One of the enemies of the nation of Israel is a people named the Philistines. They have been Israel's enemies for a very long time. In Judges 3:1-4 you can read of the reason for their existence
These are the nations the Lord left to test all those Israelites who had not experienced any of the wars in Canaan (He did this only to teach warfare to the descendants of the Israelites who had not had previous battle experience); the five rulers of the Philistines, all the Canaanites, the Sidonians and the Hivites living in the Lebanon mountains from Mount Baal Hermon to Lebo Hamath. They were left to test the Israelites to see whether they would obey the Lord's commands, which He had given their forefathers through Moses.
God has a very specific reason as to why He has allowed this specific enemy to still be able to attack Israel; He wants each generation of Israelites to know they are not just part of any nation who can do what they want and follow after any god they choose. Instead, each generation of Israelites needs to know they are part of a nation specifically called by Him to worship only Him. Each generation is to be known as the people of the God of Israel and the army in each generation is to be known as the army of the God of Israel. No other nation around them is known as the people of the God of Israel and no army of any of these nations can claim to be the army of the God of Israel. Their enemies know that, including the army of the Philistines. They know that the Israelites serve a mighty God and that their army is not just an ordinary army but an extra-ordinary army because of the God they serve. After all, they have lost a number of battles when fighting the Israelites.
We have one example in Judges 15 which tells us how an Israelite named Samson attacked one thousand Philistines. You can read this in Judges 15:14-15
As he (Samson) approached Lehi, the Philistines came toward him shouting. The Spirit of the Lord came upon him in power. The ropes on his arms became like charred flax, and the bindings dropped from his hands. Finding a fresh jawbone of a donkey, he grabbed it and struck down a thousand men.
We know too from Judges 16:30 that at the end of his life Samson killed more Philistines than he has killed before.
Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple of the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived.
And we have another example of the Israelites defeating the Philistines in I Samuel 7 when Israel was under the leadership of the prophet Samuel,, as you can read in I Samuel 7:10
While Samuel was sacrificing the burn offering, the Philistines drew near ti engage Israel in battle. But that day the Lord thundered with loud thunder against the Philistines and threw them into such a panic that they were routed before the Israelites.
In fact, the Philistines stopped invading Israel altogether, at least for quite some time, as you can read in 1 Samuel 7:13
So the Philistines were subdued and did not invade Israelite territory again.
But as time goes on the Philistines decide to attack the Israelites once again, as you can read in I Samuel 17:1-7
Now the Philistines gathered their forces for war and assembled at Socoh in Judah. They pitched camp at Ephes Dammim, between Socoh and Azekah. Saul and the Israelites assembled and camped in the valley of Elah and drew up their battle line to meet the Philistines. The Philistines occupied one hill and the Israelites another, with the valley between them. A champion named Goliath, who was from Gath, came out of the Philistine camp. He was over nine feet tall. He had a bronze helmet on his head and wore a coat of scale armour of bronze weighing five thousand shekels; on his legs he wore bronze greaves, and a bronze javelin was slung on his back. His spear shaft was like a weaver’s rod, and its iron point weighed six hundred shekels. His shield bearer went ahead of him.
The Philistines decide that in order for them to win they must devise a method by which the army of Israel will not remember they are the army of God and will, therefore, not rely on the power of God to help them have the victory. And in the passage we have just read, it seems the Philistines have found the perfect method or the perfect instrument to make the Israelites forget they are God's army. That instrument is a giant named Goliath. And he truly is a giant of a man for he is over nine feet tall. His height is sufficient in itself to make the army of Israel feel defeated. But it is not just his height that causes them to forget who they really are; it is his voice as well for his voice is loud as, you know from I Samuel 17:8-10
Goliath stood and shouted to the ranks of Israel, “Why do you come out and line up for battle? Am I not a Philistine and are you not the servants of Saul? Choose a man and have him come down to me. If he is able to fight and kill me, we will become your subjects; but if I overcome him and kill him, you will become our subjects and serve us.” Then the Philistine said, “This day I defy the ranks of Israel! Give me a man and let us fight each other.”
The Israelite army have heard his shouts every morning since they have gathered for battle. Each morning the message has been the same; he calls them the servants of Saul and challenges them to a battle. Perhaps the first few days they may have questioned his remark for they know they are not the servants of Saul; they are the servants of their God. But then as time goes on doubt has begun to set in and they have begun to believe that he may be right after all, and that they are just servants of Saul for they know no one among them who can fight this man; he is just too tall and too strong and too loud, as you can read in I Samuel 17:11
On hearing the Philistine’s words, Saul and all the Israelites were dismayed and terrified.
The Israelite army may well have forgotten that they are God's army but God has not forgotten. And He knows something has to be done to remind His army who they really are. So God goes to work. And, as God so often does, He uses natural circumstances, for He uses the concerns of a man named Jesse for his sons to fulfil His plans.
Let's read I Samuel 17:17-19
Now Jesse said to his son David, "Take this ephah of roasted grain and these ten loaves of bread for your brothers and hurry to their camp. Take along these ten cheeses to the commander of their unit. See how your brothers are and bring back some assurance from them. They are with Saul and all the men of Israel in the Valley of Elah, fighting against the Philistines.”
And so David sets off for the camp, as you can read in I Samuel 17:20-22
Early in the morning David left the flock with a shepherd, loaded up and set out, as Jesse had directed. He reached the camp as the army was going out to its battle positions, shouting the war cry. Israel and the Philistines were drawing up their lines facing each other. David left his things with the keeper of supplies, ran to the battle lines and greeted his brothers.
While he is there, speaking to his brothers, Goliath appears on the scene shouting his usual defiance, as you can read in I Samuel 17:23-24
As he was talking with them, Goliath the Philistine champion from Gath, stepped out from his lines and shouted his usual defiance, and David heard it. When the Israelites saw the man, they all ran from him in great fear.
David hears Goliath for God has made certain that David does not appear at the scene too early or too late but arrives just at the right time to hear Goliath shout his usual defiance. The other Israelites hear Goliath as well and all they do is run. But not David for David knows that this man Goliath, huge as he is, is nothing more than an uncircumcised Philistine, as you can read in I Samuel 17:26b
….. Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?
And how dare this uncircumcised Philistine defy the army of the living God. For that is what they are; the army of the living God, not the army of Saul as Goliath has been able to convince them. And God has send David to remind the army of Israel who they really are; the army of the God of Israel.
It is now time for action and David, who is not a soldier but a shepherd, looks for the kind of weaponry that he can use successfully, as you can read in I Samuel 17:40
Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in his shepherd’s bag and with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine.
Goliath is not impressed with David’s appearance, as you can read in I Samuel 17:41-44
Meanwhile, the Philistine, with his shield bearer in front of him, kept coming closer to David. He looked David over and saw that he was only a boy, ruddy and handsome, and he despised him. He said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?” And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. “Come here,” he said, “and I’ll give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field.”
Goliath looks at David with natural eyes but he does not realise that David does not rely on his own strength but on the strength of the Lord, as you can know from I Samuel 17:45-48
David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will hand you over to me and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give all of you into our hands.” As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him.
It is time for David to use the particular weaponry he has selected, as you can read in I Samuel 17:49-50
Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell face down on the ground. So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.
And so God's instrument David kills the Philistine's instrument Goliath with nothing more than a stone. His actions so encourage the Israelite army that they pursue the Philistine army and defeat them, as you can read in I Samuel 17:52a
Then the men of Israel and Judah surged forward with a shout and pursued the Philistines to the entrance of Gath and to the gates of Ekron….
This is such a great story. But it is not just a great story, it is a story you can learn so much from. After all, you too, as a believer, are part of the army of God, and you too may feel so defeated at times by the challenges you face on a daily basis that you may forget who you are and forget to rely on God's power to help you be victorious in your battles. Now you will know that your battles are not physical battles as was the case with the Israelite army. Your battles are spiritual battles and you will need spiritual weaponry in order to be victorious, which is described in Ephesians 6:10-17
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, put on the full armour of God so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground and, after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Your weapon against the enemy is the sword of the Spirit or the word of God, as you can read in Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Moreover, as a believer, you need to make sure that you are dressed in the armour of God to protect you against the onslaughts of the enemy.
The first piece of this armour is the belt of truth. This refers to Jesus being the Truth, as you can read in John 14:6
Jesus answers, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.”
The next piece of this armour is the breastplate of righteousness. This speaks of the fact that, as a believer, you are righteous in Christ, according to II Corinthians 5:21
God made Him who had no sin to become sin for us so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.
Then Paul mentions that your feet are to be fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace, for Jesus said in John 14:27
Peace I leave with you. My peace I give you.
Thereafter, you are told to take up the shield of faith for, according to II Corinthians 5:7
We live by faith, not by sight.
Next you are to take the helmet of salvation for, according to I Thessalonians 5:9
God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.
As a believer, you need to remember that His power to overcome the enemy is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All you need to do is to be obedient to God, be dressed in the armour of God and use the sword of the Spirit to defeat the enemy. Jesus used the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God to defeat Satan when Satan attacked Him in the desert, as you can read in Luke 4:1-13
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert, where for forty days He was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them He was hungry. The devil said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written: “Man does not live on bread alone.” The devil led Him up to a high place and showed Him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to Him, “I will give You all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if You worship me, it will all be Yours.” Jesus answered, “It is written: “Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.” The devil led him up to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If You are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down from here. For it is written: “He will command His angels concerning You to guard You carefully; they will lift You up in their hands, so that You will not strike your feet against a stone.” Jesus answered, “It says: “Do not put the Lord your God to the test.” When the devil had finished all his tempting, he left Him until an opportune time.
You must learn to use the same method when attacked by the enemy so you too will be as victorious against the enemy as David was against Goliath. God wants you to know that no matter the kind of battle you face, God will enable you to be victorious. All you need to do is to use the weaponry He has given you. This weaponry may not look powerful in the eyes of the world but it is powerful in God’s eyes. It will, therefore, cause you to be triumphant over your enemy and will give God the glory He so richly deserves.
Question 1: Which people are one of the enemies of the nation of Israel?
Answer: The Philistines are one of the enemies of the nation of Israel.
Question 2: For how long have the Philistines been Israel’s enemies?
Answer: The Philistines have been Israel’s enemies for a very long time.
Question 3a: According to Judges 3:1-4 which are the nations the Lord left to test all those Israelites who had not experiences any of the wars in Canaan?
Answer: According to Judges 3:1-4 the Lord left the five rulers of the Philistines, all the Canaanites, the Sidonians and the Hivites living in the Lebanon mountains from Mount Hermon to Lebo Hamath.
Question 3b: According to Judges 3:1-4 why were these nations left to test the Israelites?
Answer: According to Judges 3:1-4 these nations were left to test the Israelites to see whether they would obey the Lord’s command, which He had given their forefathers through Moses.
Question 4: What does God want each generation of Israelites to know?
Answer: God wants each generation of Israelites to know they are not just part of any nation who can do what they want and follow after any god they choose.
Question 5: Who is each generation of Israelites specifically called to worship?
Answer: God wants each generation of Israelites to know they are part of a nation specifically called to worship only Him.
Question 6: How is each generation of Israelites to be known as?
Answer: Each generation of Israelites is to be known as the people of the God of Israel.
Question 7: How is the army of each generation of Israelites to be known as?
Answer: The army of each generation of Israelites is to be known as the army of the God of Israel.
Question 8: Is any other nation known as the people of the God of Israel?
Answer: No other nation is known as the people of the God of Israel.
Question 9: Can any of the other armies claim to be the army of the God of Israel?
Answer: No other army can claim to be army of the God of Israel.
Question 10: Do the enemies of the Israelites know that the army of Israel is the army of the God of Israel?
Answer: The enemies know that the army of Israel is the army of the God of Israel.
Question 11: Does the army of the Philistines know that the army of Israel is the army of the God of Israel?
Answer: The army of the Philistines know that the army of Israel.
Question 12: What does the army of the Philistines know about the army of Israel?
Answer: The army of the Philistines know that the army of Israel is not just an ordinary army but an extra-ordinary army because of the God they serve.
Question 13: Has the army of the Philistines lost any battles when fighting the Israelites?
Answer: The army of the Philistines has lost a number of battles when fighting the Israelites.
Question 14a: According to Judges 15:14-15 who attacked the Philistines?
Answer: According to Judges 15:14-15 Samson attacked the Philistines.
Question 14b: According to Judges 15:14-15 what came upon Samson in power?
Answer: According to Judges 15:14-15 the Spirit of the Lord came upon Samson in power.
Question 14c: According to Judges 15:14-15 what happened when the Spirit of the Lord came upon Samson in power?
Answer: According to Judges 15:14-15 the ropes on Samson’s arms became like charred flax and the binding dropped from his hands when the Spirit of the Lord came upon Samson.
Question 14d: According to Judges 15:14-15 what did Samson grab?
Answer: According to Judges 15:14-15 Samson grabbed a jawbone of a donkey.
Question 14e: According to Judges 15:14-15 how many Philistines did Samson struck down with the jawbone of a donkey?
Answer: According to Judges 15:14-15 Samson struck down a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey.
Question 15a: According to Judges 16:30 what happened when Samuel pushed with all his might?
Answer: According to Judges 16:30 the temple of the rulers came down when Samuel pushed with all his might.
Question 15b: According to Judges 16:30 how many Philistines were killed by Samson that day?
Answer: According to Judges 16:30 many more Philistines were killed that day than previously.
Question 16: Did the Israelites defeat the Philistines when Israel was under the leadership of Samuel?
Answer: The Israelites defeated the Philistines when Israel was under the leadership of the prophet Samuel.
Question 17a: According to I Samuel 7:10 who was sacrificing a burnt offering?
Answer: According to I Samuel 7:10 Samuel was sacrificing a burnt offering.
Question 17b: According to I Samuel 7:10 while Samuel was offering the burnt offering who was drawing near?
Answer: According to I Samuel 7:10 the Philistines were drawing near while Samuel was offering the burnt offering.
Question 17c: According to I Samuel 7: 10 why were the Philistines drawing near?
Answer: According to I Samuel 7:10 the Philistines were drawing near to engage Israel in battle
Question 17d: According to I Samuel 7:10 how did the Lord respond?
Answer: According to I Samuel 7:10 the Lord responded by thundering against the Philistines.
Question 17e: According to I Samuel 7:10 what happened to the Philistines when the Lord thundered against them?
Answer: According to I Samuel 7:10 the Philistines were thrown into a panic when the Lord thundered against them and were routed before the Israelites.
Question 18: Did the Philistines continue invading Israel?
Answer: The Philistines stopped invading Israel, at least for some time.
Question 19: According to I Samuel 7:13 who were subdued by the Israelites?
Answer: According to I Samuel 7:13 the Philistines were subdued and did not invade Israelite territory again.
Question 20: What do the Philistines decide to do once again?
Answer: The Philistines decide to attack Israel once again.
Question 21a: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 who gather their forces for war?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 the Philistines gather their forces for war.
Question 21b: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 who assemble?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 Saul and the Israelites assemble.
Question 21c: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 what do the Philistines occupy?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 the Philistines occupy one hill.
Question 21d: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 what do the Israelites occupy?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 the Israelites occupy another hill.
Question 21e: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 what is between the Philistines and the Israelites?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 a valley is between the Philistines and the Israelites.
Question 21f: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 who comes out of the camp of the Philistines?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 a champion named Goliath comes out of the camp of the Philistines.
Question 21g: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 where is Goliath from?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 Goliath is from a place called Gath.
Question 21h: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 how tall is Goliath?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 Goliath is over nine feet tall.
Question 21i: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 how much does Goliath’s coat of scale armour of bronze weigh?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 Goliath’s coat of scale armour weighs five thousand shekels.
Question 21j: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 how much does the iron point of Goliath’s spear shaft weigh?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 the iron point of Goliath’s spear shaft weighs six hundred shekels.
Question 21k: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 who goes ahead of Goliath?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:1-7 Goliath’s shield bearer goes ahead of him.
Question 22: What do the Philistines decide they must do in order to win?
Answer: The Philistines decide that in order for them to win they must device a method by which the army of Israel will not remember they are the army of God.
Question 23: What will happen if the army of Israel does not remember they are the army of God?
Answer: The army of Israel will not rely on the power of God to help them have the victory if they do not remember they are the army of God.
Question 24: Does it seem the Philistines have found the perfect method or the perfect instrument to make the Israelites forget they are God’s army?
Answer: It seems the Philistines have found the perfect method or the perfect instrument to make the Israelites forget they are God’s army.
Question 25: What is the instrument of the Philistines?
Answer: The instrument of the Philistines is a giant named Goliath.
Question 26: Is Goliath truly a giant of a man?
Answer: Goliath is truly a giant of a man for he is over nine feet tall.
Question 27: Is Goliath’s height sufficient to make the army of Israel feel defeated?
Answer: Goliath’s height is sufficient to make the army of Israel feel defeated.
Question 28: Is it not just Goliath’s height that causes the army of Israel to forget who they really are?
Answer: It is not just Goliath’s height that causes the army of Israel to forget who they are; it is his voice as well.
Question 29: Why does Goliath’s voice cause the army of Israel to forget who they really are?
Answer: Goliath’s voice causes the army of Israel to forget who they really are because his voice is loud.
Question 30a: According to I Samuel 17:8-10 how does Goliath address the army of Israel?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:8-10 Goliath addresses the army of Israel as servants of Saul.
Question 30b: According to I Samuel 17:8-10 what does Goliath ask the army of Israel to do?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:8-10 Goliath asks the army of Israel to choose a man and have that man come down to him.
Question 30c: According to I Samuel 17:8-10 what is that man to do?
Answer: According to 1 Samuel 17:8-10 that man is to be able to fight and kill Goliath.
Question 30d: According to I Samuel 17:8-10 what will happen if that man kills Goliath?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:8-10 the Philistines will become the subjects of the Israelites if that man is able to kill Goliath.
Question 30e: According to I Samuel 17:8-10 what will happen if that man is not able to kill Goliath?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:8-10 the Israelites will serve the Philistines if that man is not able to kill Goliath.
Question 31: For how long has the Israelite army heard Goliath’s shouts?
Answer: The Israelite army has heard Goliath’s shouts every morning since they have gathered for battle.
Question 32: What has been Goliath’s message each morning?
Answer: Goliath’s message each morning has been that they are the servants of Saul.
Question 33: Will the Israelite army have questioned Goliath’s remark that they are the servants of Saul?
Answer: Perhaps the first few days the Israelite army may have questioned Goliath’s remark.
Question 34: Why will the Israelite army have questioned Goliath’s remark?
Answer: The Israelite army may have questioned Goliath’s remark because they know they are not the servants of Saul; they are the servants of their God.
Question 35: As times goes on what has happened to the Israelite army?
Answer: As time goes on doubt has begun to set in
Question 36: What has the Israelite army begun to believe?
Answer: The Israelite army has begun to believe that Goliath may be right after all and that they are just servants of Saul.
Questions 37: Why has the Israelite army begun to believe that Goliath may be right after all that they are just servants of Saul?
Answer: The Israelite army has begun to believe that Goliath may be right after all that they are just servants of Saul for they know no one among them who can fight this man.
Question 38: Why does the Israelite army not know anyone among them who can fight Goliath?
Answer: The Israelite army know no one among them who can fight Goliath because he is just too tall and too strong and too loud.
Question 39: According to I Samuel 17:11 how do Saul and the Israelites feel about the words of Goliath?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:11 Saul and all the Israelites are dismayed and terrified.
Question 40: Has God forgotten that the Israelite army is His army?
Answer: The Israelite army may have forgotten that they are God’s army but God has not forgotten that they are His army.
Question 41: Does God know something has to be done to remind His army who they really are?
Answer: God knows that He has to remind His army who they really are.
Question 42: What does God do to remind His army who they really are?
Answer: God goes to work to remind His army who they really are.
Question 43: What does God do to remind His army who they really are?
Answer: God used natural circumstances to remind His army who they really are.
Question 44: What natural circumstances does God use to remind His army who they really are?
Answer: God uses the concerns of a man named Jesse for his sons to fulfill His plans.
Question 45a: According to I Samuel 17:17-19 to whom does Jesse speak?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:17-19 Jesus speaks to his son David.
Question 45b: According to I Samuel 17:17-19 what does Jesse want David to do?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:17-19 Jesse wants David to bring food to his brothers.
Question 45c: According to I Samuel 17:17-19 where are David’s brothers?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:17-19 David’s brothers are at the camp.
Question 45d: According to I Samuel 17:17-19 what does Jesse wants David to do as well?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:17-19 Jesse wants David to find out if his brothers are safe.
Question 45e: According to I Samuel 17:17-19 who does Jesse tell David his brothers are with?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:17-19 Jesse tells David his brothers are with Saul and all the men of Israel.
Question 45f: According to I Samuel 17:17-19 what does Jesse tell David his brothers are doing?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:17-19 Jesse tells David his brothers are fighting against the Philistines.
Question 46a: According to I Samuel 17:20-22 who does David leave in the care of a shepherd?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:20-22 David leaves the flock in the care of a shepherd.
Question 46b: According to I Samuel 17:20-22 when does David leave the flock in the care of a shepherd?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:20-22 David leaves the flock in the care of a shepherd early in the morning.
Question 46c: According to I Samuel 17:20-22 when does David reach the camp?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:20-22 David reaches the camp as the army is going out to its battle position.
Question 46d: According to 1 Samuel 17:20-22 what is the army doing when it is going into battle positions?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:20-22 the army is shouting the war cry when it is going into battle positions.
Question 46e: According to I Samuel 17:20-22 what does David do when he arrives at the camp?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:20-22 David leaves his things with the keeper of supplies and runs to the battle lines.
Question 46f: According to I Samuel 17:20-22 why does David run to the battle lines?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:20-22 David runs to the battle lines to greet his brothers.
Question 47: While David is speaking with his brothers who appears on the scene?
Answer: While David is speaking with his brothers Goliath appears on the scene.
Question 48: What does Goliath do when he appears?
Answer: Goliath shouts his usual defiance when he appears.
Question 49a: According to I Samuel 17:23-24 when Goliath shouts his usual defiance who hears it?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:23-24 when Goliath shouts his usual defiance David hears it.
Question 49b: According to I Samuel 17: 23-24 when Goliath shouts his usual defiance what do the Israelites do?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:23-24 when Goliath shouts his usual defiance the Israelites run from him in great fear.
Question 50: Who has made certain that David arrives just at the right time to hear Goliath shout his usual defiance?
Answer: God has made certain that David arrives just at the right time to hear Goliath shout his usual defiance.
Questions 51: Do the other Israelites hear Goliath shout his usual defiance as well?
Answer: The other Israelites hear Goliath shout his usual defiance as well.
Question 52: What do the other Israelites do when they hear Goliath shout his usual defiance?
Answer: All the other Israelites do is run when they hear Goliath shouts his usual defiance.
Question 53: Does David run as well when he hears Goliath shout his usual defiance?
Answer: David does not run when he hears Goliath shout his usual defiance.
Question 54: Why does David not run when he hears Goliath shout his usual defiance?
Answer: David does not run when he hears Goliath shout his usual defiance because he knows that this man Goliath, huge as he is, is nothing more than an uncircumcised Philistine.
Question 55a: According to I Samuel 17:26b how does David call Goliath?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:26b David calls Goliath “this uncircumcised Philistine”.
Question 55b: According to I Samuel 17:26b what does David remind the Israelites of?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:26b David reminds the Israelites they are the armies of the living God.
Question 56: What does David make clear to all those present?
Answer: David makes clear to all those present that this uncircumcised Philistine will never defy the army of the living God.
Question 57: What does David help the Israelites remember?
Answer: David helps the Israelites remember that they are the army of the living God.
Question 58: Who has been able to convince the Israelites they are the army of Saul?
Answer: Goliath has been able to convince the Israelites that they are the army of Saul.
Question 59: Who has send David to remind the army of Israel who they really are?
Answer: God has send David to remind the army of Israel who they really are: the army of the God of Israel.
Question 60: What is it now time for?
Answer: It is now time for action.
Question 61: Is David a soldier?
Answer: David is a shepherd.
Question 62: What kind of weaponry is David looking for?
Answer: David is looking for the kind of weaponry that he can successfully use.
Question 63a: According to I Samuel 17:40 what does David choose?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:40 David chooses five smooth stones form the stream.
Question 63b: According to I Samuel 17:40 where does David put the fives smooth stones?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:40 David puts the five smooth stones in his shepherd’s bag.
Question 63c: According to I Samuel 17:40 who does David approach?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:40 David approaches the Philistine, Goliath.
Question 63d: According to I Samuel 17:40 what does David have in his hand when he approaches Goliath?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:40 David has his sling in his hand when he approaches Goliath.
Question 64: Is Goliath impressed with David?
Answer: Goliath is not impressed with David.
Question 65a: According to I Samuel 17:41-44 what does Goliath see when he looks David over?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:41-44 Goliath sees that David is only a boy when he looks him over.
Question 65b: According to I Samuel 17:41-44 how does Goliath feel about David?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:41-44 Goliath despises David.
Question 65c: According to I Samuel 17:41-44 in what way does Goliath say David treats him?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:41-44 Goliath says that David treats him as a dog.
Question 65c: According to I Samuel 17:41-44 why does Goliath say David treats him as a dog?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:41-44 Goliath says that David treats him as a dog because David comes to him with sticks.
Question 65d: According to I Samuel 17:41-44 who does Goliath say he will give David’s flesh to?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:41-44 Goliath says he will give David’s flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field.
Question 66: How does Goliath look at David?
Answer: Goliath looks at David with natural eyes.
Question 67: What does Goliath not realise?
Answer: Goliath does not realise that David does not rely on his own strength.
Question 68: On Whose strength does David rely on?
Answer: David relies on the strength of the Lord.
Question 69a: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 in what way does to the Philistine, Goliath come against David?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 the Philistine, Goliath comes against David with sword and spear and javelin.
Question 69b: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 in what way does David come against the Philistine, Goliath?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 David comes against the Philistine, Goliath in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel whom he has defied.
Question 69c: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 what will the Lord do that day?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 the Lord will hand over the Philistine, Goliath to David that day.
Question 69d: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 what will David do that day?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 David will cut off the head of the Philistine, Goliath that day.
Question 69e: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 what will happen to the carcasses of the Philistine army that day?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 David will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field that day.
Question 69f: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 who will know that there is a God in Israel?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.
Question 69g: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 what will all those gathered there know?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 all those gathered there will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves.
Question 69h: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 to Whom does the battle belong?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 the battle is the Lord’s.
Question 69i: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 Who will give all of the Philistines into the hands of the Israelites?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 the Lord will give all the Philistines into the hands of the Israelites.
Question 69j: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 who runs quickly toward the battle line to meet Goliath?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:45-48 David runs quickly towards the battle line to meet Goliath.
Question 70: What is it time for?
Answer: It is time for David to use the particular weaponry he has selected.
Question 71a: According to I Samuel 17:49-50 what does David do?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:49-50 David reaches into his bag and takes out a stone.
Question 71b: According to I Samuel 17:49-50 what does David do with the stone?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:49-50 David throws the stone with the help of his sling.
Question 71c: According to I Samuel 17:49-50 what happens to the Philistine, Goliath?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:49-50 the Philistine, Goliath is struck by the stone on the forehead.
Question 71d: According to I Samuel 17:49-50 what happens to the Philistine, Goliath after he has been struck by the stone on his forehead?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:49-50 the Philistine, Goliath falls facedown on the ground.
Question 71e: According to I Samuel 17:49-50 who triumphs over the Philistine, Goliath?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:49-50 David triumphs over the Philistine, Goliath.
Question 71f: According to I Samuel 17:49-50 how does David triumph over the Philistine, Goliath?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:49-50 David triumphs over the Philistine, Goliath with a sling and a stone.
Question 71g: According to I Samuel 17: 49-50 does David use a sword to strike down the Philistine, Goliath and kill him?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:49-50 David does not use a sword to strike down the Philistine, Goliath and kill him.
Question 72: Who is God’s instrument?
Answer: David is God’s instrument.
Question 73: Who is the Philistines’ instrument?
Answer: Goliath is the Philistines’ instrument.
Question 74: What do David’s actions do for the Israelite army?
Answer: David’s actions so encourage the Israelite army that they pursue the Philistine army.
Question 75: Is the Israelite army successful in pursuing the Philistine army?
Answer: The Israelite army defeats the Philistine army.
Question 76: According to I Samuel 17:52a what do the men of Israel and Judah do?
Answer: According to I Samuel 17:52a the men of Israel and Judah pursue the Philistines.
Question 77: Is this a story you can learn from?
Answer: It is a story you can learn from.
Question 78: As a believer, which army are you a part of?
Answer: As a believer, you are a part of the army of God.
Question 79: Why can you at times feel defeated?
Answer: You may at times feel defeated by the challenges you face on a daily basis.
Question 80: Can you sometimes forget who you are?
Answer: At times you may forget who you are.
Question 81: Can you at times forget to rely on God’s power to help you be victorious in your battles?
Answer: You may at times forget to rely on God’s power to help you be victorious in your battles.
Question 82: Are your battles physical battles?
Answer: Your battles are spiritual battles.
Question 83: What kind of weaponry will you need in order to be victorious?
Answer: You will need spiritual weaponry in order to be victorious.
Question 84a: According to Ephesians 6:10-17 what are believes to be?
Answer: According to Ephesians 6:10-17 believers are to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.
Question 84b: According to Ephesians 6:10-17 what are believers to put on?
Answer: According to Ephesians 6:10-17 believers are to put on the full armour of God.
Question 84c: According to Ephesians 6:10-17 why are believers to put on the full armour of God?
Answer: According to Ephesians 6:10-17 believers are to put on the full armour of God so that they can take their stand against the devil’s schemes.
Question 84d: According to Ephesians 6:10-17 is the believer’s battle against flesh and blood?
Answer: According to Ephesians 6:10-17 the believer’s battle is not against flesh and blood.
Question 84e: According to Ephesians 6:10-17 who is the believer’s battle against?
Answer: According to Ephesians 6:1-17 the believer’s battle is against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Question 84f: According to Ephesians 6:10-17 what do believers have to wear as their armour of God?
Answer: According to Ephesians 6:1-17 believers are to have the belt of truth buckled around their waist. Moreover, they are to heave the breastplate of righteousness in place. Furthermore, they are to have their feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
Question 84g: According to Ephesians 6:10-17 what are the believers to take up?
Answer: According to Ephesians 6:10-17 believers are to take up the shield of faith with which they are to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And they are to take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Question 85: What is the weapon against the enemy for the believer?
Answer: The weapon against the enemy is the sword of the Spirit, or the word of God.
Question 86a: According to Hebrews 4:12 what is living and active?
Answer: The word of God is living and active.
Question 86b: According to Hebrews 4:12 what does the sword of the Spirit, the word of God penetrates?
Answer: According to Hebrews 4:12 the sword of the Spirit, the word of God penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow.
Question 86c: According to Hebrews 4:12 what does the sword of the Spirit, the word of God judge?
Answer: According to Hebrews 4:12 the sword of the Spirit, the word of God judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Question 87: What does the armour of God protect believers from?
Answer: The armour of God protects believers from the onslaughts of the enemy.
Question 88: What is the first piece of the armour of God?
Answer: The first piece of the armour of God is the belt of truth.
Question 89: Who does the belt of truth refer to?
Answer: The belt of truth refers to Jesus being the Truth.
Question 90: In to John 14:6 how does Jesus refer to Himself?
Answer: In John 14:6 refers to Himself as the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through Him.
Question 91: What is the next piece of the armour of God?
Answer: The next piece of the armour of God is the breastplate of righteousness.
Question 92: What does the breastplace of righteousness speak of?
Answer: The breastplate of righteousness speaks of the fact that the believers are righteous in Christ.
Question 93a: According to II Corinthians 5:21 who has become sin for believers?
Answer: According to II Corinthians 5:21 Christ has become sin for believers.
Question 93b: According to II Corinthians 5:21 how does the fact that Christ has become sin affect believers?
Answer: According to II Corinthians 5:21 the fact that Christ has become sin for believers enables believers to become the righteousness of God in Christ.
Question 94: What does Paul mention our feet are to be fitted with?
Answer: Paul mentions that our feet are to be fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
Question 95: According to John 14:27 what does Jesus promise to give?
Answer: According to John 14:27 Jesus promises to leave His peace with believers, to give His peace to believers.
Question 96: What are believers to take up?
Answer: Believers are to take up the shield of faith.
Question 97: According to II Corinthians 5:7 how are believers to live?
Answer: According to II Corinthians 5:7 believers are to live by faith and not by sight.
Question 98: What are believers to take next?
Answer: Believers are to take the helmet of salvation.
Question 99: According to I Thessalonians 5:9 what has God appointed believers for?
Answer: God has not appointed believers for wrath but to receive salvation through Jesus Christ.
Question 100: Is God’s power to overcome the enemy available at all times for believers?
Answer: God’s power to overcome the enemy is available to believers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Question 101: What do believers need to do?
Answer: Believers need to be obedient to God, be dressed in the armour of God and use the sword of the Spirit to defeat the enemy.
Question 102: Did Jesus use the sword of the Spirit, the word of God to defeat satan when satan attacked Him?
Answer: Jesus uses the sword of the Spirit, the word of God to defeat satan when satan attacked Him.
Question 103a: According to Luke 4:1-13 where was Jesus led to by the Spirit?
Answer: According to Luke 4:1-13 Jesus was led by the Spirit in the desert.
Question 103b: According to Luke 4:1-13 how long was Jesus in the desert?
Answer: According to Luke 4:1-13 Jesus was in the desert for 40 days.
Question 103c; According to Luke 4:1-13 how did Jesus feel after these 40 days?
Answer: According to Luke 4:1-13 Jesus felt hungry after these 40 days.
Question 103d: According to Luke 4:1-13 who tempted Jesus in the desert?
Answer: According to Luke 4:1-13 satan tempted Jesus in the desert.
Question 103e: According to Luke 4:1-13 what did satan question Jesus about?
Answer: According to Luke 4:1-13 satan questioned Jesus if He was the Son of God.
Question 103f: According to Luke 4:1-13 what did the devil then tell Jesus to do?
Answer: According to Luke 4:1-13 the devil then told Jesus to order a stone to become bread.
Question 103g: According to Luke 4:1-13 how did Jesus reply to the devil?
Answer: According to Luke 4:1-13 Jesus replied to the devil that man does not live by bread alone.
Question 103h: According to Luke 4:1-3 what did the devil show Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 4:1-13 the devil showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world.
Question 103i: According to Luke 4:1-13 what did the devil offer Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 4:1-13 the devil offered Jesus all the authority and splendor over the kingdoms of the world for it had been given to him and he could give it to anyone he wanted to.
Question 103j: According to Luke 4:1-13 what did Jesus have to do in order to receive authority and splendor over the kingdoms of the world?
Answer: According to Luke 4:1-13 Jesus had to worship the devil.
Question 103k: According to Luke 4:1-13 how did Jesus answer the devil?
Answer: According to Luke 4:1-13 Jesus answered the devil by telling him, “It is written: “Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.”
Question 103l: According to Luke 4:1-13 where did the devil take Jesus to?
Answer: According to Luke 4:1-13 the devil took Jesus to the highest point of the temple.
Question 103m: According to Luke 4:1-13 what did the devil tell Jesus to do?
Answer: According to Luke 4:1-13 the devil told Jesus to throw Himself down from there.
Question 103n: According to Luke 4:1-13 what did the devil tell Jesus God would command His angels concerning Him to do?
Answer: According to Luke 4:1-13 the devil told Jesus that God would command His angels concerning Him to guard Him carefully.
Question 103o: According to Luke 4:1-13 how were God’s angels to guard Jesus?
Answer: According to Luke 4:1-13 God’s angels were to lift up Jesus in their hands so that He would not strike His feet against a stone.
Question 103p: According to Luke 4:1-13 how did Jesus reply to the devil?
Answer; According to Luke 4:1-13 Jesus replied to the devil that you are not to put the Lord your God to the test.
Question 103q: According to Luke 4:1-13 did the devil tempt Jesus any further?
Answer: According to Luke 4:1-13 the devil left Jesus until an opportune time.
Question 104: What must you learn to do when you are attacked by the enemy?
Answer: You must learn to use the same method Jesus used when you are attacked by the enemy.
Question 105: Why must you learn to use the same method Jesus used when you are attacked by the enemy?
Answer: You must learn to use the same method that Jesus used when you are attacked by the enemy so you will be as victorious against the enemy as David was against Goliath.
Question 106: Who will enable you to be victorious?
Answer: God will enable you to be victorious no matter what kind of battle you may face.
Question 107: What do you need to do in order to be victorious?
Answer: You need to use the weaponry God has provided in order to be victorious.
Question 108: Does this weaponry look powerful in the eyes of the world?
Answer: This weaponry may not look powerful in the eyes of the world but it is powerful in God’s eyes.
Question 109: Will this weaponry cause you to be triumphant over your enemy?
Answer: This weaponry will cause you to be triumphant over your enemy.
Question 110: Who will receive the glory?
Answer: God will receive the glory He so richly deserves.