In 2007 a lady from South India got in touch with me via my web site. She is a wonderful Christian and has been preaching the Gospel for many years. At her invitation I went to her area in November 2007 when I taught on Biblical equality for men and women. In November 2009 we held a three-day outdoors event which was attended by many people from the outlying villages. View More
That same year we started a Bible School and the first group of male and female students graduated in 2010 and are now preaching the Gospel in the surrounding villages and starting small fellowships. View More
Since 2009 we have been organising conferences for pastors and evangelists as well and in November 2010, these pastors and evangelists came from the surrounding villages and we had a wonderful time together, around the Word of God. View More
In November 2011, we held a conference for pastors and evangelists once more. This time we focused on the Book of Acts, and in particular on the role of the Holy Spirit in this Book. View More
In November 2011, once again we spent a few days with the bible school students. That year we studied a part of the Book of Genesis together. View More
In November 2011, I visited some villages and, in each one, I spoke at a local church using a gospel story to encourage the believers there. View More
In March 2015 a new church was opened in one of the villages near Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh.Believers gathered for its opening.
Believers are expressing their thanks to God for the new church.
One of the believers shares a bible passage at the opening ceremony of the new church. (Fig.1)
Pastors, evangelists, and other believers have gathered to celebrate the opening of the new church.(Fig.2)
"Mama" Lilly cuts the ribbon at the opening ceremony of the new church." (Fig.3)
Mama" Lilly reads an appropriate bible passage at the opening of their new church. (Fig.4)
"Mama Lilly" is teaching some new believers truths from God's Word in the newly-built church.
"Mama" Lilly is teaching children and women on the subject of the love of God.
These believers have gathered to be discipled by "Mama" Lilly.
In May 2016, "Mama" Lilly was teaching believers using "God's Perfect Design".