A Favoured Home
Jesus has developed some very special friendships beyond His close relationship with the twelve disciples. These special friends include one brother named Lazarus and his two sisters Mary and Martha. One day, Jesus and his team of twelve pass by their home and are invited to stay for a meal, as you can read in Luke 10:38
As Jesus and His disciples were on their way, He came to a village where a woman named Martha, opened her home to Him.
It does mean a lot of extra work for Martha, for suddenly this meal is not just for three people but for sixteen people, including thirteen very hungry men, for these men will have been on the road for a few hours already, and their previous meal may well have been some time ago. So Martha goes to work. First of all, she must make a quick trip back to the market. Hopefully, she will still be able to get what she needs so she can provide her guests with an excellent meal. After all, she is known in the village for her culinary skills. Once back from the market, she gets to work in the kitchen. But where is her sister Mary? Let’s read Luke 10:39 to find out
She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what He said.
Doesn’t Mary know that she is needed here in the kitchen? It is true, Martha knows that she is a very capable housekeeper, and that Mary is not as interested in household duties, especially since they have gotten to know Jesus. But they are having many guests, and surely Mary must realise that right now her place is with her in the kitchen helping her with the preparations for the meal. However, knowing Mary, she has totally forgotten what she should be doing and will be sitting at the feet of Jesus, completely absorbed in the things He is teaching her. She must go to Jesus and tell Him to sort Mary out for, no doubt, He will agree with her that Mary needs to give her a hand in the kitchen in order for her to provide them with that delicious meal she has in mind for them. She cannot possibly be expected to do the work all by herself. Oh, if only Mary was more like her, more practically minded… Well, she better go and speak to Jesus right now for there is too much to be done here. After all, Jesus, being a Jew, knows that the place of any Jewish woman is in the kitchen and not at the feet of a teacher. To be honest, she doesn’t quite understand how Jesus can accept Mary at His feet, for no respectable teacher would ever allow a woman to do so. But Jesus does, and that may well cost Him His reputation one day. So perhaps she can even help Him keep His reputation by telling Him to remind Mary to do what is right; to help her in the kitchen with the food preparations, as you can read in Luke 10:40
But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to Him and asked, “Lord, don’t You care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”
But things do not work out the way Martha expects, for when she approaches Jesus, she fully expects Him to agree with her and to tell Mary off for listening to Him, despite the crisis in the kitchen. But is that what Jesus does?
Let’s read Luke 10:41-42 to find out
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Contrary to Martha’s expectation, Jesus lovingly helps Martha to see that she has allowed the stress of the moment to take over her life. Therefore, she is not able to recognise what matters most while Mary, because she has been spending time at Jesus’ feet whenever possible, does understand what matters most. Does this mean that Martha does not love the Lord Jesus? No, not at all, but she remains that practical person, as you can see in John 11, where we read the story of the illness of their brother Lazarus. Let’s read John 11:1-4 Now a man named Lazarus was sick. He was from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. This Mary, whose brother Lazarus now lay sick, was the same one who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped His feet with her hair. So the sisters sent word to Jesus, “Lord, the one you love is sick.” When He heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”
Martha and Mary’s brother, Lazarus, has become ill and the sisters are expecting Jesus to quickly come to heal him. However, things do not happen as they expect, as you can read in John 11:5-16 Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. Yet, when He heard that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was two more days. Then He said to His disciples, “Let us go back to Judea.” “But Rabbi,” they said, “a short while ago the Jews tried to stone You, and yet You are going back there?” Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours of daylight? A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world’s light. It is when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light.” After He had said this, He went on to tell them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.” His disciples replied, “Lord, if he sleeps, he will get better.” Jesus had been speaking of his death, but His disciples thought He meant natural sleep. So then He told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.” Then Thomas (called Didymus) said to the rest of the disciples, “Let us also go, that we may die with Him.”
It seems Jesus takes no notice of the urgent request of Lazarus’ sisters to come, for He makes no move to leave the place where He is. Finally, after two days He and His twelve disciples decide to go to Bethany, the village where Lazarus, Martha and Mary live. However, it looks like Jesus has come too late, as you can read in John 11:17-19
On His arrival Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. Bethany was less than two miles from Jerusalem and many Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother.
The ever practical Martha decides that she needs to tell Jesus off for not coming any sooner, as you can read in John 11:20-27 When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet Him, but Mary stayed at home. ”Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “If you had been here my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give You whatever You ask.” Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha answered, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life, He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” “Yes, Lord,” she told Him, “I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world.”
Jesus’ words to her do bring her a measure of comfort, so she goes home to tell her sister Mary Jesus has arrived in the village, and would like to see her, as you can read in John 11:28-31 And after she had said this, she went back and called her sister Mary aside. “The Teacher is here,” she said, “and is asking for you.” When Mary heard this, she got up quickly and went to Him. Now Jesus had not yet entered the village, but was still at the place where Martha had met Him. When the Jews who had been with Mary in the house, comforting her, noticed how quickly she got up and went out, they followed her, supposing she was going to the tomb to mourn there.
When Mary sees Jesus, she shows Him her grief using the exact same words her sister Martha used earlier on “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.”However, she does not say these words to tell Jesus off, she says these words to share her deep felt pain with the Lord, as you can read in John 11:32-37 When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw Him, she fell at His feet and said, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. “Where have you laid him?” He asked. “Come and see, Lord,” they replied. Jesus wept. Then the Jews said, “See how He loved him!” But some of them said, “Could not He who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying?”
Martha’s words did not move Jesus to tears, but Mary’s words cause Him to weep with her. This is followed by Him going to the tomb. On His arrival, He tells the people to remove the stone, as you can read in John 11:38-39a Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the tomb. It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance. “Take away the stone,” He said.
Once again, the ever practical Martha speaks up, as you can read in John 11:39b “But Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odour, for he has been there for four days.”
Martha knows that the body of a person who has been dead for four days has decomposed already to such a degree that it will give off a terrible smell. Perhaps, Jesus does not realise that. After all, He has never been around a person who has been dead for such a long time. Every time that He had been around a dead person that person had only been dead for a few hours and, in each case, He had brought that person back to life as Martha remembers from the stories she has heard. The first story she remembers is about the widow’s son who had been raised from the dead, as you can read in Luke 7:11-15 Soon afterwards Jesus went to a town called Nain, and His disciples and a large crowd went along with Him. As He approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out – the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the town was with her. When the Lord saw her, His heart went out to her and He said, “Don’t cry.” Then He went up and touched the coffin, and those carrying it stood still. He said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother.
The second story she remembers is about a twelve year-old girl. Luke writes about her in 8:40-42 Now when Jesus returned, a crowd welcomed Him, for they were all expecting Him. Then a man named Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, came and fell at Jesus’ feet, pleading with Him to come to his house because his only daughter, a girl of about twelve, was dying.
She died, in fact. But Jesus brought her back to life, as you can read in Luke 8:53-55 They laughed at Him, knowing that she was dead. But He took her by the hand and said, “My child, get up!” Her spirit returned and at once she stood up. Then Jesus told them to give her something to eat.”
But the situation with Lazarus is totally different, for Lazarus has not been dead for a few hours only, or even for just one or two days. No, he has been dead for four days. Jesus will not realise that, for He was not with them while Lazarus was dying. He only arrived on the scene an hour or so ago. However, it seems Jesus completely ignores Martha’s practical advice, for He continues to tell them that they are to remove the stone, as you can read in John 11:40-44 Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?” So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. I knew that You always hear Me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that You sent Me.” When He had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus come out!” The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”
Of course, the two sisters are overjoyed that their brother has come back to life, and so a dinner is prepared in honour of Jesus. You can find this story in John 12. Let’s read John 12:1-2 Six days before the Passover, Jesus arrived at Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. Here a dinner was given in Jesus’ honour. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with them.
Martha is in her element preparing her special dishes for Jesus. She wants to show Him her love and gratitude for giving them back their brother Lazarus. Mary wants to show Jesus her love and gratitude as well, but she does it in a different way, as you can read in John 12:3 Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
While Martha is serving her delicious dinner, Mary slips into the bedroom. She knows that she is not the excellent cook that Martha is, and she knows she will never be as good as Martha when it comes to cooking the special dishes Martha is known for. However, she knows that she can show her gratitude to the Lord in a way that will please Him as much as eating her sister’s dishes will please Him. So she quietly slips into the bedroom and gets from the special place, where she keeps her treasures, a bottle of the special perfume she has kept all these years, for she knows the moment has come to use this perfume. But she knows too that this perfume is not to be used on herself. So she re-enters the dining room where everyone is gathered around the table, moves behind Jesus and without saying a word, pours the perfume over His feet. She then loosens her hair and uses it as a towel with which to dry His feet. Everyone at the table watches what Mary does, shocked by her actions, for no woman would loosen her hair in public. But Mary does not care about her dignity. All she cares about is showing her love and gratitude to Jesus, just as Martha did by cooking her most special dishes for Him.
Then Judas speaks up, complaining about Mary’s behaviour, as you can read in John 12:4-6 But one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray Him, objected. “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year’s wages.” He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.
However, Jesus tells Judas off, for He knows the reason why Mary poured the perfume on His feet, as you can read in John 12:7-8 “Leave her alone, “Jesus replied. “It was intended that she should save this perfume for My burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have Me.”
Jesus understands that she has done this to prepare Him for His burial. And Mary, very likely, knows that the time for His crucifixion is near. Other disciples may not have grasped that fact, but spending time at His feet has helped her to understand that Jesus has come into the world to die for her, and that the time of His death is close at hand.
These two sisters both love the Lord and both show it in their own way. I wonder who you can identify with most. You may say, “I can really identify with Martha for I am a very practical person like she is. I can see myself saying and doing the same things she did”. Or you may say, “I can identify more with Mary for I love to sit and pray and meditate on God’s Word.”
I would like to suggest that you can learn from both women. For those of us who tend to be more practical, Mary can teach us to sit at the feet of Jesus. Of course, today you cannot literally sit at His feet, but you can sense His Presence with you when you read His Word and when you pray. But the Lord does not only want you to be like Mary and sit at His feet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can learn from Him. He wants you to be like Martha as well, meaning He would like for you to do the things He has prepared for you to do as, you can read in Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
When you spend time in His Presence, reading His Word and praying, the Lord will begin to give you a sense what He has for you to do. Moreover, He will give you the ability to do, whatever it is He has prepared for you to do, so you will be able to do it well, and be a blessing to others.
Question 1: Can you name some special friends of Jesus?
Answer: The names of some special friends of Jesus are Lazarus and his two sisters Mary and Martha.
Question 2: According to Luke 10:38 who opened her home to Jesus and His disciples?
Answer: According to Luke 10:38 a woman named Martha opened her home to Jesus and His disciples.
Question 3: Why is having Jesus and His twelve disciples over a lot of work for Martha?
Answer: Having Jesus and His twelve disciples over is a lot of work for Martha because she now has to prepare not just a meal for three people but for sixteen people, including thirteen hungry men.
Question 4: What is Martha known for in the village?
Answer: Martha is known in the village for her culinary skills.
Question 5a: According to Luke 10:39 where is Martha’s sister Mary?
Answer: According to Luke 10:39 Martha’s sister Mary is sitting at the Lord’s feet.
Question 5b: According to Luke 10:39 what is Martha’s sister Mary doing at the Lord’s feet?
Answer: According to Luke 10:39 Marty’s sister Mary is at the Lord’s feet listening to what He said.
Question 6: What does Martha think about her sister Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet?
Answer: Martha thinks that her sister Mary should know she is needed in the kitchen.
Question 7: Why does Martha think her sister Mary must realise?
Answer: Martha thinks her sister Mary must realise her place is with her in the kitchen helping her with the preparations for the meal because they are having many guests.
Question 8: What must Martha do?
Answer: Martha must go to Jesus and tell Him to sort Mary out.
Question 9: Does Martha think that Jesus will agree with her?
Answer: Martha thinks that, no doubt, Jesus will agree with her that Mary needs to give her a hand in the kitchen.
Question 10: Why does Martha think Mary needs to give her a hand in the kitchen?
Answer: Martha thinks Mary needs to give her a hand the kitchen so she can provide her guests with that delicious meal she has in mind for them.
Question 11: What will Jesus, being a Jew, know about the place of any Jewish woman?
Answer: Jesus, being a Jew, knows that the place of any Jewish woman is in the kitchen.
Question 12: What will Jesus, being a Jew, know is not the place of any Jewish woman?
Answer: Jesus, being a Jew, will know that the place of any Jewish woman is not at the feet of a teacher.
Question 13: Does any respectable teacher allow a woman to sit at his feet?
Answer: No respectable teacher would ever allow a woman to sit at his feet.
Question 14: Does Jesus allow a woman to sit at His feet!
Answer: Yes, Jesus allows a woman to sit at His feet.
Question 15: Is it possible for Jesus to lose His reputation one day?
Answer: It is possible for Jesus to lose His reputation one day if He continues allowing a woman to sit at His feet.
Question 16: In what way does Martha think she can help Jesus’ reputation?
Answer: Maratha thinks she can help Jesus’ reputation by telling Him to remind Mary to help her in the kitchen with the food preparations.
Question 17a: According to Luke 10:40 what was the problem with Martha?
Answer: According to Luke 10:40 Martha was distracted.
Question 17b: According to Luke 10:40 why was Martha distracted?
Answer: According to Luke 10:40 Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made.
Question 17c: According to Luke 10:40 what question did Martha ask the Lord?
Answer: According to Luke 10:40 Martha asked the Lord if He cares that she has to do the work all by herself.
Question 17d: According to Luke 10:40 what did Martha want the Lord to tell her sister Mary?
Answer: According to Luke 10:40 Martha wanted the Lord to tell her sister Mary to help her.
Question 18: Do things work out the way Martha expects?
Answer: Things do not work out the way Martha expects.
Question 19a: According to Luke 10:41-42 what did Jesus tell Martha about her condition?
Answer: According to Luke 10:41-42 Jesus told Martha she is worried and upset about many things.
Question 19b: According to Luke 10:41-42 how many things did Jesus tell Martha are needed?
Answer: According to Luke 10:41-42 Jesus told Martha only one thing is needed.
Question 19c: According to Luke 10:41-42 what has Mary chosen?
Answer: According to Luke 10:41-42 Mary has chosen what is better.
Question 19d: According to Luke 10:41-42 can what Mary has chosen been taken away from her?
Answer: According to Luke 10:41-42 what Mary has chosen cannot be taken away from h
Question 20: What does Jesus do to help Martha? Answer: Jesus lovingly helps Martha to see that she has allowed the stress of the moment to take over her life.
Question 21: Why does Mary understand what matters most?
Answer: Mary understands what matters most because she has been spending time at Jesus’ feet.
Question 22: Does this mean that Martha does not love the Lord Jesus?
Answer: No, it does not mean that Martha does not love the Lord Jesus but she remains that practical person.
Question 23a: According to John 11:1-4 who was sick?
Answer: According to John 4:1-4 a man named Lazarus was sick.
Question 23b: According to John 11:1-4 where was Lazarus from?
Answer: According to John 11:1-4 Lazarus was from Bethany.
Question 23c: According to John 11:1-4 who lived in Bethany as well?
Answer: According to John 11:1-4 Mary and Martha lived in Bethany as well with their brother Lazarus.
Question 23d: According to John 11:1-4 what had Mary done?
Answer: According to John 11:1-4 Mary had poured perfume on the Lord and had wiped His feet with her hair.
Question 23e: According to John 11:1-4 who sent word to Jesus that Lazarus was sick?
Answer: According to John 11:1-4 the two sisters, Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus that Lazarus was sick
Question 23f: According to John 11:1-4 how did the two sisters describe Lazarus?
Answer: According to John 11:1-4 the two sisters described Lazarus as the one Jesus loved.
Question 23g: According to John 11:1-4 how did Jesus respond to the message from the two sisters that their brother Lazarus was sick?
Answer: According to John 11:1-4 Jesus responded to the message from the two sisters that their brother Lazarus was sick by saying that this sickness will not end in death but will be for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.
Question 24: Do the two sisters expect Jesus to quickly come and heal their brother Lazarus?
Answer: The two sisters expect Jesus to quickly come and heal their brother Lazarus.
Question 25: Does that happen?
Answer: No, things do not happen as the two sisters expect them to happen.
Question 26a: According to John 11:5-16 did Jesus love Martha, her sister Mary and her brother Lazarus?
Answer: According to John 11:5-16 Jesus loved Martha, her sister Mary and her brother Lazarus.
Question 26b: According to John 11:5-16 how long did Jesus stay after He had learned that Lazarus was sick?
Answer: According to John 11:5-16 Jesus stayed for two more days after He had learned that Lazarus was sick.
Question 26c: According to John 11:5-16 after two days what did Jesus say to His disciples?
Answer: According to John 11:5-16 after two days Jesus said to His disciples that they should go to Judea.
Question 26d: According to John 11:5-16 what was the response of Jesus’ disciples?
Answer: According to John 11:5-16 Jesus’ disciples responded by asking Him why He
wanted to go back to Judea since a short while ago the Jews tried to stone Him there.
Question 26e: According to John 11:5-16 what was Jesus’ reply to His disciples?
Answer: According to John 11:5-16 Jesus replied to His disciples by saying to them that a man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world’s light. But it is when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light.
Question 26f: According to John 11:5-16 what did Jesus say to His disciples with regard to Lazarus?
Answer: According to John 11:5-16 Jesus said to His disciples that Lazarus had fallen asleep but that He was going to wake him up.
Question 26g: According to John 11:5-16 how did Jesus’ disciples respond to Jesus’ words regarding Lazarus?
Answer: According to John 11:5-16 Jesus’ disciples responded by saying to Jesus that Lazarus would get better, if he was sleeping.
Question 26h: According to John 11:5-16 what had Jesus been speaking of in relation to Lazarus?
Answer: According to John 11:5-16 Jesus had been speaking of Lazarus’ death.
Question 26i: According to John 11:5-16 what did Jesus’ disciples think Jesus meant when
He talked about Lazarus being asleep?
Answer: According to John 11:5-16 Jesus’ disciples thought Jesus meant Lazarus was sleeping a natural sleep.
Question 26j: According to John 11:5-16 what did Jesus explain to His disciples?
Answer: According to John 11:5-16 Jesus told His disciples plainly that Lazarus had died.
Question 26k: According to John 11:5-16 why is Jesus glad that He was not there when Lazarus died?
Answer: According to John 11:5-16 Jesus is glad that He was not there when Lazarus died
so that His disciples may believe.
Question 26l: According to John 11:5-26 who said to the rest of Jesus’ disciples that they should go with Jesus to Judea?
Answer: According to John 11:5-16 Thomas said to the rest of Jesus’ disciples that they should go with Jesus to Judea.
Question 26m: According to John 11:5-16 what did Thomas think may happen to him and
the other disciples?
Answer: According to John 11:5-16 Thomas thought that he and the other disciples may
die with Jesus when they returned to Judea.
Question 27: Does it seem as if Jesus takes no notice of the urgent request of Lazarus’
sisters to come?
Answer: It seems Jesus takes no notice of the urgent request of Lazarus’ sisters to come for He makes no move to leave the place where He is.
Question 28: After how many days does Jesus and His twelve disciples decide to go to Bethany?
Answer: After two days Jesus and His twelve disciples decide to go to Bethany, the village where Lazarus, Martha and Mary lived.
Question 29a: According to John 11; 17-19 at the arrival of Jesus how long had Lazarus already been in the tomb?
Answer: According to John 11:17-19 at the arrival of Jesus Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days.
Question 29b: According to John 11:17-19 how far was Bethany from Jerusalem?
Answer: According to John 11:17-19 Bethany was less than two miles from Jerusalem.
Question 29c: According to John 11:17-19 who had come to Martha and Mary to comfort
them in the loss of their brother Lazarus?
Answer: According to John 11:17-19 many Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother Lazarus.
Question 30: Who decides she needs to tell Jesus off for not coming any sooner?
Answer: The ever practical Martha decides she needs to tell Jesus off for not coming any sooner.
Question 31a: According to John 11:20-27 who went to meet Jesus?
Answer: According to John 11:20-27 Martha went to meet Jesus.
Question 31b: According to John 11:20-27 who stayed at home?
Answer: According to John 11:20-27 Mary stayed at home.
Question 31c: According to John 11:20-27 what did Martha say to Jesus?
Answer: According to John 11:20-27 Martha said to Jesus that if Jesus had been there her brother Lazarus would not have died.
Question 31d: According to John 11:20-27 what did Martha say to Jesus about God giving
Him whatever He asked?
Answer: According to John 11:20-27 Martha said to Jesus that she knows that God will give Him whatever He asks,
Question 31e: According to John 11: 20-27 how did Jesus respond to Martha’s words?
Answer: According to John 11:20-27 Jesus responded to Martha’s words by saying to her
that her brother Lazarus would rise again.
Question 31f: According to John 11:20-27 how did Martha reply to Jesus?
Answer: According to John 11:20-27 Martha replied by answering the Lord that she knows
her brother Lazarus will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.
Question 31g: According to John 11:20-27 what did Jesus say to Martha in response?
Answer: According to John 11:20-27 Jesus said to Martha in response that He is the Resurrection and the Life, that anyone who believes in Him will live even though
he dies and that whoever lives and believes in Him will never die.
Question 31h: According to John 11:20-27 what question did Jesus ask Martha?
Answer: According to John 11:2-27 Jesus asked Martha if she believed that He is the Resurrection and the Life.
Question 31i: According to John 11:20-27 how did Martha respond to the words of Jesus
that He is the Resurrection and the Life?
Answer: According to John 11:20-27 Martha responded by saying to Jesus that she believes He is the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world.
Question 32: What do Jesus’ words do for Martha?
Answer: Jesus’ words bring Martha a measure of comfort.
Question 33: What does Martha do after she has been comforted by Jesus?
Answer: After Martha has been comforted by Jesus she goes back home to tell her sister Mary that Jesus has arrived in the village and would like to see her.
Question 34a: According to John 11:28-31 what did Martha do?
Answer: According to John 11:28-31 Martha went back home and called her sister Mary aside.
Question 34b: According to John 11:28-31 what did Martha call Jesus?
Answer: According to John 11:28-31 Martha called Jesus the Teacher.
Question 34c: According to John 11:28-31 what did Martha say to Mary the Teacher said to her?
Answer: According to John 11:28-31 Martha said to Mary that the Teacher would like to see her.
Question 34d: According to John 11:28-31 what did Mary do after she learned that Jesus wanted to see her?
Answer: According to John 11:28-31 Mary got up quickly and went to Him.
Question 34e: According to John 11:28-31 who followed Mary when she went out?
Answer: According to John 11:28-31 the Jews, who had been with Mary in the house comforting her, followed her when she went out.
Question 34f: According to John 11:28-31 where did the Jews, who had been in the house
with Mary comforting her, think she was going?
Answer: According to John 11:28-31 the Jews, who had been in the house with Mary comforting her, thought she was going to the tomb to mourn there.
Question 35: How does Mary show Jesus her grief when she sees Him?
Answer: When Mary saw Jesus, she showed Him her grief by saying to Him that if He had been there, her brother Lazarus would not have died.
Question 36: Is Mary telling Jesus off when she says these words to Him?
Answer: Mary does not say these words to tell Jesus off but to share her deep felt pain with the Lord.
Question 37a: According to John 11:32-37 what did Mary do when she saw Jesus?
Answer: According to John 11:32-37 when Mary saw Jesus, she fell at His feet.
Question 37b: According to John 11:32-37 what did Mary say to Jesus?
Answer: According to John 11:32-37 she told Jesus that if He had been there, her brother Lazarus would not have died,
Question 37c: According to John 11:32-37 what did Jesus see Mary and the Jews who had come along with her do?
Answer: According to John 11:32-37 Jesus saw Mary and the Jews who had come along
with her weep.
Question 37d: According to John 11:32-37 what was Jesus’ response to the weeping of
Mary and the Jews who had come along with her?
Answer: According to John 11:32-37 Jesus was deeply moved in spirit and troubled in response to the weeping of Mary and the Jews who had come along with her.
Question 37e: According to John 11:32-37 what question did Jesus ask?
Answer: According to John 11:32-37 Jesus asked where the people have laid Lazarus.
Question 37f: According to John 11:32-37 how did Jesus respond?
Answer: According to John 11:32 -37 Jesus responded by weeping.
Question 37g: According to John 11:32-37 how did the Jews respond to the weeping of Jesus?
Answer: According to John 11:32-37 the Jews responded to the weeping of Jesus by saying how much He loved Lazarus.
Question 37h: According to John 11:32-37 how did some of the Jews respond to the weeping of Jesus?
Answer: According to John 11:32-37 some of the Jews responded to the weeping of Jesus
by questioning why Jesus had not kept Lazarus from dying since He had opened
the eyes of the blind man.
Question 38: How does Jesus respond to Mary’s words?
Answer: Jesus responds to Mary’s words by weeping with her.
Question 39: What action does Jesus take after His weeping?
Answer: Jesus goes to the tomb after He weeps.
Question 40: What does Jesus do when He arrives at the tomb?
Answer: Jesus tells the people to remove the stone when He arrives at the tomb.
Question 41a: According to John 11:38-39a how did Jesus feel when he came to the tomb?
Answer: According to John 11:38-39a Jesus was once more deeply moved when He came
to the tomb.
Question 41b: According to John 11:38-39a what did the tomb consist of?
Answer: According to John 11:38-39a the tomb consisted of a cave with a stone laid across the entrance.
Question 41c: According to John 11:38-39a what did Jesus say to the people?
Answer: According to John 11:38-39a Jesus said to the people to take away the stone.
Question 42: Who speaks up?
Answer: The ever practical Martha speaks up.
Question 43a: According to John 11:39b what did Martha say to Jesus?
Answer: According to John 11:39b Martha said to Jesus that by this time there would be a
bad odour.
Question 43b: According to John 11:39b why would there be a bad odour?
Answer: According to John 11:39b there would be a bad odour because Lazarus has been
in the tomb for four days.
Question 44: What does Martha know?
Answer: Martha knows that the body of a person who has been dead for four days has decomposed already to such a degree that it will give off a terrible smell.
Question 45: Why may Jesus not realise that?
Answer: Jesus may not realise that because He has never been around a person who has been dead for such a long time.
Question 46: Every time that Jesus had been around a dead person, how long had that
person been dead?
Answer: Every time that Jesus had been around a dead person, that person had only been dead for a few hours.
Question 47: What has happened each time Jesus had been around a dead person?
Answer: Every time that Jesus has been around a dead person He has brought that person back to life.
Question 48: What is the first story Martha remembers?
Answer: The first story Martha remembers is the story of the widow’s son.
Question 49a: According to Luke 7:11-15 to which town did Jesus go?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-15 Jesus went to a town called Nain.
Question 49b: According to Luke 7:11-15 who went with Jesus to Nain?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-15 Jesus’ disciples and a large crowd went with Jesus to Nain.
Question 49c: According to Luke 7:11-5 who was being carried out when Jesus approached the town?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-15 a dead person was being carried out when Jesus approached the town.
Question 49d: According to Luke 7:11-15 who was the dead person who was being carried
out of the town?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-15 the dead person who was being carried out of the town was the only son of a widow.
Question 49e: According to Luke 7:11-15 who was with the widow who was walking behind
the coffin of her dead son?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-15 a large crowd was with the widow who was walking behind the coffin of her dead son.
Question 49f: According to Luke 7:11-15 how did Jesus feel when He saw the widow who
was walking behind the coffin of her dead son?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-15 Jesus’ heart went out to her when He saw the widow
who was walking behind the coffin of her dead son.
Question 49g: According to Luke 7:11-15 what did Jesus say to the widow who was walking behind the coffin of her dead son?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-15 Jesus said to the widow who was walking behind to
coffin of her dead son to stop crying.
Question 49h: According to Luke 7:11-15 what did Jesus do after He had said to the widow who was walking behind the coffin of her dead son to stop crying?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-15 Jesus went up to the coffin and touched it after He had said to the widow who was walking behind the coffin of her dead son to stop crying.
Question 49i: According to Luke 7:11-15 what happened when Jesus touched the coffin of
the dead son of the widow?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-15 those carrying the coffin of the dead son of the widow stood still when Jesus touched it.
Question 49j: According to Luke 7:11-15 what did Jesus say to the dead son of the widow?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-15 Jesus said to the dead son of the widow that he was to get up.
Question 49k: According to Luke 7:11-15 what did the dead son of the widow do in response
to Jesus’ words to him?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-15 the dead son of the widow sat up in response to Jesus’ words to him.
Question 49l: According to Luke 7:11-15 what did the dead son of the widow do after he had sat up in response to Jesus’ words to him?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-15 the dead son of the widow began to talk after he had sat up in response to Jesus’ words to him.
Question 49m: According to Luke 7:11-15 who did Jesus give the previously dead son to?
Answer: According to Luke 7:11-15 Jesus gave the previously dead son back to his mother.
Question 50: What is the second story of a person having been brought back to life by Jesus that Martha remembers?
Answer: The second story of a person having been brought back to life by Jesus that Martha remembers, is about a twelve year-old girl.
Question 51a: According to Luke 8:40-42 who was welcoming Jesus because they were expecting Him?
Answer: According to Luke 8:40-42 a crowd was welcoming Jesus for they were all expecting Him.
Question 51b: According to Luke 8:40-42 who came and fell at Jesus’ feet?
Answer: According to Luke 8:40-42 a man named Jairus came and fell at Jesus’ feet.
Question 51c: According to Luke 8:40-42 who was Jairus?
Answer: According to Luke 8:40-42 Jairus was a ruler of the synagogue.
Question 51d: According to Luke 8:40-42 what did Jairus plead for Jesus to do?
Answer: According to Luke 8:40-42 Jairus pleaded with Jesus to come to his house.
Question 51e: According to Luke 8:40-42 why did Jairus plead with Jesus to come to his house?
Answer: According to Luke 8:40-42 Jairus pleaded with Jesus to come to his house because his only daughter, a girl of about twelve, was dying.
Question 52: Did the young girl die?
Answer: The young girl died.
Question 53a: According to Luke 8:53-55 what did Jesus say to the dead young girl?
Answer: According to Luke 8:53-55 Jesus took the dead young girl by the hand and said to her that she was to get up
Question 53b: According to Luke 8:53-55 what returned to the dead young girl?
Answer: According to Luke 8:53-55 the spirit of the dead young girl returned.
Question 53c: According to Luke 8:53-55 how did the dead young girl respond after her spirit had returned?
Answer: According to Luke 8:53-55 the dead young girl stood up at once after her spirit had returned.
Question 53d: According to Luke 8:53-55 what did Jesus tell the parents of the young girl,
who was no longer dead?
Answer: According to Luke 8:53-55 Jesus told the parents of the young girl, who was no longer dead, to give her something to eat.
Question 54: Why is the situation with Lazarus different?
Answer: The situation with Lazarus is different for Lazarus has not been dead for a few
hours only or even for just one or two days, he has been dead for four days.
Question 55: Will Jesus realise that?
Answer: Jesus will not realise that for He was not with Mary and Martha when Lazarus was dying.
Question 56: When did Jesus arrive on the scene?
Answer: Jesus only arrived on the scene an hour or so ago.
Question 57: Does Jesus take into account Martha’s practical advice that there will be a bad odour?
Answer: Jesus seems to completely ignore Martha’s practical advice.
Question 58: How can you know that Jesus completely ignores Martha’s practical advice?
Answer: You can know that Jesus completely ignores Martha’s practical advice because He continues to tell the people to remove the stone.
Question 59a: According to John 11:40-44 what did Jesus say to the people?
Answer: According to John 11:40-44 Jesus said to the people that He has told them that if they believed they would see the glory of God.
Question 59b: According to John 11:40-44 what did the people do in response to Jesus’ words?
Answer: According to John 11:40-44 the people removed the stone in front of the tomb in response to Jesus’ words.
Question 59c: According to John 11:40-44 what did Jesus do next?
Answer: According to John 11:40-44 Jesus looked up and prayed to His Father in heaven.
Question 59d: According to John 11:40-44 what did Jesus thank the Father for in His prayer?
Answer: According to John 11:40-44 Jesus thanked the Father that He has heard Him.
Question 59e: According to John 11:40-44 what else did Jesus thank the Father for in His prayer?
Answer: According to John 11:40-44 Jesus thanked the Father that the Father always hears Him.
Question 59f: According to John 11: 40-44 for whose benefit has Jesus prayed His prayer to the Father?
Answer: According to John 11:40-44 Jesus has prayed His prayer to the Father for the
benefit of the people standing at the tomb so they would believe that Jesus has
been sent by His Father.
Question 59g: According to John 11:40-44 what did Jesus do next?
Answer: According to John 11:40-44 Jesus next called out in a loud voice that Lazarus was
to come out.
Question 59h: According to John 11:40-44 did Lazarus, who had been in the tomb for four days, come out?
Answer: According to John 11:40-44 Lazarus, who had been in the tomb for four days, came out.
Question 59i: According to John 11:40-44 with what were Lazarus’ hands and feet wrapped when he came out of the tomb?
Answer: According to John 11:40-44 Lazarus’ hands and feet were wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth was around his face.
Question 59j: According to John 11:40-44 what did Jesus say to the people after Lazarus had come out of the tomb?
Answer: According to John 11:40-44 Jesus said to the people that they were to take off Lazarus’ grave clothes.
Question 60: Who are overjoyed that Lazarus has come back to life?
Answer: Mary and Martha are overjoyed that Lazarus has come back to life.
Question 61: What is prepared at the house of Mary, Martha and Lazarus in honour of Jesus?
Answer: A dinner is prepared at the house of Mary, Martha and Lazarus in honour of Jesus.
Question 62a: According to John 12:1-2 where did Jesus arrive?
Answer: According to John 12:1-2 Jesus arrived at Bethany.
Question 62b: According to John 12:1-2 when did Jesus arrive at Bethany?
Answer: According to John 12:1-3 Jesus arrived at Bethany six days before the Passover.
Question 62c: According to John 12:1-2 who lived at Bethany?
Answer: According to John 12:1-2 Lazarus lived at Bethany.
Question 62d: According to John 12:1-2 what had happened to Lazarus?
Answer: According to John 12:1-2 Lazarus had been raised from the dead by Jesus.
Question 62e: According to John 12:1-2 what was being done at the home of Lazarus and
his two sisters Mary and Martha to honour Jesus?
Answer: According to John 12:1-2 a dinner was being prepared at the home of Lazarus and his two sisters Mary and Martha to honour Jesus.
Question 62f: According to John 12:1-2 who was serving dinner at the home of Lazarus and his two sisters?
Answer: According to John 12:1-2 Martha was serving dinner at the home of Lazarus and his two sisters Mary and Martha.
Question 62g: According to John 12:1-2 who was reclining at the table with the other guests?
Answer: According to John 12:1-2 Lazarus was reclining at the table with the other guests.
Question 63: How does Martha show her love and gratitude to Jesus for giving her and her sister Mary their brother Lazarus back?
Answer: Martha shows her love and gratitude to Jesus for giving her and her sister Mary
their brother Lazarus back by preparing her special dishes for Him.
Question 64: Does Mary show her love and gratitude to Jesus for giving her and her sister Martha their brother Lazarus back in the same way as Martha?
Answer: Mary shows her love and gratitude to Jesus for giving her and her sister Martha
their brother Lazarus back in another way.
Question 65a: According to John 12:3 what did Mary take?
Answer: According to John 12:3 Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume.
Question 65b: According to John 12:3 what did Mary do with the expensive perfume?
Answer: According to John 12:3 Mary poured the expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet and wiped His feet with her hair..
Question 65c: According to John 12:3 what happened with the fragrance of the perfume
after Mary had poured it on Jesus’ feet and had wiped His feet with her hair?
Answer: According to John 12:3 the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume
after Mary had poured it on Jesus’ feet and had wiped His feet with her hair.
Question 66: Who slips into the bedroom while Martha is serving her delicious dinner?
Answer: Mary slips into the bedroom while Martha is serving her delicious dinner.
Question 67: Does Mary know that she will never be as good as Martha when it comes to cooking the special dishes Martha is known for?
Answer: Mary knows that she is not the excellent cook that Martha is and she knows she
will never be as good as Martha when it comes to cooking the special dishes
Martha is known for.
Question 68: Does Mary know that she can show her gratitude to the Lord in a way that will please Him as much as eating her sister Martha’s dishes will please Him?
Answer: Yes, Mary knows that she can show her gratitude to the Lord in a way that will
please Him as much as eating her sister Martha’s dishes will please Him.
Question 69: What does Mary do to show her gratitude to the Lord?
Answer: She quietly slips into her bedroom and gets her bottle of special perfume she has kept for all these year from the special place where she keeps her treasures.
Question 70: Why is Mary getting this perfume now?
Answer: Mary is getting this perfume now because she knows that the moment has come to use this perfume.
Question 71: Is this perfume to be used on herself?
Answer: No, this perfume is not to be used on herself.
Question 72: What does Mary do after she has retrieved the perfume from the special place
in her bedroom?
Answer: After Mary has retrieved the perfume from the special place in her bedroom, she
re-enters the dining room where everyone is gathered around the table.
Question 73: What does Mary do when she re-enters the dining room?
Answer: Mary moves behind Jesus when she re-enters the dining room.
Question 74: What does Mary do when she moves behind Jesus?
Answer: Without saying a word, Mary pours the perfume over Jesus’ feet.
Question 75: What does Mary then use as a towel to dry Jesus’ feet with?
Answer: Mary then loosens her hair and uses it as a towel to dry Jesus’ feet with.
Question 76: How does everyone at the table feel about Mary’s actions?
Answer: Everyone at the table is shocked by Mary’s actions.
Question 77: Why is everyone at the table shocked at Mary’s actions?
Answer: Everyone at the table is shocked at Mary’s actions because no woman would
loosen her hair in public.
Question 78: Does Mary care about her dignity?
Answer: No, Mary does not care about her dignity.
Question 79: What does Mary care about?
Answer: All Mary cares about is showing her love and gratitude to Jesus.
Question 80: Who else did show her love and gratitude to Jesus?
Answer: Martha showed her love and gratitude to Jesus by cooking her most special dishes for Him.
Question 81: Who speaks up?
Answer: Judas speaks up.
Question 82: In what way does Judas speak up?
Answer: Judas complains about Mary’s behaviour.
Question 83a: According to John 12:4-6 which one of Jesus’ disciples objected to Mary pouring her perfume over Jesus’ feet?
Answer: According to John 12:4-6 Judas objected to Mary pouring her perfume out over Jesus’ feet.
Question 83b: According to John 12:4-6 why did Judas object to Mary pouring her perfume over Jesus’ feet?
Answer: According to John 12:4-6 Judas objected to Mary pouring her perfume over Jesus’ feet because he thought the perfume should have been sold and the money given to the poor.
Question 83c: According to John 12:4-6 how much was the perfume that Mary had poured over Jesus’ feet worth?
Answer: According to John 12:4-6 the perfume that Mary had poured over Jesus’ feet was worth a year’s wages.
Question 83f: According to John 12:4-6 did Judas say this because he cared for the poor?
Answer: According to John 12:4-6 Judas did not say this because he cared for the poor.
Question 83g: According to John 12:4-6 what was Judas?
Answer: According to John 12:4-6 Judas was a thief.
Question 83h: According to John 12:4-6 what was Judas’ role?
Answer: According to John 12:4-6 Judas was the keeper of the money bag for Jesus and
His disciples.
Question 83i: According to John 12:4-6 what did Judas do with the money entrusted to him
as keeper of the money bag for Jesus and His disciples?
Answer: As keeper of the money bag for Jesus and His disciples Judas helped himself to what was put into it it.
Question 84: How does Jesus respond to Judas’ complaint?
Answer: Jesus tells Judas off for his complaint.
Question 85: Why does Jesus tell Judas off for his complaint?
Answer: Jesus tells Judas off for his complaint because He knows the reason why Mary poured the perfume on His feet.
Question 86a: According to John 12:7-8 what did Jesus say to Judas in relation to Mary?
Answer: According to John 12:7-8 Jesus told Judas to leave Mary alone.
Question 86b: According to John 12:7-8 what did Jesus say about this perfume?
Answer: According to John 12:7-8 Jesus said to Judas that it was intended that Mary should save this perfume for His burial.
Question 86c: According to John 12:7-8 what did Jesus say to Judas in relation to the poor?
Answer: According to John 12:7-8 Jesus said to Judas that they would always have the poor among them.
Question 86d: According to John 12:7-8 what did Jesus say to Judas in relation to Him?
Answer: According to John 12:7-8 Jesus said to Judas that they would not always have Him among them.
Question 87: What does Jesus understand about Mary’s actions?
Answer: Jesus understands that Mary has poured her perfume on His feet and has dried His feet with her hair to prepare Him for His burial.
Question 88: Does Mary know that the time for Jesus’ crucifixion is near?
Answer: Mary, very likely, knows that the time for His crucifixion is near.
Question 89: Have other disciples grasped that fact?
Answer: Other disciples may not have grasped that fact.
Question 90: What has helped Mary to understand that Jesus has come into the world to die for her and that the time of His death is close at hand?
Answer: Mary’s spending time at the feet of Jesus has helped her to understand that Jesus has come into the world to die for her and that the time of His death is close at hand.
Question 91: Do both Mary and Martha love the Lord?
Answer: Both Mary and Martha love the Lord and show it in their own way.
Question 92: Can you identify more with Martha?
Answer: You may say that you can really identify with Martha for you are a very practical person like she is. You can see yourself doing and saying the same things that she did.
Question 93: Can you identify more with Mary?
Answer: You may say that you can identify more with Mary for you love to sit and pray and meditate on God’s Word.
Question 94: Can you learn from both women?
Answer: You can learn from both women.
Question 95: What can Mary teach those of you who are more practical?
Answer: Mary can teach those of you who are more practical to sit at the feel of Jesus.
Question 96: Can you literally sit at the feet of Jesus today?
Answer: You cannot literally sit at the feet of Jesus today but you can sense His Presence with you when you read His Word and when you pray.
Question 97: Does the Lord want you to be like Mary only and sit at His feet 24 hours a day,
7 days a week so you can learn from Him?
Answer: No, the Lord does not only want you to sit at His feet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so you can learn from Him but He wants you to be like Martha as well.
Question 98: How does the Lord want you to be like Martha as well?
Answer: The Lord wants you to be like Martha as well by doing the things He has prepared
for you to do.
Question 99a: According to Ephesians 2:10 what are we?
Answer: According to Ephesians 2:10 we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus.
Question 99b: According to Ephesians 2:10 what are we to do as God’s workmanship?
Answer: According to Ephesians 2:10 as God’s workmanship we are to do good works.
Question 99c: According to Ephesians 2:10 who has prepared the good works we are to do?
Answer: According to Ephesians 2:10 God has prepared in advance the good works we are
to do.
Question 100: When will God begin to give you a sense what He has for you to do?
Answer: God will begin to give you a sense what He has for you to do when you spend time
in His Presence, reading His Word and praying.
Question 101: Will God give you the ability to do whatever it is He has prepared for you to do?
Answer: God will give you the ability to do whatever it is He has for you to do.
Question 102: Does that mean you will be able to do whatever God has for you to do and be
a blessing to others?
Answer: It will mean you will be able to do whatever God has for you to do and do it well and be a blessing to others.