8:41-42 who came to Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 8:41-42 a man named Jairus came to Jesus.
Question 36b: According to Luke 8:41-42 who was Jairus?
Answer: According to Luke 8:41-42 Jairus was a ruler of the synagogue.
Question 36c: According to Luke 8:41-42 what did Jairus ask Jesus to do?
Answer: According to Luke 8:41-42 Jairus pleaded with Jesus to come to his home.
Question 36d: According to Luke 8:41-42 why did Jairus plead with Jesus to come to
his home?
Answer: According to Luke 8:41-42 Jairus pleaded with Jesus to come to his home
because his only daughter was dying.
Question 36e: According to Luke 8:41-42 how old was Jairus’ daughter who was dying?
Answer: According to Luke 8:41-42 Jairus’ daughter who was dying was twelve years old.
Question 37a: According to Luke 8:49-55 who came from the house of the synagogue ruler
to see Jairus?
Answer: According to Luke 8:49-55 someone came from the house of the synagogue ruler
to see Jairus.
Question 37b: According to Luke 8:49-55 what did the person who had come from the
house of the synagogue ruler say to Jairus?
Answer: According to Luke 8:49-55 the person who had come from the house of the synagogue ruler said to Jairus that his daughter had died.
Question 37c: According to Luke 8:49-55 did the person who had come from the house
of the synagogue ruler think that Jesus still needed to come to the house
of Jairus?
Answer: According to Luke 8:49-55 the person who had come from the house of the synagogue ruler did not think that Jesus should be bothered anymore.
Question 37d: According to Luke 8:49-55 did Jesus agree with the words of the person
who had come from the house of the synagogue ruler that the Teacher
should not be bothered anymore?
Answer: According to Luke 8:49-55 Jesus did not agree with the words of the person
who had come from the house of the synagogue ruler that the Teacher should
not be bothered anymore.
Question 37e: According to Luke 8:49-55 what did Jesus say to Jairus?
Answer: According to Luke 8:49-55 Jesus said to Jairus not to be afraid but to just believe
and his daughter would be healed.
Question 37f: According to Luke 8:49-55 who did Jesus allow to go into Jairus’ home with Him?
Answer: According to Luke 8:49-55 Jesus allowed Peter, James, John and the child’s
parents with him into the home of Jairus.
Question 37g: According to Luke 8:49-55 what were the people doing in the home of Jairus?
Answer: According to Luke 8:49-55 the people were wailing and mourning for Jairus’ daughter.
Question 37h: According to Luke 8:49-55 what did Jesus say to the people who were
wailing and mourning for Jairus’ daughter?
Answer: According to Luke 8:49-55 Jesus said to the people who were wailing and
mourning for Jairus’ daughter that they should stop wailing.
Question 37i: According to Luke 8:49-55 why did Jesus say to the people who were
wailing and mourning for Jairus’ daughter to stop wailing for her?
Answer: According to Luke 8:49-55 Jesus said to the people who were wailing and
mourning for Jairus’ daughter to stop wailing because she was not dead but asleep.
Question 37j: According to Luke 8:49-55 how did the people who were wailing and
mourning for Jairus’ daughter react to Jesus’ words that Jairus’ daughter
was not dead but asleep?
Answer: According to Luke 8:49-55 the people who were mourning and wailing for
Jairus’ daughter laughed at Jesus’ words for they knew that she was dead.
Question 37k: According to Luke 8:49-55 what did Jesus do once He was inside the
home of Jairus?
Answer: According to Luke 8:49-55 Jesus took Jairus’ daughter by the hand and told her
to get up when He got inside the home of Jairus.
Question 37l: According to Luke 8:49-55 what happened to Jairus’ daughter when Jesus
took her by the hand and told her to get up?
Answer: According to Luke 8:49-55 the spirit of Jairus’ daughter returned to her and
she stood up when Jesus took her by the hand and told her to get up.
Question 37m: According to Luke 8:49-55 what did Jesus tell Jairus and his wife to do
after He had raised their daughter from the dead?
Answer: According to Luke 8:49-55 Jesus told Jairus and his wife to give their daughter something to eat after He had raised her from the dead.
Question 37n: According to Luke 8:49-55 what did Jesus tell Jairus and his wife not to
do after He had raised their daughter from the dead?
Answer: According to Luke 8:49-55 Jesus ordered Jairus and his wife not to tell anyone
what had happened after He had raised their daughter from the dead.
Question 38: Who did Jesus heal at the road side near Jericho?
Answer: Jesus healed a blind beggar who was sitting at the road side near Jericho.
Question 39a: According to Luke 18:35-43 which town was Jesus approaching?
Answer: According to Luke 18:35-43 Jesus was approaching Jericho.
Question 39b: According to Luke 18:35-43 who was sitting by the roadside near Jericho?
Answer: According to Luke 18:35-43 a blind beggar was sitting by the roadside near Jericho.
Question 39c: What did the blind beggar sitting by the roadside near Jericho ask the
crowd going by?
Answer: According to Luke 18:35-43 the blind beggar sitting near the roadside by
Jericho asked the crowd going by what was happening.
Question 39d: According to Luke 18:35-43 what did the crowd that was going by the blind beggar sitting by the roadside near Jericho tell him?
Answer: According to Luke 18:35-43 the crowd that was going by the blind beggar
sitting by the roadside near Jericho told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by.
Question 39e: According to Luke 18:35-43 what did the blind beggar sitting by the
roadside near Jericho do when he heard that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by?
Answer: According to Luke 18:35-43 the blind beggar sitting by the roadside near Jericho began to call out for Jesus, Son of David, to have mercy on him.
Question 39f: According to Luke 18:35-43 were the people leading the crowd happy for
the blind beggar sitting by the roadside near Jericho to call out for Jesus,
Son of David, to have mercy on him?
Answer: According to Luke 18:35-43 the people leading the crowd rebuked the blind
beggar sitting by the roadside near Jericho and told him to be quiet.
Question 39g: According to Luke 18:35-43 what did Jesus do?
Answer: According to Luke 18:35-43 Jesus stopped and ordered the blind beggar
sitting by the roadside near Jericho to be brought to Him.
Question 39h: According to Luke 18:35-43 what question did Jesus ask the blind beggar
sitting by the roadside near Jericho?
Answer: According to Luke 18:35-43 Jesus asked the blind beggar sitting by the roadside near Jericho what the blind beggar wanted Him to do for him.
Question 39i: According to Luke 18:35-43 how did the blind beggar sitting by the roadside
near Jericho respond to Jesus’ words to him?
Answer: According to Luke 18:35-43 the blind beggar sitting by the roadside near
Jericho responded to Jesus’ words to him by saying to Jesus that he wanted to see.
Question 39j: According to Luke 18:35-43 what was Jesus’ answer to the blind beggar
sitting by the roadside near Jericho?
Answer: According to Luke 18:35-43 Jesus answered the blind beggar sitting by the
roadside near Jericho by telling him to receive his sight.
Question 39k: According to Luke 18:35-43 how had the blind beggar sitting by the
roadside near Jericho received his sight?
Answer: According to Luke 18:35-43 the blind beggar sitting by the roadside near Jericho
had received his sight because his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ had healed him.
Question 39l: According to Luke 18:35-43 what happened to the blind beggar sitting
by the roadside near Jericho after Jesus had pronounced his healing?
Answer: According to Luke 18:35-43 the blind beggar sitting by the roadside near Jericho received his sight after Jesus had pronounced his healing.
Question 39m: According to Luke 18:35-43 what did the blind beggar sitting by the roadside near Jericho do after he had received his sight?
Answer: According to Luke 18:35-43 the blind beggar sitting by the roadside near Jericho
got up and followed Jesus, praising God after he had received his sight.
Question 39n: According to Luke 18:35-43 what did all the people do when they saw the healing of the blind beggar sitting by the roadside near Jericho?
Answer: According to Luke 18:35-43 all the people praised God when they saw the healing
of the blind beggar sitting by the roadside near Jericho.
Question 40: Did Jesus presume the blind beggar wanted to be healed?
Answer: No, Jesus did not presume the blind beggar sitting by the roadside near Jericho wanted to be healed but He asked him what he would like.
Question 41: When did Jesus heal the blind beggar sitting by the roadside near Jericho?
Answer: Jesus healed the blind beggar sitting by the roadside near Jericho only after he
had responded to His question.
Question 42: Besides healing people, what else did Jesus do?
Answer: Jesus delivered people from evil spirits, besides healing people.
Question 43: Why was Jesus willing to set people free from demonic oppression?
Answer: Jesus was willing to set people free from demonic oppression because He cared
so much about them.
Question 44: Who did Jesus deliver?
Answer: Jesus delivered a man from many demons who controlled him to the point that he could not live with other people.
Question 45a: According to Luke 8:26-39 where did Jesus and His disciples sail to?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 Jesus and His disciples sailed to the region of the Gerasenes, which is across the lake from Galilee.
Question 45b: According to Luke 8:26-39 who did Jesus meet when he stepped ashore?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 Jesus met a demon-possessed man from the town.
Question 45c: According to Luke 8:26-39 how had the demon-possessed man lived?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 the demon-possessed man had not worn clothes or
lived in a house but had lived in the tombs.
Question 45d: According to Luke 8:26-39 what was the reaction of the demon-possessed
man when he saw Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 the demon-possessed man cried out and fell at the feet
of Jesus when he saw Him.
Question 45e: According to Luke 8:26-39 what did the demon-possessed man shout at the
top of his voice?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 the demon-possessed man shouted at the top of his
voice asking Jesus what He wanted with him, Son of the Most High God, begging Him not to torture him.
Question 45f: According to Luke 8:26-39 why had the demon-possessed man begged
Jesus not to torture him?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 the demon-possessed man had begged Jesus not
to torture him because Jesus had commanded the evil spirit to come out of him.
Question 45g: According to Luke 8:26-39 what had the evil spirit done to the demon- possessed man?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 the evil spirit had seized the demon-possessed man
many times.
Question 45h: According to Luke 8:26-39 what had happened to the demon-possessed man after the evil spirit had seized him?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 the demon-possessed man had broken his chains after the evil spirit had seized him even though he had been chained hand and foot and had been kept under guard. Moreover, the demon-possessed man had been driven into solitary places by the demon.
Question 45i: According to Luke 8:26-39 what question did Jesus ask?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 Jesus asked the demon-possessed man what his name was.
Question 45j: According to Luke 8:26-39 what was the reply of the man to Jesus’ question?
Answer: According to Luke 26-39 the demon-possessed man replied to Jesus that his name was “Legion.”
Question 45k: According to Luke 8:26-39 why did the demon-possessed man reply to Jesus that his name was “Legion”?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 the demon-possessed man replied to Jesus that his
name was “Legion” because many demons had entered him.
Question 45l: According to Luke 8:26-3 what had the demons repeatedly begged Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 the demons had repeatedly begged Jesus not to order them to go into the Abyss.
Question 45m: According to Luke 8:26-39 where had the demons begged Jesus to let them
go into?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 the demons had begged Jesus to let them go into a
large herd of pigs that was feeding on the hillside.
Question 45n: According to Luke 8:26-39 did Jesus give the demons permission to enter a large herd of pigs that was feeding on the hillside?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 when the demons came out of the demon-possessed
man Jesus allowed them to go into the pigs.
Question 45o: According to Luke 8:26-39 what happened to the pigs after the demons had entered them?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 the herd of pigs rushed down the steep bank into the
lake and drowned after the demons had entered them.
Question 45p: According to Luke 8:26-39 what happened to the people who were tending
the pigs?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 the people who were tending the pigs ran off and
reported in the town and country side what had happened to the pigs and the
people went out to see for themselves what had happened.
Question 45q: According to Luke 8:26-39 what did the people see what they came to Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 when the people came to Jesus they saw the previously demon-possessed man sitting at Jesus’ feet, dressed and in his right mind.
Question 45r: According to Luke 8:26-39 what was the reaction of the people who saw the previously demon-possessed man sitting at Jesus’ feet, dressed and in his
right mind?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 when the people saw the previously demon-possessed man sitting at Jesus’ feet, dressed and in his right mind, they were afraid.
Question 45s: According to Luke 8:26-39 what did the people who had seen the previously demon-possessed man sitting at Jesus’ feet, dressed and in his right mind tell others?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 the people who had seen the previously demon- possessed man sitting at Jesus’ feet, dressed and in his right mind, told others
that this man had been cured.
Question 45t: According to Luke 8:26-39 what did the people of the region of the Gerasenes ask Jesus to do?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 the people of the region of the Gerasenes asked Jesus
to leave.
Question 45u: According to Luke 8:26-39 why did the people of the region of the Gerasenes ask Jesus to leave?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 the people of the region of the Gerasenes asked Jesus
to leave because they were overcome with fear.
Question 45v: According to Luke 8:26-39 what did Jesus do in response to the request
of the people of the region of the Gerasenes?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 Jesus got into a boat and left in response to the request of the people of the region of the Gerasenes.
Question 45w: According to Luke 8:26-39 what did the previously demon-possessed man beg Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 the previously demon-possessed man begged Jesus to go with Him.
Question 45y: According to Luke 8:26-39 what was Jesus’ response to the request of the previously demon-possessed man?
Answer: According to Luke 8:26-39 Jesus told the previously demon-possessed man to
return home and tell the people how much God had done for him. And he did.
Question 46: Did the demon-possessed man wear clothes and did he live in town?
Answer: The demon-possessed man did not wear clothes and did not live in town but
in a tomb outside the town.
Question 47: When did the demon-possessed man get dressed and go back home?
Answer: The demon-possessed man got dressed and went back home to tell others what Jesus had done for him as soon as he had been set free from demons.
Question 48: What happened to a boy when a demon attacked him?
Answer: A boy is thrown into convulsions when he is attacked by a demon.
Question 49a: According to Luke 9:37-43 who called out to Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 9:37-43 a man in the crowd called out to Jesus.
Question 49b: According to Luke 9:37-43 why did the man in the crowd call out to Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 9:37-43 the man in the crowd called out to Jesus because he wanted Jesus to look at his son, his only child.
Question 49c: According to Luke 9:37-43 why did the man in the crowd want Jesus to look
at his son, his only child?
Answer: According to Luke 9:37-43 the man in the crowd wanted Jesus to look at his son,
his only child because at times a spirit seized him and he would suddenly scream;
it threw him into convulsions so that he foamed at the mouth. In fact, it scarcely
ever left him and was destroying his child.
Question 49d: According to Luke 9:37-43 who had the man begged to drive the demon out
of his son?
Answer: According to Luke 9:37-43 the man had begged the disciples to drive the demon out of his son.
Question 49e: According to Luke 9:37-43 had the disciples been able to drive the demon out of the son of the man?
Answer: According to Luke 9:37-43 the disciples had not been able to drive the demon out
of the son of the man.
Question 49f: According to Luke 9:37-43 what did Jesus say to the man?
Answer: According to Luke 9:37-43 Jesus said to the man to bring his son to him.
Question 49g: According to Luke 9:37-43 what did happen to the boy while he was coming
to Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 9:37-43 the demon threw the boy to the ground in a convulsion while he was coming to Jesus.
Question 49h: According to Luke 9:37-43 what did Jesus do when the boy was thrown to the ground in a convulsion by the demon?
Answer: According to Luke 9:37-43 Jesus rebuked the evil spirit when it threw the boy to the ground in a convulsion.
Question 49i: According to Luke 9:37-43 what did Jesus do next for the boy?
Answer: According to Luke 9:37-43 Jesus next healed the boy and gave him back to his father.
Question 49j: According to Luke 9:37-43 what happened to the crowd after they had seen
the deliverance and healing of the boy?
Answer: According to Luke 9:37-43 the crowd was amazed at the greatness of God after
they had seen the deliverance and healing of the boy.
Question 50: What did Jesus do for a young girl?
Answer: Jesus delivered a young girl from demonic oppression.
Question 51a: According to Matthew 15:21-28 where did Jesus withdrew to?
Answer: According to Matthew 15:21-28 Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon.
Question 51b: According to Matthew 15:21-28 who came to see Jesus?
Answer: According to Matthew 15:21-28 a Canaanite woman from the vicinity came to
see Jesus.
Question 51c: According to Matthew 15:21-28 how did the Canaanite woman address Jesus?
Answer: According to Matthew 15:21-28 the Canaanite woman addressed Jesus as Lord,
Son of David.
Question 51d: According to Matthew 15:21-28 what did the Canaanite woman ask Jesus for?
Answer: According to Matthew 15:21-28 the Canaanite woman asked Jesus for mercy.
Question 51e: According to Matthew 15:21-28 why did the Canaanite woman ask Jesus for mercy?
Answer: According to Matthew 15:21-28 the Canaanite woman asked Jesus for mercy because her daughter was suffering terribly from demon-possession.
Question 51f: According to Matthew 15:21-28 did Jesus answer the Canaanite woman?
Answer: According to Matthew 15:21-28 Jesus did not answer the Canaanite woman.
Question 51g: According to Matthew 15:21-28 what did the disciples urge Jesus to do?
Answer: According to Matthew 15:21-28 the disciples urged Jesus to send the Canaanite woman away.
Question 51h: According to Matthew 15:21-28 why did the disciples urge Jesus to send the Canaanite woman away?
Answer: According to Matthew 15:21-28 the disciples urged Jesus to send the Canaanite woman away because she kept crying out after them.
Question 51i; According to Matthew 15:21-28 what did Jesus then say to the Canaanite woman?
Answer: According to Matthew 15:21-28 Jesus then said to the Canaanite woman that He was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel.
Question 51j; According to Matthew 15:21-28 what did the Canaanite woman do next?
Answer: According to Matthew 15:21-28 the Canaanite woman next came and knelt before Jesus.
Question 51k: According to Matthew 15:21-28 what did the Canaanite woman then say to Jesus?
Answer: According to Matthew 15:21-28 the Canaanite woman then asked Jesus to help her.
Question 51l: According to Matthew 15:21-28 what was Jesus’ reply to the Canaanite woman?
Answer: According to Matthew 15:21-28 Jesus replied to the Canaanite woman that is was not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.
Question 51m: According to Matthew 15:21-28 how did the Canaanite women reply to Jesus’ words to her?
Answer: According to Matthew 15:21-28 the Canaanite woman replied to Jesus that even
the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.
Question 51n: According to Matthew 15:21-28 how did Jesus answer the Canaanite woman?
Answer: According to Matthew 15:21-28 Jesus answered the Canaanite woman that her request had been granted because of her great faith.
Question 51o: According to Matthew 15:21-28 who had been healed at that moment?
Answer: According to Matthew 15:21-28 the daughter of the Canaanite woman had been healed at that moment.
Question 52: Was the little girl who had been healed Jewish?
Answer: The little girl who had been healed was not Jewish.
Question 53: Who believed that the little girl could and would be set free by Jesus?
Answer: The mother of the little girl believed that Jesus could and would set free even her daughter.
Question 54: Did Jesus insult this mother when He compared her to a dog?
Answer: It seems Jesus insulted this mother very much when He compared her to a dog.
Question 55: What did this mother understood about dogs?
Answer: This mother understood that even dogs could and did eat the crumbs from under their masters’ table.
Question 56: What did this mother’s understanding that even dogs could and did eat the crumbs from under their masters’ table imply for her daughter?
Answer: This mother’s understanding that even dogs did and could eat the crumbs from under their masters’ table implied that she could receive a measure of Jesus’ healing for her daughter.
Question 57: Was Jesus very pleased with the answer of this mother?
Answer: Jesus was very pleased with the answer of this mother and, consequently, her daughter was healed.
Question 58: Apart from healing people and delivering people from demonic oppression,
what else did Jesus do?
Answer: Apart from healing people and delivering people from demonic oppression,
Jesus even raised people from the dead.
Question 59: Who did Jesus go up to and tell her not to cry?
Answer: Jesus went up to a widow whose only son had died and told her not to cry.
Question 60: Why could Jesus telling the widow not to cry be seen as a cruel thing?
Answer: Jesus telling the widow not to cry could be seen as a cruel thing because there was now no one to take care of her.
Question 61: Did Jesus go to the coffin with the body of the widow’s son in it?
Answer: Jesus did go to the coffin with the body of the widow’s son in it and raised her son back to life.
Question 62a; According to Luke 7:11-17 which town did Jesus go to?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-17 Jesus went to a town called Nain.
Question 62b: According to Luke 7:11-17 who went with Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-17 Jesus’ disciples and a large crowd went with Him.
Question 62c: According to Luke 7:11-17 who was being carried out when Jesus approached the town gate?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-7 a dead person was being carried out when Jesus approached the town gate.
Question 62d: According to Luke 7:11-17 who was the dead person who was being carried out?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-17 the dead person was the only son of his mother, a widow.
Question 62e: According to Luke 7:11-17 who came with the widow who was on her way to bury her only son?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-17 a large crowd was with the widow who was on her way to bury her only son.
Question 62f: According to Luke 7:11-17 what happened to the Lord when he saw the widow who was on her way to bury her only son?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-17 when the Lord saw her, His heart went out to her.
Question 62g: According to Luke 7:11-17 what did the Lord say to the widow who was on her way to bury her only son?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-17 the Lord said to the widow who was on her way to bury her only son not to cry.
Question 62h: According to Luke 7:11-17 what did the Lord do after He had said to the
widow who was on her way to bury her only son not to cry?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-17 the Lord went up to the coffin and touched it after he
had said to the widow who was on her way to bury her only son not to cry.
Question 62i: According to Luke 7:11-17 what did those who carried the coffin do after the
Lord had gone up to the coffin and touched it?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-17 those who carried the coffin stood still after the Lord
had gone up to it and touched it.
Question 62j: According to Luke 7:11-17 what did the Lord do after He had gone up to the coffin and had touched it?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-17 the Lord spoke to the dead young man in the coffin
telling him to get up.
Question 62k: According to Luke 7:11-17 what happened to the dead young man after Jesus had told him to get up?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-17 the dead young man sat up after Jesus had told him to
get up.
Question 62l: According to Luke 7:11-17 what did the previously dead young man do after he had sat up?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-17 the previously dead young man began to talk after he had sat up.
Question 62m: According to Luke 7:11-17 who did Jesus give the previously dead young man back to?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-17 Jesus gave the previously dead young man back to his mother, the widow.
Question 62n: What happened to all the people who watched Jesus giving the previously
dead young man back to his mother, the widow?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-17 all the people were filled with awe and praised God after Jesus gave the previously dead young man back to his mother, the widow.
Question 62o: According to Luke 7:11-17 who did all the people say had appeared among them?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-17 all the people said that a great Prophet had appeared among them.
Question 62p: According to Luke 7:11-17 what did all the people say about God?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-17 all the people said that God had come to help His people.
Question 63: How many days had Lazarus been in the tomb when Jesus raised him from the dead?
Answer: Lazarus had been in the tomb for four days already when Jesus raised him from the dead.
Question 64: Did Jesus know Lazarus?
Answer: Jesus knew Lazarus and his sisters very well.
Question 65: What had Lazarus’ two sisters expected Jesus to do when Lazarus had fallen ill?
Answer: Lazarus two sisters had expected Jesus to come to their home when their brother Lazarus had fallen ill.
Question 66: Had Jesus come to the home of Lazarus and his two sisters when he had fallen ill?
Answer: Jesus had not come to the home of Lazarus and his two sisters when Lazarus had fallen ill.
Question 67: What had happened to Lazarus because Jesus had not come to the home of Lazarus and his two sisters when Lazarus had fallen ill?
Answer: Lazarus had died when Jesus had not come to his and his two sisters’ home.
Question 68: What did Lazarus’ two sisters have to do after Lazarus had died?
Answer: Lazarus’ two sisters had to bury their brother Lazarus after he had died.
Question 69: When did Jesus show up at the village where Lazarus and his two sisters were living?
Answer: Jesus showed up at the village where Lazarus and the two sisters were living four days after Lazarus’ burial.
Question 70: What did Lazarus’ two sisters tell Jesus?
Answer: Lazarus’s two sisters told Jesus that His visit was too late.
Question 71: Did Jesus think His visit was too late?
Answer: No, Jesus knew He had come at the exact right time.
Question 72: Why did Jesus know He had come at the exact right time?
Answer: Jesus knew that He had come at the exact right time for He had come to do an even greater miracle than healing the two sisters’ brother Lazarus.
Question 73: What was the miracle Jesus knew He was going to do?
Answer: Jesus knew He was going to bring the two sisters’ brother Lazarus back to life.
Question 74a: According to John 11:1-44 who was sick?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 a man named Lazarus was sick.
Question 74b: According to John 11:1-44 which village was Lazarus from?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Lazarus was from a village called Bethany.
Question 74c: According to John 11:1-44 what are the names of Lazarus’ sisters?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 the names of Lazarus’ sisters are Mary and Martha.
Question 74d: According to John 11:1-44 who had poured perfume on the Lord and wiped
His feet with her hair?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Lazarus’ sister Mary had poured perfume on Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair.
Question 74e: According to John 11:1-44 who sent word to Jesus to tell Him that the one He loved was sick?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Lazarus’ sisters sent word to Jesus to tell Him that the one He loved was sick.
Question 74f: According to John 11:1-44 how did Jesus respond to the message of Lazarus’ sisters?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Jesus responded by saying that this sickness of Lazarus would not end in death. No, it was for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.
Question 74g: According to John 11:1-44 did Jesus love Lazarus and his sisters?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44, Jesus loved Lazarus and his sisters.
Question 74h: According to John 11:1-44, how long did Jesus stay where He was after He
had received the message from Lazarus’ sisters that Lazarus was sick?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44, Jesus stayed where He was for two more days after He had received the message from Lazarus’ sisters that Lazarus was sick.
Question 74i: According to John 11:1-44, where did Jesus say to His disciples they were to go back to?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44, Jesus said to His disciples that they were to go back to Judea.
Question 74j: According to John 11:1-44, how did the disciples respond to Jesus’ words?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44, the disciples responded by reminding Jesus that a short while ago the Jews had tried to stone Him so they asked Him if he wanted to go back there.
Question 74k: According to John 11:1-44, how did Jesus respond to the words of the disciples?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44, Jesus responded by saying that there are twelve hours
of daylight. A man who walks by daylight will not stumble. He will stumble when he walks by night for he has no light.
Question 74l: According to John 11:1-44, what did Jesus say to His disciples in relation to Lazarus?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44, Jesus told His disciples in relation to Lazarus that he
had fallen asleep but that He was going to wake him up.
Question 74m: According to John 11:1-44 how did the disciples respond to Jesus’ words
about Lazarus being asleep?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 the disciples responded to Jesus’ words by saying
that Lazarus would get better since he was asleep.
Question 74n: According to John 11:1-44 what had Jesus been speaking of when He mentioned that Lazarus had fallen asleep?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Jesus had been speaking of Lazarus’ death when He talked about Lazarus being asleep.
Question 74o: According to John 11:1-44 what did the disciples think Jesus meant when He said that Lazarus had fallen asleep?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 the disciples thought Jesus meant natural sleep when
He said that Lazarus had fallen asleep.
Question 74p: According to John 11:1-44 what did Jesus explain about Lazarus’ condition to the disciples?
Answer: According to John 11:144 Jesus explained to the disciples that Lazarus was dead.
Question 74q: According to John 11:1-44 what else did Jesus say to the disciples?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Jesus told the disciples He was glad He was not there
so that they may believe. And He told them that it was time to go to Lazarus.
Question 74r: According to John 11:1-44 which one of the disciples said to the other disciples that they should all go so that they may die with Jesus?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Thomas (called Didymus) said to the other disciples that they should all go so that they may die with Jesus.
Question 74s: According to John 11:1-44 how many days had Lazarus already been in the tomb when Jesus arrived at Bethany?
Answer: According to John 11: 1-44 when Jesus arrived at Bethany He found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days.
Question 74t: According to John 11:1-44 how far was Bethany from Jerusalem?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Bethany was less than two miles from Jerusalem.
Question 74u: According to John 11:1-44 who had come to Mary and Martha?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 many Jews had come to Mary and Martha?
Question 74v: According to John 11:1-44 why had many Jews come to Mary and Martha?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 many Jews had come to Mary and Martha to comfort
them in the loss of their brother Lazarus.
Question 74w: According to John 11:1-44 who went out to meet Jesus?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Martha went out to meet Jesus.
Question 74x: According to John 11:1-44 who stayed at home?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Mary stayed at home.
Question 74y: According to John 11:1-44 what did Martha say to Jesus when she sees Him?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Martha said to Jesus that her brother would not have
died if He had been there. But she said as well that God would give Jesus whatever He would ask for.
Question 74z: According to John 11:1-44 how did Jesus respond to Martha’s words?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Jesus responded to Martha’s words by saying that her brother Lazarus would rise again.
Question 74a: According to John 11:1-44 what did Martha say in response to Jesus’ words
that her brother Lazarus would rise again?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Martha responded to Jesus’ words that her brother Lazarus would rise again by saying that she knew Lazarus would rise again in the resurrection at the last day.
Question 74b: According to John 11:1-4 what statement did Jesus make about Himself?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Jesus made the statement about Himself that He is
the Resurrection and the Life. Consequently anyone who believes in Him will live, even though they die; and whoever lives and believes in Him will never die.
Question 74c: According to John 11:1-44 what did Jesus ask Martha?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Jesus asked Martha if she believed His statement
about Himself that He is the Resurrection and the Life and that she would never
die, if she believed in Him.
Question 74d: According to John 11:1-44 how did Martha respond to Jesus’ question?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Martha responded to Jesus’ question by saying that
she believed Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world.
Question 74e: According to John 11:1-44 where did Martha go next?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Martha next went back home.
Question 74f: According to John 11:1-44 who did Martha speak to when she went back home?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Martha spoke with her sister Mary when she went back home.
Question 74g: According to John 11:1-44 what did Martha say to her sister Mary when she went back home?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Martha said to her sister Mary that the Teacher was here and asking for her.
Question 74h: According to John 11:1-44 how did Mary respond to her sister Martha’s words?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Mary responded to Martha’s words by getting up quickly and going to Jesus.
Question 74i: According to John 11:1-44 where was Jesus when Mary went to see Him?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Jesus had not yet entered Bethany but was still at the place outside Bethany where Martha had met Him.
Question 74j: According to John 11:1-44 who followed Mary when she went out?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 the Jews who had been with Mary in the house, comforting her, followed her when she went out.
Question 74k: According to John 11:1-44 where did the Jews who had been with Mary in
the house, comforting her, think she was going?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 the Jews who had been with Mary in the house, comforting her, thought she was going to Lazarus’ tomb to mourn there.
Question 74l: According to John 11:1-44 what did Mary do when she reached the place
where Jesus was and saw Him?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Mary fell at Jesus’ feet when she reached the place
where He was and saw Him.
Question 74m: According to John 11:1-44 what did Mary say to Jesus?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Mary said to Jesus that her brother Lazarus would not have died if He had been there.
Question 74n: According to John 11:1-44 how did Jesus respond to the weeping of Mary
and the Jews who had come with her?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Jesus responded to the weeping of Mary and the Jews who had come with her by being deeply moved in spirit and troubled.
Question 74o: According to John 11:1-44 what question did Jesus ask Mary?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Jesus asked Mary where they had laid Lazarus.
Question 74p: According to John 11:1-44 how did Mary and the Jews who had come with
her reply to Jesus?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Mary and the Jews who had come with her replied to Jesus by asking Him to come with them and see for Himself where they had laid Lazarus.
Question 74q: According to John 11:1-44 what did Jesus do next?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Jesus wept.
Question 74r: According to John 11:1-44 how did the Jews respond to the weeping of Jesus?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 the Jews responded to the weeping of Jesus by saying that He loved Lazarus very much. But some of the Jews questioned why Jesus had not kept Lazarus from dying since He had opened the eyes of the blind man.
Question 74s: According to John 11:1-44 what did the tomb of Lazarus consists of?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 the tomb of Lazarus consisted of a cave with a stone
laid across the entrance.
Question 74t According to John 11:1-44 what did Jesus tell the Jews to do when they arrived at the cave where Lazarus was buried?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 when they arrived at the cave where Lazarus was buried Jesus told the Jews to remove the stone that was laid across the entrance of the cave.
Question 74u: According to John 11:1-44 what was Martha’s comment when Jesus told the Jews to remove the stone from the cave where Lazarus was buried?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Martha commented that there would be a bad odour coming from the cave if they removed the stone.
Question 74v: According to John 11:1-44 why would there be a bad odour coming from the cave if the stone were to be removed?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 there would be a bad odour coming from the cave if the stone were to be removed because Lazarus’ dead body had been there for four days already.
Question 74w: According to John 11:1-44 what was Jesus reply to Martha’s comment that there would be a bad odour coming from the cave if the stone were to be removed?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Jesus reminded Martha that He had told her that if she believed she would see the glory of God.
Question 74x: According to John 11:1-44 what did the Jews do in response to Jesus’ words?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 the Jews removed the stone from the cave in which Lazarus was buried in response to Jesus’ words.
Question 74y: According to John 11:1-44 what did Jesus do after the stone had been
removed from the cave in which Lazarus was buried?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Jesus looked up and thanked the Father that He had heard Him. He knew that the Father always hears Him but He said this for the
benefit of the people standing there so that they would believe that the Father had sent Him.
Question 74z: According to John 11:1-44 after having prayed to His Father who did Jesus command to come out of the cave?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 after having prayed to His Father Jesus commanded Lazarus to come out of the grave.
Question 74a: According to John 11:1-44 did anyone come out of the cave in response to the command of Jesus?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Lazarus came out of the cave in response to Jesus’ command.
Question 74b: According to John 11:1-44 what did Jesus tell the people to do?
Answer: According to John 11:1-44 Jesus told the people to remove the grave clothes
from Lazarus and to let him go.
Question 75: Was Jesus just an ordinary person, like you and I?
Answer: Jesus was not just an ordinary person, like you and I, He was a very special person.
Question 76: Had Jesus been born for a very special reason?
Answer: Jesus had been born for a very special reason.
Question 77: Had Jesus just been born to teach people about God?
Answer: Jesus had not just been born to teach people about God, even though that was
very important.
Question 78: Had Jesus just been born to heal and deliver people?
Answer: Jesus had not just been born to heal and deliver people, even though these things were very important too.
Question 79: Why had Jesus, in fact, been born?
Answer: Jesus had, in fact, been born to die for people.
Question 80: Had Jesus just come to die for the people in His nation Israel?
Answer: Jesus had not just come to die for the people in His nation Israel but He had
come to die for all people everywhere and at all times.
Question 81: What happened to Jesus after He had travelled through His nation for three years?
Answer: Jesus allowed Himself to be put on a cross after He had travelled through His
nation for three years.
Question 82: What happened when Jesus hung on a cross?
Answer: Jesus died for all people, including you, when He hung on a cross.
Question 83a: According to Luke 23:33 where was Jesus crucified?
Answer: According to Luke 23:33 Jesus was crucified at the place called the Skull.
Question 83b: According to Luke 23:33 with whom else was Jesus crucified?
Answer: According to Luke 23:33 Jesus was crucified with two criminals, one on His right
and the other on His left.
Question 84: Why did Jesus allow Himself to be crucified?
Answer: Jesus allowed Himself to be crucified because of His love for people, including you.
Question 85: How had Jesus shown people His love for them?
Answer: For three years Jesus had shown people His love for them by teaching them about God, by healing them, delivering them and even raising some from the dead.
Question 86: How did Jesus shown His greatest love for them and for you?
Answer: Jesus showed His greatest love for them and for you when He died on the cross.
Question 87: Did Jesus know that all people everywhere, including you, are separated from God because of sin?
Answer: Jesus knew that all people everywhere, including you, are separated from God because of sin.
Question 88: Why are all people everywhere, including you, separated from God because
of sin?
Answer: All people everywhere, including you, are separated from God because of sin since God is not only a God of love but is a holy God too.
Question 89: It is possible for you to do enough good works to become as good as God?
Answer: No matter what good works you have done and might be doing to become acceptable to God, it is impossible for you to do enough good works to become as good as God.
Question 90: Is that why Jesus came into the world as a Baby?
Answer: Yes, that is why Jesus came into the world a Baby.
Question 91: Has Jesus always been in existence?
Answer: Jesus has always been in existence as part of the Godhead, as God the Son.
Question 92: When did Jesus, as God the Son, work together with God the Father?
Answer: Jesus, as God the Son, worked together at the time of Creation when He and God the Father together created the Universe, including the first two human beings.
Question 93: According to Genesis 1:27 who did God make in His image?
Answer: God made man in His own image; male and female He created them.
Question 94: Did the first couple have a wonderful relationship with God?
Answer: The first couple had a wonderful relationship with God.
Question 95: When did everything change for the first couple?
Answer: Everything changed for the first couple when they disobeyed God.
Question 96: Why did everything change for the first couple after they disobeyed God?
Answer: Everything changed for the fist couple after they disobeyed God for their sinful actions caused them to become separated from God.
Question 97: Have their sinful actions affected not just them but everyone born after them, including you?
Answer: Their sinful actions have affected everyone born after them, including you.
Question 98a: According to Romans 5:12 how did sin enter the world?
Answer: According to Romans 5:12 sin entered the world through one man.
Question 98b: According to Romans 5:12 what entered the world though the sin of one man?
Answer: According to Romans 5:12 death entered the world through the sin of one man.
Question 98c: According to Romans 5:12 what came to all men because all sinned?
Answer: According to Romans 5:12 death came to all men because all sinned.
Question 99: Why did the Son of God leave heaven and enter the world as a Baby?
Answer: The son of God left heaven and entered the world as a Baby so He could identify with human beings.
Question 100: Why could Jesus die on your behalf?
Answer: Jesus could die on your behalf and take your sins upon Him because He lived a perfect life as a human being.
Question 101: Does Jesus’ dying on your behalf and taking your sins on Him affect your relationship with the Father?
Answer: Jesus’ dying on your behalf and taking your sins upon Him has made it possible
for you to once again have a close relationship with the Father as the first couple
had originally.
Question 102: What could you say, Jesus became for you?
Answer: You could say, Jesus became the Bridge for you to God.
Question 103: What price did Jesus pay by His death?
Answer: Jesus paid the price for your sins by His death.
Question 104: Since Jesus paid the price for your death, do you still have to pay the price
for your death?
Answer: No, you do not have to pray the price for your death, which is separation from God not just now but even after you die.
Question 105: Have you ever heard how you can have that close relationship with God as
your heavenly Father?
Answer: Perhaps you do not have this close relationship with the Father and you may have never heard how you can have this close relationship with God as your heavenly Father.
Question 106: Do you know that no-one can come to the Father except through Jesus?
Answer: You may not know that no-one can come to the Father except through Jesus,
acting as the Bridge.
Question 107a: According to John 14:6 what does Jesus call Himself?
Answer: According to John 14:6 Jesus calls Himself the Way and the Truth and the Life.
Question 107b: According to John 14:6 does Jesus say anyone can come to the Father in
any way they choose?
Answer: According to John 14:6 Jesus says that no-one can come to the Father except through Him.
Question 108: Do you know God?
Answer: You may know about God but you may not know Him intimately.
Question 109: Does God know you?
Answer: God knows you and desires for you to learn how you can become His child and
how He can become your Father.
Question 110: What are the steps you need to take to have that close relationship with God?
Answer: There are three steps that you have to take.
Question 111: What is the first step that you have to take?
Answer: The first step that you have to take is that you need to recognise that you are a sinner and that nothing you do can bring you into a right relationship with God.
Question 112: Can taking care of your family, other relatives or even your neighbours bring
you closer to God?
Answer: No, taking care of your family, other relatives or even your neighbours, good as
these things are, cannot bring you closer to God.
Question 113: Can taking care of your family, other relatives or even your neighbours make you right with God?
Answer: Taking care of your family, other relatives or even your neighbours cannot make
you right with God.
Question 114: What is the second step you need to take?
Answer: You need to realise that Jesus has, in fact, already paid the price for all your sins when He died on the cross 2000 years ago.
Question 115: What is the third step you need to take?
Answer: You need to recognise your need to confess your sins, including specific sins that you may be aware off, and to ask God to forgive you of all your sins because Jesus has already paid the price for them on the cross in His role as Your Saviour.
Question 116: Is Jesus still on earth?
Answer: No, Jesus has gone back to heaven.
Question 117: Who has Jesus sent to take His place here on earth?
Answer: Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to take His place on earth and He will help you live in a way that is pleasing to God.
Question 118: If you are not yet God’s child then what would God want to invite you to do?
Answer: If you are not yet God’s child then God wants to invite you to become His child.
Question 119: Would you like to pray a prayer so you can acknowledge that you are a sinner and that you accept God’s forgiveness based on Jesus’ death on he cross so you can become a child of God?
Answer: The prayer is as follows:
Dear God,
I know that I am a sinner and I cannot make myself right with You.
But I know too that You sent Your Son Jesus to earth to die for me on the cross 2000 years ago so I can be forgiven of all my sins.
I confess my sins and repent of them… (if you are aware of anything specific you can just mention them to God) and I receive your forgiveness for them.
By faith I accept that I have now become Your child and You have now become my heavenly Father and I will be with You in heaven when I die.
I ask Jesus to be the Lord of my life and to help me live a life that is pleasing to You with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Question 120: After you have prayed this prayer what can you now know?
Answer: After having prayed this prayer you can now know that you have become a child
of God.
Question 121: Who can you ask to guide you each day?
Answer: You can ask the Holy Spirit to guide you each day.
Question 122: What will be very helpful for you?
Answer: It will be very helpful for you to become part of a church.
Question 123: What other things will be helpful for you?
Answer: It will be helpful for you to spend time reading God’s Word and praying.
Question 124: Why will becoming part of a church, spending time reading God’s Word and praying be helpful for you?
Answer: Becoming part of a church, reading God’s Word and praying will be helpful for you
for you will then learn how to live in a way that is pleasing to God.
Question 125: What will you be able to share with others over time?
Answer: Over time you will be able to share with others what you have learned about God.