Not Worthy Of Attention
Jesus has gone to Capernaum, no doubt led by His Father, for He only does what He sees His heavenly father doing, as you can read in John 5:19
Jesus gave them this answer: “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by Himself, He can do only what He sees the Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.”
You can find the reason for His going to Capernaum in Luke 7:1-3
When Jesus had finished saying all this in the hearing of the people, He entered Capernaum. There a Centurion’s servant, whom his master valued highly, was sick and about to die. The Centurion heard of Jesus and sent some elders of the Jews to Him, asking Him to come and heal his servant.
The Centurion is a Roman soldier and, therefore, not one of the Jewish chosen people. One of his servants is very ill and is, in fact, on the point of dying. What is he to do? He has done everything possible so far and no medicine has worked. He is really at his wit’s end. But then he learns that Jesus has entered Capernaum and he has heard that this Jesus can, and does, heal people. It is true, he, as a Roman citizen does not belong to the Jewish people and Jesus’ ministry is always among Jewish people. However, his situation is very desperate, for his servant is near death. Perhaps Jesus may have mercy upon him, and will come to see his servant, even though he is not worthy to receive Him in his home, as an unclean Gentile. Not feeling worthy even to speak to Jesus in person, he asks some of the Jewish elders if they are willing to plead his case before Jesus, on his behalf, as you can read in Luke 7:4a
When they came to Jesus, they pleaded earnestly with Him, “This man deserves to have you do this, because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue.” So Jesus went with them.
Jesus listens to the plea of the elders, and in response goes with them to the house of the Centurion. However, the Centurion, knowing that he is not of the chosen race, does not think that Jesus, who is of the chosen race, should enter his home, as you can read in Luke 7:4b-10
He was not far from the house when the Centurion sent friends to say to Him, “Lord, don’t trouble Yourself, for I do not deserve to have You come under my roof. That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to You. But say the word and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, “Go,” and he goes; and that one, “Come,” and he comes. I say to my servant, “Do this,” and he does it.”
The Centurion asks some Jewish friends of his to meet Jesus on his behalf to pass on to Him the request that He simply speak a word of healing over the servant, for that will be sufficient for the servant to be made whole. The Centurion understands the principle of rightful authority, for in his own life he simply speaks the word, and those under his authority will do what they have been told. Likewise, he understands that Jesus has authority over sicknesses. Therefore, when Jesus simply speaks the word for the sickness to go, it must go. Jesus’ response to the request of the Centurion can be found in Luke 7:9-10
When Jesus heard this, He was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following Him, He said, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.” Then the men who had been sent returned to the house and found the servant well.
Jesus is greatly delighted with the faith of this Centurion who is not even a Jewish person. And as a result the servant receives his healing. Likewise, you too can ask the Lord to meet your needs, even though you may not feel you are worthy of His attention. All Jesus asks is that you step out in faith, believing in His willingness to listen to your request, and to answer in accordance with His perfect will, as you can read in Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Now, Jesus does not stay in Capernaum, because there are other people He has to minister to. Let’s read Luke 7:11
Soon afterwards, Jesus went to a town called Nain, and His disciples and a large crowd went along with Him.
Please understand that Jesus does not find Himself near Nain by accident, for He has not lost His way, as some of us may do at times. No, He is definitely in the right place at the right time, as you will soon learn. Let’s read Luke 7:12
As He approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out –the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the town was with her.
As Jesus gets to the entrance of the town, He meets a very sad and wailing crowd. And it is no wonder, for in the coffin lies the body of a young man. We would expect everyone to be upset about his death, for he is too young to have died. Moreover, he is the only son and his mother is a widow. So, who will now take care of her since she has already lost her husband and is now about to bury her only son?
Surely it looks like Jesus has missed it this time. He may well be in the right town, but He has arrived at the wrong time. He should have come when the boy was still ill. At least then He could have done something for her by making her son well. However, there is no point for Him to be here now, unless He has come to share in the grief of the widow. And it seems that is what He has come to do, as you can read in Luke 7:13
When the Lord saw her, His heart went out to her and He said, “Don’t cry.”
Jesus is moved with compassion for the widow who has now lost her son. No doubt, He wants to comfort her. But telling her not to cry anymore does not seem to be very helpful. I can well imagine that the widow might like to say to Jesus, “Sorry, Jesus, I know You mean well. But how can You expect me to stop crying? I have just lost my son. Why did you not come a few days earlier for then I might not be walking behind his coffin today?”
However, she does say not these things, and that may well be because something in the tone of His voice actually makes her stop crying. She does not know what Jesus is going to do, but somehow she knows that everything will be well because Jesus has come. And her faith in Jesus is justified, as you can read in Luke 7:14-15
Then He went up and touched the coffin, and those carrying it stood still. He said, “Young man, I say to you, get up.’ The dead man set up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother.
Having told the woman to stop crying, Jesus walks up to the coffin next, and then speaks to the dead young man lying in it, commanding the young man to get up. Jesus’ approach is a no-nonsense approach. He does not go through a series of rituals to make this miracle happen. After all, He is the Resurrection and the Life, as you can read in John 11:25 where Jesus is speaking to a woman named Mary, as follows
Jesus said to her, “I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies.”
Therefore, Jesus has power over death, as demonstrated here, by bringing this young man back to life. The moment the young man hears the command to sit up, he does, and he begins to talk, as a sign that he really is alive. Jesus then helps him climb out of his coffin and gives him back to his mother. What a reunion that will have been. The people will all have been so amazed at the miracle that has happened among them, as you can read in Luke 7:16-17
They were all filled with awe and praised God. “A great prophet has appeared among us,” they said. “God has come to help His people.” This news about Jesus spread throughout Judea and the surrounding country.
This miracle helps the people to begin to have a greater understanding who Jesus is for they are beginning to recognise that He is more than just a Man. According to them He must at least be a great Prophet because of what He has done in their midst.
Just as Jesus ministered to this widow’s need by giving her back her son so He wants to minister to your needs by giving you back what you may have lost. Perhaps, you have lost your joy or your peace because of life’s challenges. However, Jesus promises His Peace in the midst of your difficulties, as you can read in John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; My Peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
Therefore, ask the Lord for His Joy, His Peace, just as He brought joy and peace to the widow when He gave her back her son.
Sometime later, Jesus is once again on His way to a specific destination, because there is someone He is supposed to meet, as you can read in Luke 18:35
As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging.
Jesus is on His way to Jericho. He is not going there because His disciples have told Him about the wonderful food you can eat there. No, He is going there because His heavenly Father has directed Him to go there to meet someone. Who is that someone going to be? Yes, the story mentions there is a blind man sitting by the roadside begging, but surely he is not the one chosen by God to receive the ministry of Jesus that day, or is he....? Let’s read Luke 18:36-37 to find out
When he (the blind man) heard the crowd going by, he asked what was happening. They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.”
The man realises something unusual is happening for it is very noisy on the road. That can only mean one thing; a large group of people have gathered at the road. Why are they all there, and what are they talking about? Since he cannot see anything, the only way to find out what everyone is so excited about is to ask the people. Perhaps they will be kind enough to tell him. That is how he learns that Jesus is on his way to Jericho. He has heard about Jesus, and he knows from the stories people have told him that Jesus has been doing many miracles. And now, this same Jesus is about to pass by him. He knows that his moment has come; it is now or never. This means he must take action, never mind what people say or think of him, as you can read in Luke 18:38-39
He called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.”
Those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me.”
Those around him are embarrassed by his behaviour, and tell him to be quiet. But they don’t know what it is like to be blind, and to have to sit at the roadside every day to beg. So he completely ignores them, and shouts even louder than before, determined that he will not stop until Jesus responds to him, and Jesus does so, as you can read in Luke 18:40-41
Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. When he came near, Jesus asked him, “What do you want Me to do for you?” “Lord, I want to see,” he replied.
Jesus stops and has the man brought to him. Jesus will have instantly realised that the man is blind, so we will expect Jesus to just go ahead and heal him. After all, what else will he have called out to Jesus for? But Jesus does not just go ahead and heal him. No, Jesus begins to personally interact with him by asking him a question. And the question Jesus asks him is: “What do you want Me to do for you?” He is, thereby, laying the groundwork for a personal relationship between the man and Him. His blindness will have cut him off from personal relationships with people. Many times people will have passed him by when he sat at the road side begging and will have ignored him. And here, Jesus starts a conversation with him, to let him know that he is a person worthy to be heard, a person with an opinion worthy to be listened to. He is not just a nobody, some blind person who cannot even properly function in society. No, he is precious in God’s sight and the reason Jesus is on His way to Jericho is to meet him, this blind person. Moreover, Jesus hears his request, treats it with great respect and acts upon it, as you can read in Luke 18:42
Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.”
Jesus restores the man’s sight in answer to the man’s words. The man’s response to his healing can be found in Luke 18:43
Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God.
What else can the man do, once he has received his healing, but praise God? And the people, who are privileged to have witnessed the miracle, join him in praising God.
Perhaps, like this man you too are blind but your blindness is a spiritual blindness. And people have tried to help you by being kind to you, but their help has not been sufficient, because you still feel desperate for something beyond what they can give you. Like the blind man, you too need Jesus to minister to you so you can receive your spiritual sight by believing that Jesus died on the Cross for your sins so you can become a child of God. And, just as the blind man began to praise God once he could see, so you too will begin to praise the Lord, when you receive His forgiveness.
The healing of the blind man takes place while Jesus is still on His way to Jericho, He has not reached Jericho yet. Once He enters Jericho, God has someone else for Him to minister to, as you can read in Luke 19:1-2
Jesus entered Jericho, and was passing through. A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. He wanted to see who Jesus was but, being a short man, he could not, because of the crowd. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see Him, since Jesus was coming that way.
The man God has chosen for Jesus to minister to that day in Jericho is Zaccheus. Like the blind man, Zacchaeus has heard of Jesus, and he too will do what he can to have an encounter with Him. His problem is not that he is blind, but that he is short, so he decides to climb a tree enabling him to have a view of Jesus anyway. What is Jesus going to do about this short man Zacchaeus? Will the fact that he is too short to see Jesus hinder him from meeting Jesus? Let’s read Luke 19:5 to find out
When Jesus reached the spot, He looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.”
Jesus, being aware what Zacchaeus has done to see Him, stops at the right sycamore-fig tree. He does not just stop but He addresses Zacchaeus and invites Himself to Zacchaeus’ home for He knows that it will bring joy to Zacchaeus’ heart, as you can read in Luke 19:6
So he came down at once and welcomed Him gladly.
But what about the others who see Jesus going home with Zacchaeus? Are they glad too for Zacchaeus that the Lord has chosen his home to have a meal in? They all know Zacchaeus very well, for they have had to pay taxes to him, and they all know that tax collectors, including Zacchaeus, are notorious cheaters. So what is their reaction? Let’s read Luke 19:7 to find out
All the people saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be a guest of a “sinner.”
The people are obviously not pleased that Jesus has chosen to stay with Zacchaeus. No doubt, each one considers himself a better choice for Jesus to stay with than Zacchaeus. They may even wonder about Jesus for, surely, He must know that Zacchaeus is such a great sinner, or does He…?
Jesus does know. However, He knows as well that His willingness to give special attention to Zacchaeus will turn Zacchaeus into a changed man, as you can read in Luke 19:8
But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.”
The reason for Jesus’ visit to Jericho is to touch the heart and life of this one man, as you can read in Luke 19:9-10
Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost.”
The reason Jesus has come is to save lives, including the life of Zacchaeus, as you can read in John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Jesus’ visit to Zacchaeus’ home caused him to become a transformed man. And his transformation was so real that he became a blessing to his community. Perhaps, you can identify with Zacchaeus in that you feel you too do not measure up to the standard of other believers, for you know you have committed sins that have separated you from God. But Jesus wants you to know that He sees the longing in your heart to be made right with Him. And He wants to spend time with you, as you can read in Revelation 3:20 where Jesus says
“Here I am! I stand at the door. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with Me.”
Therefore, be like Zacchaeus and allow Jesus access into all the areas of your life, and He will transform your life so you will become a blessing to others. Of course, Jesus cannot visit you physically, as He was able to do with Zaccaeus. But you can spend time with Him when you pray to Him and read His Word.
As you have seen from the stories you have looked at, Jesus loved all kinds of people and touched the lives of all kinds of people, be they rich or poor, young or old, and whatever their particular problem. Nothing was too hard for Him to take care of, and no one was too sinful to be changed by Him. And He wants to touch your life too and bring healing to your life, be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Your status in this life does not matter, as far as heaven is concerned, for God cares about you, and sent His Son to die for you regardless of your status, your background, your age, or your gender. None of these things matter to Him. All He asks of you is that you cry out to Him and ask Him to touch you, to help you and He will.
Question 1: Where has Jesus gone to? Answer: Jesus has gone to Capernaum.
Question 2: Who has led Jesus to go to Capernaum?
Answer: His Father has led Jesus to go to Capernaum.
Question 3: According to John 5:19, what does Jesus say about Himself?
Answer: According to John 5:19, Jesus says that He can do nothing by Himself, He can only do what He sees the Father doing.
Question 4a: According to Luke 7:1-3, who was sick? Answer: According to Luke 7:1-3, a Centurion’s servant, whom his master valued highly, was sick.
Question 4b: According to Luke 7:1-3, was the Centurion’s servant very sick?
Answer: According to Luke 7:1-4, the Centurion’s servant was very sick and about to die.
Question 4c: According to Luke 7:1-3, who had heard of Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 7:103, the Centurion had heard of Jesus.
Question 4d: According to Luke 7:1-3, what did the Centurion do?
Answer: According to Luke 7:1-3, the Centurion sent some of the elders of the Jews to Jesus.
Question 4e: According to Luke 7:1-3, what did the elders of the Jews ask Jesus? Answer: According to Luke 7:1-3, the elders of the Jews asked Jesus to come and heal the Centurion’s servant.
Question 5: Who is the Centurion? Answer: The Centurion is a Roman soldier.
Question 6: Does the Centurion belong to the Jewish chosen people?
Answer: The Centurion is a Roman soldier and he is, therefore, not one of the Jewish chosen people.
Question 7: Who is ill? Answer: One of the Centurion’s servants is very ill and is, in fact, on the point of dying.
Question 8: Has the Centurion done everything possible so far? Answer: The Centurion has done everything possible so far and nothing has worked.
Question 9: Who does the Centurion learn has entered Capernaum?
Answer: The Centurion learned that Jesus has entered Capernaum.
Question 10: What has the Centurion heard about Jesus? Answer: The Centurion has heard that Jesus can and does heal people.
Question 11: Among whom is Jesus’ ministry?
Answer: Jesus’ ministry is always among Jewish people.
Question 12: Why is the Centurion not worthy to receive Jesus in his home? Answer: The Centurion is not worthy to receive Jesus in his home because he is an “unclean” Gentile.
Question 13: Why does the Centurion ask some of the Jewish elders if they are willing to plead his case before Jesus on his behalf? Answer: The Centurion asks some of the Jewish elders if they are willing to plead his case before Jesus because he does not feel worthy to speak to Jesus in person.
Question 14a: According to Luke 7:4a, what did the elders of the Jews do when they came to Jesus? Answer: According to Luke 7:4a, the elders of the Jews pleaded earnestly with Jesus.
Question 14b: According to Luke 7:4a, what did the elders of the Jews say to Jesus? Answer: According to Luke 7:4a, the elders of the Jews said to Jesus that the Centurion deserved for Jesus to go to his home.
Question 14c: According to Luke 7:4a, why did the Centurion deserve for Jesus to go to his home? Answer: According to Luke 7:4a, the Centurion deserved for Jesus to go to his home because he loved their nation Israel and had built a synagogue.
Question 14d: According to Luke 7:4a, what did Jesus do in response to the request of the elders of the Jews? Answer: According to Luke 7:4a, Jesus went with the elders of the Jews to the home of the Centurion.
Question 15: Does the Centurion think Jesus should enter his home?
Answer: The Centurion does not think that Jesus, who is of the chosen race, should enter his home.
Question 16a: According to Luke 7:4b-8, who did the Centurion send to Jesus when He was not far from his house. Answer: According to Luke 7:4b-8, the Centurion sent some friends to Jesus when He was not far from his house.
Question 16b: According to Luke 7:4b-8, what did the friends of the Centurion say to Jesus on behalf of the Centurion? Answer: According to Luke 7:4b-8, the friends of the Centurion said to Jesus on his behalf not to trouble Himself for the Centurion did not think he deserved to have Jesus come under his roof. That is why he did not even consider himself worthy to come to Jesus.
Question 16c: According to Luke 7:4b-8, what else did the friends say on behalf of the Centurion? Answer: According to Luke 7:4b-8, the friends of the Centurion said to Jesus on his behalf to just speak the word and his servant would be healed.
Question 16d: According to Luke 7:4b-8, why did the Centurion ask his friends to tell Jesus to just say the word and his servant would be healed? Answer: According to Luke 7:4b-8, the Centurion asked his friends to tell Jesus to just say the word and his servant would be healed because he understood the subject of authority.
Question 16e: According to Luke 7:4b-8, as one who understood the subject of authority, how did authority function in the life of the Centurion? Answer: According to Luke 7:4b-8, though he was a man under authority, as a Roman Centurion, he had soldiers under him and had authority over them so he could tell one to go and another one to come. Likewise, he could tell a servant to do something and he would do it.
Question 17: Who does the Centurion ask to meet Jesus on his behalf? Answer: The Centurion asks some Jewish friends to meet Jesus on his behalf.
Question 18: What request does the Centurion ask his Jewish friends to pass on to Jesus? Answer: The Centurion asks his Jewish friends to pass on to Jesus the request that He simply speak a word of healing over the servant for that will be sufficient for the servant to be made whole.
Question 19: Why does the Centurion asks his Jewish friends to pass on to Jesus the request to simply speak a word of healing over the servant?
Answer: The Centurion asks his Jewish friends to pass on to Jesus the request to simply speak a word of healing over the servant for that will be sufficient for the servant to be made whole.
Question 20: What does the Centurion understand?
Answer: The Centurion understands the principle of rightful authority.
Question 21: Why does the Centurion understand the principle of rightful authority? Answer: The Centurion understands the principle of rightful authority for in his own life he simply speaks the word and those under his authority will do what they have been told to do.
Question 22: Does the Centurion understand that Jesus has authority?
Answer: The Centurion understands that Jesus has authority over sicknesses.
Question 23: What does the Centurion understand must happen as a consequence of Jesus’ authority over sicknesses?
Answer: The Centurion understands that when Jesus speaks the word for the sickness to go, it must go because of His authority over it.
Question 24a: According to Luke 7:9-10, what was Jesus’ response to the words of the Centurion?
Answer: According to Luke 7:9-10, Jesus was amazed at the Centurion.
Question 24b: According to Luke 7:9-10, what did Jesus say to the crowd about the Centurion?
Answer: According to Luke 7:9-10, Jesus said to the crowd about the Centurion that he had not found such great faith even in Israel.
Question 24c: According to Luke 7:9-10, where did the Jewish friends of the Centurion go?
Answer: According to Luke 7:9-10,the Jewish friends of the Centurion returned to the house of the Centurion.
Question 24d: According to Luke 7:9-10, what did the Jewish friends of the Centurion find when they got to the house of the Centurion? Answer: According to Luke 7:9-10, the Jewish friends of the Centurion found the servant well when they returned to the house of the Centurion.
Question 25: What is Jesus’ response to the faith of this Centurion?
Answer: Jesus is greatly delighted with the faith of this Centurion who is not even a Jewish person.
Question 26: Can you ask the Lord to meet your needs? Answer: You can ask the Lord to meet your needs even though you may not feel you are worthy of His attention.
Question 27: What will Jesus ask you to do? Answer: All Jesus asks is that you step out in faith, believing in His willingness to listen to your request, and to answer in accordance with His perfect will.
Question 28a: According to Philippians 4:6-7, are you to be anxious about some things? Answer: According to Philippians 4:6-7, you are not to be anxious about anything.
Question 28b: According to Philippians 4:6-7, what are you to do? Answer: According to Philippians 4:6-7, you are to present your requests to God in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving.
Question 28c: According to Philippians 4:6-7, what will happen after you have prayed? Answer: According to Philippians 4:6-7, after you have prayed, the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Question 29: Does Jesus stay in Capernaum? Answer: Jesus does not stay in Capernaum because there are other people He has to minister to.
Question 30a: According to Luke 7:11 where did Jesus go? Answer: According to Luke 7:11 Jesus went to a town called Nain.
Question 30b: According to Luke 7:11 who went with Jesus to Nain? Answer: According to Luke 7:11 Jesus’ disciples went with Jesus to Nain. And a large crowd went along with Him.
Question 31: Does Jesus find Himself near Nain by accident? Answer: No, Jesus has not lost His way, as some of us may do at times.
Question 32: Is Jesus in the right place? Answer: Yes, Jesus is in the right place at the right time.
Question 33A: According to Luke 7:12, when Jesus approached the town gate in Nain, who was being carried out? Answer: According to Luke 7:12, when Jesus approached the town gate in Nain, a dead person was being carried out.
Question 33b: According to Luke 7:12, who was the dead person who was being carried out? Answer: According to Luke 7:12, the dead person who was being carried out was the only son of a widow.
Question 33c: According to Luke 7:12, who was with the widow?
Answer: According to Luke 7:12, a large crowd from the town was with the widow.
Question 34: As Jesus gets to the entrance of the town who does He meet?
Answer: As Jesus gets to the entrance of the town He meets a very sad and wailing crowd.
Question 35: Why is it not surprising that the crowd Jesus meets is very sad?
Answer: It is not surprising that the crowd Jesus meets is very sad because in the coffin lies the body of a young man.
Question 36: Why would we expect everyone to be upset about his death?
Answer: We would expect everyone to be upset about his death because he is too young to have died. Moreover, he is the only son and his mother is a widow.
Question 37: Will the widow have anyone to take care of her?
Answer: The widow will not have anyone to take care of her since she has already lost her husband and is now about to bury her son.
Question 38: Does it look like Jesus has missed it this time?
Answer: It looks like Jesus has missed it this time.
Question 39: Is it possible that Jesus is in the right town?
Answer: Jesus may well be in the right town but He has arrived at the wrong time.
Question 40: When should Jesus have come? Answer: Jesus should have come when the boy was still ill.
Question 41: Why should Jesus have come when the boy was still ill?
Answer: If Jesus had come when the boy was still ill then He could have done something for the widow by making her son well.
Question 42: Is there any point for Jesus to be in Nain? Answer: There is no point for Jesus to be in Nain, unless He has come to share in the grief of the widow.
Question 43: Does it seem that is what Jesus has come to do?
Answer: It seems that is what Jesus has come to do.
Question 44: According to Luke 7:13, how do you know that Jesus’ heart went out to the widow?
Answer: According to Luke 7:13, you know that Jesus’ heart when out to the widow when He said to her not to cry.
Question 45: How does Jesus feel about the widow?
Answer: Jesus is moved with compassion for the widow.
Question 46: Why is Jesus moved with compassion for the widow?
Answer: Jesus is moved with compassion for the widow because she has lost her son.
Question 47: What does Jesus want to do for the widow? Answer: Jesus wants to comfort the widow.
Question 48: Does it seem very helpful for Jesus to tell the widow not to cry anymore? Answer: It does not seem to be very helpful for Jesus to tell the widow not to cry anymore.
Question 49: Why might the widow like to say to Jesus that He cannot expect her to stop crying? Answer: The widow might like to say to Jesus that He cannot expect her to stop crying since she has just lost her son.
Question 50: Could the widow be asking Jesus why He had not come a few days earlier? Answer: The widow could be asking Jesus why He had not come a few days earlier for then she might not be walking behind her son’s coffin that day.
Question 51: Does the widow say these things?
Answer: No, the widow does not say these things.
Question 52: Why does the widow not say these things?
Answer: Perhaps the widow does not say these things because something in the tone of Jesus’ voice actually makes her stop crying.
Question 53: Does the widow know what Jesus is going to do?
Answer: No, the widow does not know what Jesus is going to do but somehow she knows that everything is going to be well because Jesus has come.
Question 54: Is the widow’s faith in Jesus justified? Answer: The widow’s faith in Jesus is justified.
Question 55a: According to Luke 7:14-15, what did Jesus do next?
Answer: According to Luke 7:14-15, Jesus went up and touched the coffin.
Question 55b: According to Luke 7:14-15, what did those who were carrying the coffin do?
Answer: According to Luke 7:14-15, those who were carrying the coffin stood still.
Question 55c: According to Luke 7:14-15, what did Jesus say to the body of the dead young man in the coffin? Answer: According to Luke 7:14-15, Jesus said to the body of the dead young man in the coffin that he was to get up.
Question 55d: According to Luke 7:14-15, what did the dead young man do in response to Jesus’ words?
Answer: According to Luke 7:14-15, the dead young man set up in response to Jesus’ words to him.
Question 55e: According to Luke 7:14-15, what else did the previously dead young man do in response to Jesus’ words to him? Answer: According to Luke 7:14-15, the previously dead young man began to talk in response to Jesus’ words to him.
Question 55f: According to Luke 7:14-15, what did Jesus do next? Answer: According to Luke 7:14-15, Jesus next gave the previously dead young man back to his mother, the widow.
Question 56: After having told the woman to stop crying, what else does Jesus do? Answer: After having told the woman to stop crying, Jesus walks up to the coffin and then speaks to the young man lying in it, commanding him to get up.
Question 57: Does Jesus go through a series of rituals to make this miracle happen? Answer: Jesus’ approach is a no-nonsense approach. He does not go through a series of rituals to make this miracle happen.
Question 58: Why does Jesus not go through a series of rituals to make this miracle happen?
Answer: Jesus does not go through a series of rituals to make this miracle happen because he is the Resurrection and the Life.
Question 59: According to John 11:25, what does Jesus say to a woman named Martha?
Answer: According to John 11:25, Jesus said to a woman named Martha that He is the Resurrection and the Life and that anyone who believes in Him will live even though he dies.
Question 60: What has Jesus demonstrated here?
Answer: Jesus has demonstrated here that He has power over death.
Question 61: How has Jesus demonstrated here that He has power over death? Answer: Jesus has demonstrated here that He has power over death by bringing this young man back to life.
Question 62: When does the young man sit up? Answer: The young man sits up the moment he hears the command to sit up.
Question 63: What else does the young man to do as a sign that he really is alive?
Answer: The young man begins to talk as a sign that he really is alive.
Question 64: What does Jesus do next?
Answer: Jesus next helps the young man climb out of the coffin and gives him to his mother, the widow.
Question 65: Will all the people have been amazed at the miracle that has happened among them?
Answer: All the people will have been so amazed at the miracle that has happened among them.
Question 66a: According to Luke 7:16-17, how did the people respond?
Answer: According to Luke 7:16-17, all the people were filled with awe and praised God.
Question 66b: According to Luke 7:16-17, how did all the people view Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 7:16-17, all the people viewed Jesus as a great prophet who has appeared among them.
Question 66c: According to Luke 7:16-17, what did all the people say about God?
Answer: According to Luke 7:16-17, all the people said that God has come to help His people.
Question 66d: According to Luke 7:16-17, did the news about Jesus spread?
Answer: According to Luke 7:16-17, the news about Jesus spread throughout Judea and the surrounding country.
Question 67: Does this miracle help the people to begin to have a greater understanding who Jesus is?
Answer: This miracle helps the people to begin to have a greater understanding that Jesus is more than just a Man.
Question 68: According to the people what must Jesus at least be? Answer: According to the people Jesus must at least be a great Prophet.
Question 69: Why do the people think Jesus must at least be a great Prophet?
Answer: The people think Jesus must at least be a Prophet because of what He has done in their midst.
Question 70: Does Jesus want to minister to your needs by giving you back what you have lost?
Answer: Jesus wants to minister to your needs by giving you back what you have lost, just as He ministered to this widow’s needs by giving her back her son.
Question 71: what are some of the things you may have lost?
Answer: You may have lost your joy or your peace because of life’s challenges.
Question 72: What does Jesus promise in the midst of your difficulties?
Answer: Jesus promises His Peace in the midst of your difficulties.
Question 73a: According to John 14:27, what does Jesus promise to leave with you?
Answer: According to John 14:27, Jesus promises to leave His Peace with you; to give you His Peace.
Question 73b: According to John 14:27, is the Peace Jesus promises you the same peace that the world gives? Answer: According to John 14:27, The Peace Jesus gives you is not the peace the world gives.
Question 73c: According to John 14:27, what does Jesus tell us not to do?
Answer: According to John 14:27, Jesus tells us not to let our hearts be troubled and not to be afraid.
Question 74: What can you ask the Lord for?
Answer: You can ask the Lord for His Joy, His Peace just as He brought joy and peace to the widow when He gave her back her son.
Question 75: why is Jesus once again on His way to a specific destination?
Answer: Jesus is once again on His way to a specific destination because there is someone He is supposed to meet.
Question 76a: According to Luke 18:35, which town was Jesus approaching? Answer: According to Luke 18:35, Jesus was approaching Jericho.
Question 76b: According to Luke 18:35, who was sitting by the roadside near Jericho? Answer: According to Luke 18:35, a blind man was sitting by the roadside near Jericho.
Question 76c: According to Luke 18:35, what was the blind man by the roadside near Jericho doing? Answer: According to Luke 18:35, the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho was begging.
Question 77: Where is Jesus going? Answer: Jesus is on His way to Jericho.
Question 78: Is Jesus going to Jericho because His disciples have told Him about the wonderful food you can eat there?
Answer: Jesus is going to Jericho because His heavenly Father has directed Him to go there.
Question 79: Is the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho begging chosen by God to receive the ministry of Jesus that day? Answer: Surely, the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho begging is not the one chosen by God to receive the ministry of Jesus that day, or perhaps he is.
Question 80a: According to Luke 18:36-37, what did the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho do when he heard the crowd going by?
Answer: According to Luke 18:36-37, when the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho heard the crowd going by, he asked what was happening.
Question 80b: According to Luke 18:36-37, what did the crowd tell the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho? Answer: According to Luke 18:36-37, the crowd told the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho that Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.
Question 81: How does the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho know something
unusual is happening?
Answer: The blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho knows something unusual is
happening because it is very noisy since a large group of people have gathered at
the road.
Question 82: How does the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho learn that Jesus is on His way to Jericho?
Answer: The blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho learns that Jesus is on His way to Jericho because the people have told him so.
Question 83: Has the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho heard about Jesus?
Answer: The blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho has heard about Jesus and he knows from the stories people have told him that Jesus has been doing many miracles.
Question 84: What does the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho know?
Answer: The blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho knows that his moment has come.
Question 85: What does the fact that his moment has come mean for the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho?
Answer: The fact that his moment has come means the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho must take action regardless what people say or think.
Question 86a: According to Luke 18:38-39 what did the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho do? Answer: According to Luke 18:38-39, the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho called out asking Jesus, Son of David, to have mercy on him.
Question 86b: According to Luke 18:38-39, what did those who led the way for Jesus to enter Jericho do? Answer: According to Luke 18:38-39, those who led the way for Jesus to enter Jericho told the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho to be quiet.
Question 86c: According to Luke 18:38-39, did the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho listen to those who wanted him to be quiet?
Answer: According to Luke 18:38-39, the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho did not listen to those who wanted him to be quite but he shouted even louder for Jesus, Son of David, to have mercy on him.
Question 87: Are those who are leading the way for Jesus to enter and are now close to the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho happy about his behaviour? Answer: Those who are leading the way for Jesus to enter Jericho and are now close to the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho are very embarrassed by his behaviour and tell him to be quiet.
Question 88: Do those around the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho know what it is to be blind and have to sit at the roadside every day begging? Answer: Those around the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho don’t know what it is like to be blind and to have to sit by the roadside every day to beg.
Question 89: What does the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho do next? Answer: The blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho shouts even louder than before, determined that he will not stop until Jesus responds to him.
Question 90a: According to Luke 18:40-41, what did Jesus do? Answer: According to Luke 18:40-41, Jesus stopped.
Question 90b: According to Luke 18:40-41, what did Jesus order the people around Him to do?
Answer: According to Luke 18:40-41, Jesus ordered the people around Him to bring the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho to Him.
Question 90c: According to Luke 18:40-41, what did Jesus ask the blind man? Answer: According to Luke 18:40-41, Jesus asked the blind man what he wanted Jesus to do for him.
Question 90d: According to Luke 18:40-41, how did the blind mar respond to Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 18:40-41, the blind man responded to Jesus by telling Him that he wanted to see.
Question 91: What does Jesus do?
Answer: Jesus stops and has the blind man sitting by the roadside near Jericho brought to him.
Question 92: Will Jesus have realised that the man sitting by the roadside near Jericho is blind?
Answer: Jesus will have realised that the man sitting by the roadside near Jericho is blind.
Question 93: What will we expect Jesus to do?
Answer: We will expect Jesus to just go ahead and heal the blind man.
Question 94: Does Jesus go ahead and heal the blind man?
Answer: No, Jesus does not go ahead and heal the blind man.
Question 95: What does Jesus do instead of healing the blind man?
Answer: Jesus begins to personally interact with the blind man.
Question 96: How does Jesus begin to personally interact with the blind man?
Answer: Jesus begins to personally interact with the blind man by asking him a question.
Question 97: What question does Jesus ask the blind man?
Answer: Jesus asks the blind man what he wants Him to do for him.
Question 98: What does Jesus do when He asks the blind man a question?
Answer: Jesus lays the groundwork for a personal relationship between the blind man and Himself when he asks the blind man a question.
Question 99: What will have cut the blind man off from personal relationships with people?
Answer: His blindness will have cut the blind man off from personal relationships with people.
Question 100: What will people have done when they passed by the blind man begging at the roadside?
Answer: People will have ignored the blind man whey they passed by him begging at the roadside.
Question 101: Why does Jesus start a conversation with the blind man?
Answer: Jesus starts a conversation with the blind man to let him know that he is a person worthy to be heard, a person with an opinion worthy to be listened to.
Question 102: Is the blind man just a nobody?
Answer: The blind man is not just a nobody, some blind person who cannot even function properly in society.
Question 103: Does the blind man matter to God?
Answer: The blind man is precious in God’s sight.
Question 104: Why is Jesus on his way to Jericho?
Answer: Jesus is on His way to Jericho to meet the blind man.
Question 105: Does Jesus hear the request of the blind man to see?
Answer: Jesus hears the request of the blind man to see, treats his request with great respect and acts upon it.
Question 106a: According to Luke 18:42, how did Jesus respond to the request of the blind man to see?
Answer: According to Luke 18:42, Jesus responded to the request of the blind man to see by telling him to receive his sight.
Question 106b: According to Luke 18:42, on what basis was the blind man healed?
Answer: According to Luke 18:42, the blind man was healed based on his faith.
Question 107: What does Jesus do in response to the blind man’s words?
Answer: Jesus restores the man’s sight in answer to the man’s words.
Question 108a: According to Luke 18:43, what did the blind man do after he was healed?
Answer: According to Luke 18:43, the blind man followed Jesus, praising God after he had been healed.
Question 108b: According to Luke 18:43, who praised God as well?
Answer: According to Luke 18:43, all the people who saw the healing of the blind man, praised God as well.
Question 109: Who join the previously blind man in praising God?
Answer: All the people who are present at the healing of the blind man, join the previously-blind man in praising God.
Question 110: What blindness are you possibly suffering from?
Answer: Your may be suffering from a spiritual blindness.
Question 111: Have people tried to help you?
Answer: People may have tried to help you but their help may not have been sufficient because you may still feel desperate for something beyond what they can give you.
Question 112: Why do you perhaps need Jesus to minister to you just as He ministered to the blind man?
Answer: Perhaps you need Jesus to minister to you just as He ministered to the blind man so you can receive your spiritual sight by believing that Jesus died on the Cross for your sins.
Question 113: What will happen to you when you believe that Jesus died on the Cross for your sins?
Answer: You will become a child of God when you believe that Jesus died on the Cross for your sins.
Question 114: What will you do when you receive the Lord’s forgiveness?
Answer: You will begin to praise the Lord when you receive His forgiveness just as the blind man began to praise God once he could see.
Question 115: When does the healing of the blind man take place?
Answer: The healing of the blind man takes place when Jesus is still on his way to Jericho, He has not yet reached Jericho.
Question 116: Does God have someone else for Jesus to minister to once He enters Jericho?
Answer: God has someone else for Jesus to minister to once He enters Jericho.
Question 117a: According to Luke 19:1-2, which town did Jesus enter?
Answer: According to Luke 19:1-2, Jesus entered Jericho.
Question 117b: According to Luke 19:1-2, who was in Jericho? Answer: A man named Zacchaeus was in Jericho.
Question 117c: According to Luke 19:1-2, what was Zacchaeus’ profession?
Answer: According to Luke 19:1-2, Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector.
Question 117d: According to Luke 19:1-2, what fact is known about Zacchaeus? Answer: According to Luke 19:1-2, Zacchaeus was wealthy.
Question 117e: According to Luke 19:1-2, what did Zacchaeus want to do?
Answer: According to Luke 19:1-2, Zacchaeus wanted to see who Jesus was.
Question 117f: According to Luke 19:1-2, was Zacchaeus a tall man?
Answer: According to Luke 19:1-2, Zacchaeus was a short man.
Question 117g: According to Luke 19:1-2, why could Zacchaeus not see Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 19:1-2, Zacchaeus could not see Jesus because of the crowd.
Question 117h: According to Luke 19:1-2, what did Zacchaeus do in order to see Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 19:1-2, Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore-fig tree in order to see Jesus.
Question 118: Who has God chosen for Jesus to minister to that day in Jericho? Answer: That day God has chosen for Jesus to minister to Zacchaeus in Jericho.
Question 119: Like the blind man has Zacchaeus heard of Jesus? Answer: Like the blind man, Zacchaeus has heard of Jesus.
Question 120: Will Zacchaeus do what he can to have an encounter with Jesus? Answer: Yes, Zacchaeus will do what he can to have encounter with Jesus.
Question 121: What is Zacchaeus’ problem?
Answer: Zacchaeus’ problem is not that he is blind but that he is short.
Question 122: What does Zacchaeus decide to do?
Answer: Zacchaeus decides to climb a tree enabling him a view of Jesus.
Question 123: Will the fact that Zacchaeus is short hinder him from meeting Jesus? Answer: The fact that Zacchaeus is short will not hinder him from meeting Jesus.
Question 124a: According to Luke 19:5, what happened when Jesus reached the sycamore-fig tree that Zacchaeus had climbed in?
Answer: According to Luke 19:5, when Jesus reached the sycamore-fig tree in which Zacchaeus had climbed, He stopped and looked up.
Question 124b: According to Luke 19:5 what did Jesus do when he reached the sycamore-fig tree in which Zacchaeus had climbed? Answer: According to Luke 19:5, when Jesus reached the sycamore-fig tree in which Zacchaeus had climbed, He told Zacchaeus to come down immediately for He had to stay at his house that day.
Question 125: Is Jesus aware what Zacchaeus has done to see Him? Answer: Jesus is aware what Zacchaeus has done to see Him for He stops at the right sycamore-fig tree.
Question 126: What does Jesus do after He has stopped at the sycamore-fig tree in which Zacchaeus has climbed? Answer: Jesus addresses Zacchaeus and invites Himself to Zacchaeus’ house
Question 127a: According to Luke 19:6, who came down from the sycamore-fig tree?
Answer: According to Luke 19:6, Zacchaeus came down from the sycamore-fig tree.
Question 127b: According to Luke 19:6, what was Zacchaeus’ response to Jesus’ words?
Answer: According to Luke 19:6, Zacchaeus welcomed Jesus gladly into his house.
Question 128: Do the other people know Zacchaeus very well? Answer: The other people know Zacchaeus very well for they have had to pay taxes to him
Question 129: What do the other people know about tax collectors, including Zacchaeus?
Answer: The other people know that tax collectors, including Zacchaeus, are notorious cheaters.
Question 130: According to Luke 19:7 what is the response of the other people when Jesus went to the house of Zacchaeus? Answer: According to Luke 19:7 all the other people began to mutter that Jesus had gone to the house of a sinner.
Question 131: Are the people pleased that Jesus has chosen to stay with Zacchaeus?
Answer: The people are not pleased that Jesus has chosen to stay with Zacchaeus rather than anyone of them.
Question 132: Do the people perhaps question whether Jesus knows that Zaccaeus is such a great a sinner?
Answer: The people may wonder whether Jesus knows that Zacchaeus is such a great sinner.
Question 133: Does Jesus know that Zacchaeus is a great sinner?
Answer: Jesus knows that Zacchaeus is a great sinner but He knows as well that His
willingness to give special attention to Zacchaeus will turn him into a changed man.
Question 134a: According to Luke 19:8, what did Zacchaeus call Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 19:8, Zacchaeus called Jesus “Lord”.
Question 134b: According to Luke 19:8, what did Zacchaeus promise Jesus he would do?
Answer: According to Luke 19:8, Zacchaeus promised Jesus he would give half of his possessions to the poor and he would pay back four times any amount of money he had cheated anybody out of.
Question 135: what is the reason for Jesus’ visit to Jericho?
Answer: The reason for Jesus’ visit to Jericho is to touch the heart and life of Zacchaeus.
Question 136a: According to Luke 19:9-10, salvation has come to whose house that day?
Answer: According to Luke 19:9-10, salvation has come to Zacchaeus’ house that day.
Question 136b: According to Luke 19:9-10, who is Zacchaeus a son of?
Answer: According to Luke 19:9-10, Zacchaeus is a son of Abraham.
Question 136c: According to Luke 19:9-10, what did the Son of Man come to do?
Answer: According to Luke 19:9-10, the Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost.
Question 137a: According to John 3:16, who loved the world?
Answer: According to John 3:16, God loved the world.
Question 137b: According to John 3:16, how did God show His love for the world? Answer: According to John 3:16, God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son.
Question 137c: According to John 3:16, who can have eternal life? Answer: According to John 3:16, whoever believes in the Son will not perish but have eternal life.
Question 138: What happened to Zacchaeus after Jesus’ visit to his home?
Answer: Jesus’ visit to Zacchaeus’ home caused him to be a transformed man.
Question 139: How did Zacchaeus’ transformation show to be real? Answer: Zacchaeus’ transformation was so real that he became a blessing to his community.
Question 140: Can you perhaps identify with Zacchaeus in that you feel you too do not measure up to the standard of other believers for you know you have committed sins that have separated you from God? Answer: You can perhaps identify with Zacchaeus in that you feel you too do not measure up to the standard of other believers for you know that you have committed sins that have separated you from God. But Jesus wants you to know that He sees the longing in your heart to be made right with Him.
Question 141a: According to Revelation 3:20, where does Jesus say He stands?
Answer: According to Revelation 3:20, Jesus says He stands at the door.
Question 141b: According to Revelation 3:20, what is Jesus inviting people to do? Answer: According to Revelation 3:20, Jesus invites anyone who hears His voice to open the door.
Question 141c: According to Revelation 3:20, what will Jesus do for anyone who opens the door? Answer: According to Revelation 3:20, Jesus will come in and eat with anyone who opens the door.
Question 142: What does Jesus want you to do? Answer: Jesus wants you to be like Zacchaeus and allow Him access into all the areas of your life.
Question 143: How can you spend time with Jesus?
Answer: Jesus cannot visit you physically as He was able to do with Zacchaeus but you can spend time with Him when you pray to Him and read His word.
Question 144: What have you seen from all the stories you have looked at?
Answer: You have seen from all the stories you have looked at that Jesus loved all kinds of people and touched the lives of all kinds of people, be they rich or poor, young or old, and whatever their particular problem.
Question 145: Was anything too hard for Jesus to take care of?
Answer: Nothing was too hard for Jesus to take care of.
Question 146: Was anyone too sinful for Jesus to be changed by Him?
Answer: No one was too sinful for Jesus to be changed by Him.
Question 147: What does Jesus want to do in your life?
Answer: Jesus wants to touch your life too and bring healing to your life, be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
Question 147: As far as heaven is concerned, does you status in this life matter?
Answer: As far as heaven is concerned, your status in this life does not matter.
Question 148: Who cares about you?
Answer: God cares about you and sent His Son to die for you regardless of your status, your background, your age or your gender.
Question 149: What does Jesus want you to do?
Answer: Jesus wants you to cry out to Him to ask Him to touch you, to help you and He will.
NEXT LESSON - 'A Favoured Home'